I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 575: Too much


Why is the fish line covered with hair?

The fishing man has been fishing for more than ten years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. At this time, his brain is completely ignorant, and his eyes are subconsciously staring at the fish line. .

The fishing light slowly sinks, and as the light moves downward, the fishing man sees a shadow rising.

Not too clear. I can only vaguely see a rough outline, no fins, no tail, but it seems to have limbs.


When there was only one idea left in my mind, the hull was hit again, and the man was completely panicked. He took out the knife he carried with him and cut off the fish line, and drove towards the shore like crazy.

"Pull me back! Hurry!"

He paddled the oars desperately, but the hull was still, and the black hair with a smelly smell climbed onto the hull.

"What the **** is this?"

Not only did the boat not approach the shore, it was even pulled towards the center of the reservoir.

As soon as the man looked anxious, he grabbed the bucket next to it, sprinkled the specially prepared bait inside, and sprinkled it far away, and finally threw it out with the bucket.

No one knew what his bait was made of, but the strange thing was that after the bait was thrown out, the dark hair on the boat quietly dispersed, and the shadow moved quickly towards the place where the bait was thrown.


The man grabbed the oar and was about to paddle to the shore. When he turned around, he saw a horror scene that would make his life unforgettable.

At the bottom of the reservoir, a puffy thing like black water plants floated up from under the water surface, swarming the bait thrown at him.

"This, so many ..."

His hands and feet were cold and his body was trembling. The man never dared to look back. He grabbed the oar with both hands and paddled toward the shore.

"Save me, save me!"

The underwater things were attracted by the bait deployed by the fishing man, and he was temporarily let go. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man escaped.

He desperately rowed the boat back to the shore, and climbed up to the shore.

The shock was undecided, the cold sweat of the fishing man. He sat far away from the river bank and gasped.

"Did you see the fish king?" Zhang Dapo was startled by the man's reaction and hurried to the fishing man.

The man waved his hands frantically. His lips were blue and trembling. He couldn't say a complete word.

"Say, what did you see? When you first arrived on the ship, didn't you still say that you were holding a harpoon, and saw that the king of fish just caught it? Why did you now?

"No fish king, it wasn't the fish king who was underwater just now!" The fishing male voice intermittently, mixed with his own breathing.

"Not the fish king? What is that?"

"People! It's a person!" The Diaoyu shouted wildly, his mood very unstable.

While he was communicating with Zhang Dapo, Chen Ge turned on the bright light on his mobile phone and shone towards the boat.

A specially made luminous drift rolls down the corner of the boat. This fish float is much larger than the fish float on the market. Chen Ge took a few steps forward with curiosity.

He saw something black like hair in the stern.

Chen Ge was very courageous, he had just dared to stand by the water just after something happened in the reservoir.

Looking at the dark water, no one knows if there are any strange monsters hiding underneath.

The pupil narrowed, Chen Ge reached into his cold water and grabbed the twine.

He dragged the boat to the shore and fixed it to the pile.

After doing all this, he found that the angler's emotions had not stabilized, and Zhang Dapo did not notice him.

"It's an opportunity."

Chen Ge pressed the switch of the repeater and jumped to the boat.

Chen Ge was still not very comfortable with his body shaking.

He picked up the luminous drift in the corner. This fish float is no different from the fish float on the market, but it is relatively large and looks more conspicuous: "It feels very slippery, with a layer of ointment on the surface and a gap in the middle. open."

With both hands, Chen Ge unscrewed the luminous light, and a faint smell came out.

The scene in front of him was unexpected, a little finger was stuffed in the fish float.

The wound has solidified and there are no plaques. It is difficult to judge the time of the cut.

"Fish stuffed with fingers, what bait was he using?" Chen Ge vaguely understood why the "fish king" would only bite this person's hook, his bait is really special.

Picking up the rag on the boat, Chen Ge wiped the fish off his fingerprints, and then put it back in place.

Then as if nothing had happened, he jumped to the shore and walked towards the fishing man with a trace of disgust.

While walking, the expression on Chen Ge's face also slowly changed. By the time the man was around, he had returned to normal.

The fishing man was terrified, clutching Zhang Dapo's arm tightly, and said incoherently: "Human! Like a grass, floating upward one by one!"

"Send it to the hospital, he thought it was a problem with his brain." The fishing man showed the same symptoms as those tourists who did not enter the haunted house with bad intentions. Chen Ge just glanced casually and gave his treatment advice.

"Okay." Zhang Dapo finally lifted the fishing man, and the other party pushed him away: "I didn't lie to you! That's not a fish king! It's a human!"

"Is the fish king perfect?" Zhang Dapo smiled bitterly: "You calm down, go to the hospital first."

"What hospital? Laozi is not ill!" The man pushed open Dapo again, and he seemed to suddenly think of something, rushed to the water's edge, hesitated, and jumped on the boat.

"What are you doing in the past?" Zhang Dapo worried about the man's accident and chased him.

But by this time the fishing man had returned to the shore, and he floated that special luminous light into his pocket.

"What time is it, do you still care about your fish float? Is it important for people or fish float?"

The fishing man ignored Zhang Dapo. After retrieving the fish float, he ran towards the outside of the reservoir. No matter how Zhang Dapo yelled at the man, he did not look back.

"I don't want a fishing rod anymore? This fishing rod hasn't been valued yet?"

"It may be because there are some secrets hidden in the fish float ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge motioned to Zhang Dapo not to be near the water:" Brother, do you know what that person's name is, and where does his family live? "

"You have something to do with him?"

"I am also a fishing enthusiast, I want to communicate with him to learn, and return the fishing rod by the way."

"His name is Yu Qing's. He has a strange temper. After divorcing his wife, he lives alone in the eastern suburbs. I don't know the exact location. I only know that it is not far from the reservoir."

After hearing important information, Chen Ge picked up the fishing rod on the ship and chased it directly.

Zhang Dapo watched Chen Ge slowly disappear into the night and scratched his head: "This person also feels strange. Would he just want to find an excuse to steal the fishing rod? Am I not cheated?"

Chen Ge is very physically fit, holding a fishing rod and following the fishing man, keeping a distance.

He suspected that there was a murder on the man's back. This matter should be clarified. He also wanted to know what the man saw in the reservoir.

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