I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 577: Don't drink water

The training of the cylinder ghost is mainly focused on dodge, move, and instantaneous explosive power. Chen Ge does not need how aggressive the cylinder ghost is, only asking him to come back alive after detecting the intelligence.

"It's yours."

Chen Ge closed the door to the underground scene and returned to the employee lounge.

He turned on his cell phone and found that there were a few unread text messages on it, most of them were sent by Wenwen's aunt, and some were sent by Xu Wan.

Probably the content is to ask where Chen Ge is. When Wenwen's aunt came to work to pick up her brother and Wenwen, they found that the father and daughter had been sent away by Chen Ge.

"The other party did not call me behind, indicating that she had determined the safety of the father and daughter."

After thinking for a while, Chen Ge thought it was better to reply to the other party.

It might be the reason that it was too late. The woman did not reply to Chen Ge.

"Shouldn't something happen?" Chen Ge shook his head, feeling that he was too sensitive recently, and only people who had chatted with himself would have an accident. Then the world is not messed up.

Putting his phone on the bed, Chen Ge took out his black phone again and took a look at several daily tasks.

"Decoration, publicity, expansion, and tasks of ordinary difficulty are of little significance to me. If it is a nightmare-level task, you can also consider it."

Lying on the bed, Chen Ge placed the white cat and Xiaoxiao beside him, covered with a thin quilt, and he planned to go to bed early today.

"Waiting to get up tomorrow, I hope cylinder ghost can give me a surprise." Chen Ge is not going to drag on anymore. Tomorrow evening, he is going to complete the twin water ghost mission: "The horror scene in the water, it is estimated that all horror designers abroad I dare not play like this, I should be an original. "

Holding a fluffy white cat, Chen Ge slowly went to sleep.

More than five o'clock in the morning, before dawn, Chen Ge woke up.

His hands and feet were cold, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

"The body temperature is still decreasing, but it is not very obvious." The sleep time is short, but Chen Ge is very spirited: "The more waking up at night, the dependence on sleep is also decreasing. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Chen Ge is no longer alone. If he falls down, all the ghosts in the horror house will also lose their place of shelter: "I can't abandon those ghosts, and those ghosts will be difficult to leave me. For the time being, hope. Do n’t repeat the tragedy of the old lady in the living coffin village. "

Putting on his coat, Chen Ge returned to the underground scene. When he entered the living coffin village, he saw a scene that surprised him.

Cylinder ghost with a kind of agility completely incompatible with his body, fleeing wildly under the pursuit of Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin, he can always dodge at an incredible angle before the attack of the two ghosts.

"This guy seems to be living in the water for a long time, and his movements are more flexible than we think, like a slippery eel." Lao Zhou and Duan Yue stood on the side, watching and commenting, and farther away A lot of puppet students are watching the fun.

"It's a terrible metaphor, but it seems that the special training is very successful, this tank ghost still has great potential." Chen Ge recalled Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin, took the cylinder ghost out of the haunted house, and placed it in the water entertainment facilities of the park .

As soon as the body touched the water, the speed of the ghost in the tank increased again. He was fast, but the expression on his face was the same as before. It seemed that he missed the day when he was a ghost hiding in the bottom of the tank and vomiting bubbles.

"When this trial task is completed, you will no longer have to succumb in the water tank, I will change a big pool for you."

Chen Ge is very satisfied with the change of the cylinder ghost. He is worried that Chuyang will hurt the cylinder ghost. After a brief look, he will be included in the comic book.

"An additional hole card."

At 8:20 in the morning, Director Luo and Uncle Xu came to the park in advance, and they were followed by two men in suits and leather shoes.

"Xiao Chen, let me introduce you to you. This is my former business partner and my former university classmate, Mr. Bai of Hanhai Group. The equipment update and upgrade of our paradise will cooperate with their company." Director Luo voice Hearty, but Chen Ge noticed that when he introduced the man, his eyes were very calm and he didn't see a trace of happiness, but instead he was a little worried.

"Old schoolmate, this is Chen Ge, the person in charge of our paradise haunted house." Director Luo also introduced Chen Ge to President Bai.

"He is Chen Ge?" President Bai glanced up and down at Chen Ge, and nodded in good faith: "It's amazing, really amazing, to be able to prop up such a haunted house alone and think of those exquisite and horrible scenes."

He extended his hand to Chen Ge: "If there is a chance, we can cooperate in depth."

Chen Ge looked at the man ’s face and felt familiar. He thought about it for a long time. He once saw a photo on the mobile phone of the engineer of the virtual future park. It seemed to be a party scene. .

How do people who are involved in the virtual future paradise suddenly run into cooperation with New Century Paradise?

With doubts, Chen Ge looked at Director Luo indifferently.

The other party grasped the idea, pressed his palm gently, and then pointed at himself, indicating that Chen Ge knew all these things, and then he could just give it to him.

Luo Dong is a successful businessman. It is better to let the businessman handle the business between them.

Chen Ge didn't talk much anymore. He always felt that Luo Dong had his own plan and wanted to swallow the other party's benefits while not letting the other party's conspiracy succeed.

"I hope everything goes well."

Watching several people leave, Chen Ge felt a sense of urgency from Director Luo. If it was n’t too much pressure from the virtual future park, he might not be in danger.

"It seems that I have to speed up my progress. First, I will complete several other tasks in the eastern suburbs. If there is resistance, I will directly feed Zhang Ya and Bai Qiulin." After two days of slacking, Chen Ge felt that he could not continue this way. .

At nine o'clock, the park opened and a new day officially began.


In the suburbs of Dongjiao, Wenwen grabbed the door with both hands and cried loudly. His eyes were full of tears, which made him very distressed.

"I have promised you to go to the amusement park, and now you have to honor my promise and go to school." The woman in professional attire squatted beside Wen Wen and wanted to hug her, but Wen Wen grabbed the door. Refused to let go.

Although Wenwen ’s father suffered from a disease and was far less intelligent than ordinary people, the pain of his daughter was more of a biological instinct for a father.

He was a little shaken and wanted to stop Wenwen's aunt.

"Brother, I also love Wenwen, but if you don't want her to become like you in the future, it's better to let her go to school!" The woman's words were a bit harsh, referring to the man's pain.

The last thing this father wanted to happen was that his daughter would be like him in the future.

Stopping, he did not save the little girl.

"I am also good for you, and I have an old day. If Wen Wen does not have the ability to live by herself, what will you do when I am old?" Wen Wen's aunt picked up the little girl and picked up the schoolbag on the ground And forcibly took her downstairs.

"When you arrive at the school, listen to the teacher and don't have a dispute with your classmates." The woman took Wenwen on the bus. The little girl seemed to give up resistance, holding her schoolbag and bowing her head unhappy.

Half an hour later, the woman sent Wenwen to a private rehabilitation school, where there were many patients similar to Wenwen, as well as some ADHD and children with other congenital diseases.

"Mr. Wen, the children will be left to you to take care of." The woman still gave Wen Wen a heartache, and explained a few words before she left, worried and worried that the little girl would be bullied.

"Is it still the same as before? Are you coming here to pick it up at night?" It was a female teacher who was talking about fat, wearing glasses and short hair. She looked about forty years old and had a soft voice.

"Well, trouble you." The woman turned back three steps, and finally left by car, she still had to go to work.

Wenwen never looked back at the woman from beginning to end, she seemed very unhappy.

"Let's go in." The woman put her hand on Wenwen's shoulder and gently pushed forward.

Entering from the main entrance, there is a special school.

This school occupies a small area and is divided into indoor and outdoor areas. At this time, on a small outdoor playground, a male teacher is leading several children to do rehabilitation exercises.

The movements are not difficult, but the appearance of the children is strange, but the scene in front of them not only makes people laugh, but also makes people feel sad.

Wen Wen seemed to hate this strange environment. She knocked the woman's hand off her shoulder and took a water bottle from her school bag.

She didn't drink water either, just opened the lid so she could see the water directly.

Teacher Wen had seen Wen Wen's strange behavior before, and she did not stop, leading Wen Wen into the room.

Rows and rows of plastic tables and chairs wrapped in corners were placed in the middle, and a female teacher who was also wearing glasses was telling something to the students below.

"Xiaozhu, arrange a place for her. I still have something to do. Go ahead first."

"Okay." The female teacher also met Wenwen. When she saw the girl, her brows were lightly wrinkled, but she quickly returned to normal.

She arranged the rearmost position for the girl, and neither side cares about anyone, and it's considered bothersome.

Sitting in the last row, the girl was lying on the table. She didn't take out the textbooks in her schoolbag. She just stared blankly at the water in the water bottle and talked to herself as if talking to the water bottle.

Her voice was very low, and the classroom was quite chaotic. No one heard it at first. It was only when the female teacher pointed at the animal pictures on the projector and asked her classmates to come to answer the questions, the classroom slowly quieted down.

Most people shut their mouths. Only Wen Wen was stuttering and communicating with the water bottle. The female teacher was a little angry when she heard her voice.

"Liu Wenwen, you tell everyone what animal this is?"

When the little girl heard someone calling her name, she looked up blankly, and she was a little uneasy when she found everyone watching her.

"Don't you know? What about this one?" The female teacher changed a picture, and a frog appeared on it.

Wenwen still didn't speak, she didn't know what to do, her palms were all sweat.

"I have said it many times. This is a frog. Why can't you remember it?" The female teacher walked down the podium and looked at the little girl, and the more she looked, the more angry she became: "Holding a bottle of water every day and never drinking At one sip, someone drank your water and you still scratched the face of the other person. I really doubt that the doctor has a problem with your diagnosis. "

The female teacher didn't like Wenwen very much. She pointed to the picture on the projection: "I tell you again, it's a frog, remember?"

The girl still didn't speak, looking at the water bottle on the table.

"Don't you speak?" The female teacher grabbed Wen Wen's arm and asked her to stand in the aisle between the two rows of desks: "Come, you follow the action in the picture."

Wenwen still didn't respond. Finally, after the female teacher's constant gestures, she seemed to understand the meaning of the other party. She squatted on the ground against the frog in the picture, held the ground with both hands, and supported her body with her limbs.

"Remember this action, this is the frog, I will ask you next class." The female teacher let Wen Wen return to her seat and continue to start the class.

After patting the dust on the hand, Wenwen stood up and lay on the table, looking at the water bottle with both eyes. The water bottle had not been touched by anyone, but the water inside shook itself up, one sinking at the bottom of the cup. The black hair floats upward.

The morning class ended quickly, and after lunch, the rehabilitation school began to organize students to take a nap.

Wenwen was still arranged in the corner. She didn't cry or make noises. She held her water bottle and schoolbag and walked to her bed very well.

She threw the schoolbag under her feet, and then placed the water glass next to the pillow.

About half an hour later, when the children were asleep, the rounding teacher entered the house.

When she walked to Wenwen's side, she found that there was a glass without a lid beside the child.

"How come there is still hair in it?" The female teacher picked up the water cup, poured the water in the bathroom, and then put the water cup on the cabinet beside the bed.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the children were awakened one after another, and Wen Wen opened her eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ First she looked at the cup on the bedside, but she saw nothing.

She looked around anxiously, and finally found that the water cup was placed on the cabinet, but the water inside was dumped.


Wen Wen was dropped to the ground by Wen Wen. She didn't see her hair inside, Wen Wen cried aloud.

At this time, the female teacher called Xiaozhu was talking to the male teacher. The two were close to each other, and they were talking and laughing.

They were talking happily, and suddenly heard Wen Wen's crying. The female teacher was a little impatient: "It's her again, I doubt that she got congenital dementia, but acquired mental illness."

Pushing the door open, the woman walked over to the girl. She didn't know what crazy Wenwen was, and she couldn't communicate.

After she cleaned the quilt from the ground, she saw Wenwen still crying and took Wenwen out of the room and closed it in another room.

"Don't disturb other children, you calm down and cry enough, I will come to you again."

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