I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 574: Under deep water

The fisherman is not stupid. To prevent accidents, he tied the twine to the bow of the boat. If something went wrong, the person on the shore could pull the twine to pull the boat back.

"You two are watching on the shore. With a big light on my side, you pull back." He turned on the fishing light he carried with him, took a deep breath, and jumped onto the boat.

The water surface was dark, and no one knew what was hidden underneath, and it looked scary.

His body rocked with the boat, and the fishing man sat down slowly, put the harpoon in a convenient position, and clamped the fishing light between his legs. After doing this, he picked up the oar.

"Would you like to think about it again?" The twine guarded by Zhang Dapo, he was really worried that the fishing man would not return, caught so many fish, and finally buried in the belly of the fish. This would be a bit miserable.

"Some fish become more active at night, and the fish king only bites the hook at night, indicating that it is this type of fish, and dragging it back is even more dangerous." The fishing man calmed down, holding the paddle in his hands, slowly Row the boat off the shore.

"This guy is really dead." Chen Ge rarely comment on others like this. He is not good at water, and if he is changed to him, he will definitely not take the fish in the past.

He was not afraid of evil spirits and ghosts, but at this time he looked at the rolling dark water, and he also had an indescribable fear.

It was almost an instinctive reaction. There was a voice in his mind reminding him that there was something under the water. This reservoir was very dangerous. It is best not to get close.

The fishing men are farther and farther away from Chen Ge, but what's worse is that the fish floats along with the water and drifts further and further away.

At the beginning, it was only six or seven meters away from the shore. Now it has drifted to ten meters away.

The fishing man sat back to Chen Ge, letting go of his worries, and struggling to row, the boat approached the place where the night light floated.

The huge reservoir, quiet and scary, Chen Ge and Zhang Dapo on the shore both held their breath and watched the fishing man.

Both of them have seen the fish king bite, knowing that there is indeed a monster in this reservoir.

The night was dark, the moon was not seen, the sky was blocked by overcast clouds, the water surface in the reservoir was also dark, the sky and the water surface were like open mouths, and the fishing man was struggling to draw deep into the mouth.

"It's almost time." Sitting on the boat, the fisherman's eyes were fixed on the luminous float not far away. He clenched his teeth and forced himself not to look at the surrounding water.

"There will be no accident. The fish king is frightened. At this time, he should avoid the boat. When the police came to retrieve the body at night, this ghost thing was avoided." The fisherman comforted himself in his heart, his hand movements Faster and faster, dare not delay.

The surroundings were so quiet that I could only hear the thumping sound of the oar hitting the water, which made the fishing man inexplicably irritable.

"The fish float seems to be drifting forward. The direction of the water flow is very unfavorable to me, but fortunately, the twine is very long. I just need to retrieve it before the twine is straightened."

Hemp rope is tied to the pile at one end and tied to the bow at the other end, connecting the boat to the shore like a safety rope.

It may be due to the effect of water flow, and there has always been a distance between the man and the fish float.

The boat drew farther and farther, and slowly Zhang Dapo felt wrong: "He is ten meters away from us, but the longest rope in my warehouse is only ten meters. Is it how many ropes did he hit together?"

Suspiciously, Zhang Dapo reached out and grabbed the hemp rope sinking under the water. He tried to pull it back, without much resistance.

"not good!"

He screamed, pulling the rope back quickly with both hands, and found that the hemp rope connecting the shore and the boat had somehow been broken!

"Come back! The rope has been bitten off!" Zhang Dapo panicked, he hurriedly shouted at the fishing man.

Chen Ge didn't expect such an accident. He looked at the broken rope of the hemp rope, which was uneven. It didn't seem to be cut by a knife, but instead it was bitten by something.

"It's not easy to bite the hemp rope in such a short time." Chen Ge reached out and touched the edge of the hemp rope. The rope might be immersed in water for a long time, exuding a faint smell Smell, he focused on checking the fracture and found that there were also dense marks on the rope near the fracture.

"It's not like a fish biting, it's a bit like a lot of fish rushing up and biting it out together." Chen Ge always felt that the tooth mark looked strange, but it was not strange to say it.

Zhang Dapo is still desperately calling out the fishing man, but the fishing man seems to be completely inaudible.

"Have you been evil?"

When Zhang Dapo was in a hurry and couldn't help, the fishing man finally approached the luminous drift.

"There are only two meters left!" The fishing man sat back to Chen Ge and Zhang Dapo. He didn't look back. He only knew that the hemp rope was connected to the shore pile. When the rope reached the limit, the boat would be roped. Hold it, now he can continue to move forward, indicating that it is not more than ten meters away from the river bank.

"Come back!"

There was a faint voice behind him, but the fishing man seemed to be confused by his mind. His dead fish eyes were fixed on the night light drift.

Only one meter left.

He moved forward, sat down on the bow, and raised the fishing light.

The light was shining on the water, and he found that even at that time, the night light drift was still moving forward, and the direction of the flutter did not seem to be completely consistent with the direction of the water flow, as if something under the fish float was dragging it slowly forward. same.

The fisherman looked at the luminous drift and felt a ridiculous feeling in his heart.

It seems that the night light drift is like the fish king deliberately put down and used to catch his own.

The specially crafted fish floats close, the man no longer hesitates, he raises the fishing light.

The light penetrated the water, and there was nothing near the luminous drift.

"False alarm."

The man held the fishing light in one hand and reached the water with the other.

When his hand was about to touch the fish float, the water near the boat suddenly fluctuated.

Immediately afterwards, under the illumination of the fishing lights, the man found that a large shadow beneath the fish float was rapidly rising!

Fish King!

The fishing men's luminous floats can't help but pick up ~ www.readwn.com ~ grabbed the harpoon on the boat.

But when he took the harpoon and looked at it again, the shadow under the water disappeared again.

"Where did you go?"

Before he could take a breath, the boat rocked violently, as if there was something to tip the boat.

"Under the ship!"

The fishing man squatted down to lower his center of gravity, but the fishing light placed on the head of the bed slipped off the boat and fell into the water.


The man watched the fishing lights begin to sink, he was very decisive, and then the last light, reached out to grab the night light, and then turned back to the shore and shouted: "Quick! Pull me back!"

When he turned around, he realized that he didn't know when he had run far away from the shore.

And the bottom of the luminous float in his hand was also connected with a fishing line, which was covered with black hair with a smell.

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