I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 578: Did you find me?

Wen Wen's cry came from the single room. The girl teacher listened outside for a while. She was ready to wait for the girl's cry to weaken before going in, but Wen Wen's cry grew louder.

"The child definitely has a brain problem. It was herself who broke the cup. What disease did she make at noon?" The female teacher also had to take care of the other children. She decided to let Wen Wen calm down by herself and left from the door of the room. To the place to stay.

When all the children were well dressed and ready to start the afternoon class, the female teacher came outside the single room again.

Half an hour had passed, and Wenwen finally stopped crying.

"It seems that she should be hung out for a while. She shouldn't get used to them too often." The female teacher thought she had found a good way to discipline Wenwen, and she opened the door of the single room.

In the small single room, there was a wave of moisture, which always felt gloomy.

There was a pool of water stains on the floor, and the little girl was standing alone in the corner with her head down.

His slender arms were unable to sag, his pale skin was particularly conspicuous, and his hair covered his face, covering his eyes.

She did not make any sound, as if it were a decoration in this room.

"Don't cry?" The female teacher noticed the girl's strange appearance. She shuddered inexplicably. After entering this small room, her breathing became difficult, as if the room was filled with water and stayed for a long time. It will drown people.

The sound of wind chimes and the singing of the children came from outside the room. This is the normal homework of their school, but when I heard those sounds in a single room, I felt completely different, as if I were singing not one in which the mentally impaired Children suffering from illness, but a painful soul moaning.

"Come on." The female teacher dared not walk into the room anymore. He reached for the girl, hoping that the child would come out of the room by himself.

But as if Wenwen could not hear her at all, she kept her weird posture, her arms bent slightly, her body leaned forward, and the only lips not covered by her hair were pulled to both sides.

"Can't you hear me? I'll let you come!" The female teacher looked at the child, and an inexplicable emotion appeared in her heart, which seemed to be fear.

Should I be afraid of a child?

In the daytime, there is plenty of sunshine outside.

The female teacher was ruthless and walked into the room, grabbing the curtains and trying to open them.

But when she was about to open the curtains, her wrists were cold, as if something was caught.


With a scream, the female teacher looked back and her wrist was caught by Wen Wen. The little girl changed her stupidity before, and her eyes became stranger, like a bottomless pit. Still floating like a corpse.

what happened?

The female teacher grasped the curtain's hand and slowly lost her strength at this time, and she couldn't pull the curtain back.

"Let's go to class." Wen Wen said six words clearly in her mouth, without stuttering and trembling, and each word was very clear, which was completely different from her previous performance.

"Good, good." The female teacher stopped talking nonsense and ran out of the single room.

Coming to the hallway, the feeling of depression slowly weakened.

The female teacher did not dare to look back at Wenwen. She felt that her wrist was bitten by something, cold and numb, and she was gradually losing consciousness.

Entering the classroom, Wenwen took the initiative to let go of her hand and walked to the last row of the classroom without her saying anything.

"It's really weird today." Even if Wen Wen let go, the female teacher's wrist still felt waves of coldness.

She asked the students to draw all the curtains in the classroom and then started the class. She tried not to look at Wenwen's location, and slowly left behind what happened at noon.


At 3:30 in the afternoon, Chen Ge's haunted house encountered a little trouble. The director Bai, who was called by Director Luo, wanted to experience Chen Ge's haunted house in person.

Chen Ge, who is not sure about the details of the other party, is going to give Bai Zong an imperial VIP service, that is, let Bai Zong enter alone, and then arrange a few ghosts to serve as tourists and accompany him.

The actors are ghosts, and the tourists are ghosts. The sights are all true ghosts. I believe they will leave a precious memory for Mr. Bai, and they can also use this opportunity to set out some useful information.

It was already planned, but President Bai temporarily changed his mind and asked the secretary who came with him to try it.

A secretary in every area is not worthy of Chen Ge's aim. He deliberately released water, which reduced the difficulty of the Samsung scene and made the secretary almost clear the third sickness scene.

The other party may think that Chen Ge ’s haunted house is just that, but if they carelessly, come back next time, Chen Ge is ready to play in person, and by the way, let out the souls of those mental patients, let them see what is called the Talking Association.

The discussions between President Bai and Luo Dong went smoothly, but after sending away President Bai, Director Luo did not have any smile on his face. The development of the matter was too smooth, which made Luo Dong uneasy.

Chen Ge didn't understand these things well, and he couldn't intervene casually. In the trust of Director Luo, he didn't ask anything.

In the evening when the haunted house was closed and after cleaning, Chen Ge went into the underground scene alone. Tonight he was ready to complete the twin water ghost mission.

Taking out the comic book and collecting all the ghosts into it, Chen Ge stuffed the skull-breaker into his backpack.

"After the water ghost mission is completed, the types of employees in the horror house will be greatly enriched, and the first underwater horror scene will also be unlocked, but I don't know what form it will be presented."

Looking forward, Chen Ge left New World Paradise. When he was ready to go to the reservoir, his cell phone rang suddenly. It was Wen Wen's aunt.


"Did Wenwen go to you? Boss Chen, have you seen Wenwen?" Aunt Wenwen's voice came from the phone.

"Wenwen? How could she be with me? You said slowly." Chen Ge had a bad hunch.

"Wenwen lost it! When I picked her up at the Rehabilitation College at night, I found that she was not in school! The school teacher didn't know where she was. The monitoring showed that she did wait for me at the school door after school, but after Xiaohui, she disappeared from the monitoring, and now no one knows where she is. "Wenwen's aunt was anxious:" That child likes your paradise very much, she also told me in particular, feeling in your haunted house It's very comfortable. She has been sullen before, and finally smiled after returning from your paradise, so I doubt that the child may still run to your paradise. "

"No, you live in the eastern suburbs. We are in the western suburbs. They are far away."

"I just tell you, if you see the kid, remember to call me back, thank you!"

"Okay, no problem, but I think Wen Wen is still in her school with a high probability. Could you tell me the location of her school?"

After Aunt Wenwen reported her position, Chen Ge hung up.

He hurried to the caretaker and told the other party about the situation so that he could pay attention to the little girl.

After the explanation, Chen Ge rushed directly to the school where the girl attended. In his view, the girl should not go too far, she had no money, and she should still be near the school.

"This kid's sister is a water ghost. Will her sudden disappearance be related to her sister? Did I go to the reservoir yesterday and caught the attention of the water ghosts?"

It was still early, Chen Ge drove directly to the rehabilitation school.


"It's such a troublesome guy, don't have so many ideas if you have a mental defect!" The female teacher called Xiaozhu walked on the promenade, next to her was the male teacher who was responsible for the outdoor classes.

"Don't say that, if let outsiders hear, it will not affect our school." The male teacher understood, although he was not very happy on the face, but at least did not say these dissatisfaction.

"Acheng, if this child has an accident, we should be shopping now and then go to the movies." The female teacher did not hide her emotions in front of the male teacher.

"Be quiet, Principal Wen doesn't like school teachers to fall in love. It's better that we pay a little attention here." He walked ahead: "Find the girl first and talk about it."

"Just lost, I'm already tired." The woman said angrily.

When the two turned into another corridor, the corridor did not turn on the light. The male teacher was about to turn on the light. His arm was suddenly wrapped softly. He looked back in surprise and found his arm was embraced by the female teacher.

"Why did you ignore me?"

The woman made a self-righteous expression. When the man saw no one around, he secretly pecked at the woman ’s face: "Be busy and have a business, if the child is really lost, it will also have a great negative effect on our school. Impact. By the way, a student said that the child cried somehow today at noon, do you know the specific reason? "

"It's estimated that I'm ill. I'll tell you that the child has always been abnormal. He often holds a water bottle during class and talks to the water inside. Sometimes, he will ask the water cup to call her sister." The woman seemed to come Xingzhi: "She has no way to get along with other classmates. I used to let her sit with a relatively mild child in the class. As a result, the girl just grabbed the other one just because the other party wanted to see her cup. The child's face. "

"She's so aggressive? When I came in, the doctor gave the test results but didn't write them."

"Who knows? Anyway, I gave up her completely, and I can make money. We also know the situation here. There is an indicator that 60% of the children have improved, and 40% of the children are sick. No deterioration, this is enough. "The woman hugged the man named Acheng, and her voice was completely different from that of her classmates.

The man did not refuse, let Xiaozhu hold his arms, and his body moved closer to the other person: "Anyway, you still have to find the child, or the supervision department came over and found that you closed her in the hut today. Let her cry and the principal may punish you. "

The voice spoiled, the man and Xiaozhu leaned together, and the two entered the promenade.

When the man was about to turn on the light, Xiaozhu holding the man's arm suddenly saw a low shadow reflected on the wall at the end of the corridor.


She screamed, and the man turned on the lights of the corridor, and the low shadows on the walls disappeared.

"What do you see?"

"A figure is in front, it seems to be the kid!"

"She is still at school?" The man took Xiaozhu's hand and ran towards the end of the corridor. When they arrived, they found that there was no shadow on the wall, only a water stain.

"Who will sprinkle water here? Is that girl?"

"There should be no one other than her."

"But what exactly did the child want to do?" Xiaozhu was puzzled. "But then, the child seems to like playing with water."

"Wenwen woke up after a nap and broke her glass and started crying. Then something might have happened during her nap." Acheng was calmer: "Teacher Wang is responsible for the noon patrol today. She seems like I searched outside the school with the principal, and I called her to ask. "

The man called and called, but Xiaozhu looked uncomfortably: "How do you have her phone number? When did you stay?"

"Teacher Wang, at noon, did you find that Wen Wen had an abnormal situation?"

"No, I see that there is a hair in her cup, and she poured the water to her."

"That's all?"


"So where did you pour the water in the glass? Did it spill on the girl's bed?"

"What do you mean? What does this matter have to do with me?" Teacher Wang replied angrily: "The water has poured into the bathroom. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Bathroom? Let's go there and see." The man didn't want to discuss with Xiaozhu why he had Mr. Wang's phone call. He dismissed the topic and led Xiaozhu to the bathroom deep in the corridor.

The hand was on the door handle, and Acheng took it away again: "Why is this door handle full of water? Has anyone ever been in or out?"

He looked at the door panel and found that the gap between the door panel was also soaked with water, as if it was moldy, and it also exuded a faint smell.

"That child is hiding in the bathroom?" With doubts, the man pushed the door open.

The sound of a rushing water came out of the house. The faucet was not closed. On the mirror of the sink, someone wrote a line of water with water. I am here.

The water droplets slide down the mirror surface, and these words are obviously just shortly written.

"This was written by Wenwen?" Acheng looked at Xiaozhu, who usually had the most contact with Wenwen.

"Surely not! The child didn't know the characters. How could he write?" Xiaozhu looked at the five characters on the mirror and was a little scared.

"That means that we have mixed other people in our school ~ www.readwn.com ~ It may be that he abducted Wenwen." The man put his hands on his chest and fell into contemplation.

Xiaozhu became more and more uneasy, the lights in the corridor flickered slightly, and she suddenly noticed a problem while watching the faucet.

The stopper on the sink was not plugged, but the water flow was not able to drain smoothly. Looking at the rising water surface, Xiaozhu appeared that kind of suffocation again, as if he was standing in the pool and watching the water surface a little Through your own heart.

The girl's singing and mumbling faintly came from her ears. Her body was trembling, and the afterglow of her eyes saw something fluttering out of the sink's drain.

She walked to the pool and slowly put her hand into the pool. It was only when she touched the thing that she was going to pull it out that it was a woman's hair.

Seeming to catch something disgusting, Xiaozhu struggled desperately. She wanted to shout to the male teacher next to her. She turned her head and saw in the mirror that a white girl with blisters was standing at the moment.

She was wearing a blood-stained coat, her hair protruding from the bottom of the pool, and her mouth opened and closed, as if to say, "Did you find me?"

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