I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 580: Can I still let you run?

Contrary to what the weirdo in the mirror expected, the woman rushed to the sink without hesitation, at that moment she seemed to forget her fear.

The long skirt fluttered and was stained with water stains. The woman came to the girl in the blink of an eye. She didn't even think about other unnecessary things, and pushed her head into the pool.

"Are you OK!"

Water droplets slipped off the girl's face, her face pale, her purple lips pulled to both sides.

Being pressed into the water, he almost died of suffocation. Not only did the little girl not cry, she even showed a smile, which made the woman feel weird.

She didn't notice that the monster in the mirror was slowly becoming clear, and that vague smile was almost the same as the little girl's smile.

"I will take you away."

At this time, the woman still did not forget to protect the little girl in her arms, she hurried back.

The water pipe has not been closed, and the liquid spilled inside becomes darker. It seems that the water flowing from the tap water pipe is no longer water, but blood.

The ticking sound sounded in the narrow bathroom, and something seemed to crawl on the ground, making a rustling sound.

The woman did not dare to turn her back and hugged the little girl into the dark corridor.

The light that came with the phone was shaking on the wall. She couldn't see the road under her feet. She only knew that there was something in the flat corridor. It was very soft to step on.

It only took a few seconds for the woman to walk through the corridor, but when she stopped at the door, she found that the door to the outside was locked somehow.

"Is there anyone else in school?" The woman put the girl down, and she looked back to the corridor, the water flowing from the bathroom, and some fuzzy filaments floating on the ground like water plants.

"Have you seen anyone else here?" The woman guarded the girl with her hands and looked at the pale face of the other person with some distress: "Two other teachers have come in before, you should have seen them!"

The little girl stood quietly in front of the woman, her eyes spread, and her bluish lips slowly opened, and she said two words to the woman: "Mom, Mom."

"Mom? Are you calling me?" The woman instinctively loosened the little girl's arm. She found that everyone in the room and things were not normal: "You confessed, boy, I'm not your mother. "

The girl did not turn away, shouted at her mother again, then raised her arm and grabbed the woman's arm.

"Wait, you ..." Fear only emerged at this time, and the woman stood up, leaning her body towards the door.

But before waiting for her to approach, the expression of the little girl standing on the spot suddenly languished: "Don't, go!"


Before the little girl finished speaking, the glass not far from the woman exploded all around!

A thick **** smell drifted into the room, and a half-scarred horror with a sharp sledge hammer was stuck in the window frame.


Under the watchful eye of the woman and the little girl, the hammer was pulled out by someone, and then fell down again, this time even more simply, the window frame was smashed directly.

"It's really not strong."

A backpack was thrown into the house from the window, and then a young man jumped on the window sill.

The moon shone on his back, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but he could clearly see the exaggerated hammerhead in his hand.

There is no need to say anything, and no eye contact is required. The woman standing still and the little girl next to her are moving backwards at the same time.

After seeing the young man, the eyes slowly returned to normal, and a low roar came from the bathroom. It seemed that the monster in the room felt something that could threaten the safety of the little girl. Let the child go back quickly, not too far away from her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." The young man also heard the roar from the depths of the corridor. He jumped from the window sill, opened the repeater in the backpack, and touched the little girl's Head: "Wen Wen, this is Chen Ge? The ghost house owner who took you to the amusement park yesterday morning."

The woman next to her was completely dumbfounded. She didn't understand why a haunted house owner would appear in this place in this form at this time. All this was too impactful for her.

"Take this child out first." Chen Ge pushed the child into the woman's arms, and then stood in the middle of the promenade.

"Can I go now?" The woman still couldn't believe it. She hugged the girl and wanted to escape from the window, but what she didn't expect was that the little girl suddenly grabbed Chen Ge's leg and was unwilling to let it go Chen Ge left.

She looked a lot better, but her expression was very anxious, her lips were trembling, her words stuttered and repeated: "Sister, sister ..."

"I know, I won't hurt her, I just think she should have a better life." Chen Ge gently pulled the little girl's hand away: "Take her out."

Today, Chen Ge said that she would not let Wen Wen ’s sister go. Based on all the information he had obtained before, he could have determined that Wen Wen ’s sister was probably the most powerful presence in the twin water ghost scene.

If the other party is in the reservoir and he does not call out Zhang Ya, there is almost no way to enter the reservoir to solve the other party, because no one knows how many water ghosts the Donggang Reservoir has accumulated over time.

"Before the task has started, tie the boss first, this task experience is really good." Holding the hammer in both hands, Chen Ge was in the middle of the bathroom and Wenwen.

The ghost in the bathroom watched the girl taken away, she screamed again, and countless black hair mixed in the water to Chen Ge.

"The same is the use of hair as an attack weapon. Your hair is too far away from the one in my shadow."

The hair mixed in the water couldn't get close to Chen Ge at all, so he was stepped on by one foot.

Xu Yin seemed to see what was hidden in the room at the end of the corridor. He tilted his head to the side and whispered to the half-open door: "Does it hurt?"

No need for Chen Ge to say more ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ The black hair on the ground was broken by blood, except for the position of the heart, Xu Yin, whose coat was almost red with blood, rushed out like an arrow.

The black hair drilled Xu Yin's body out of the water, but there was no way to stop him, only to temporarily reduce his speed.

"Don't struggle anymore. Looking at your sister's face, I won't embarrass you."

Chen Ge opened the comic book and released Bai Qiulin, one person and one ghost, and one left and one right also rushed over.

The monster in the bathroom was already very difficult to parry Xu Yin. When she saw Bai Qiulin's blood-stained heart, she gave up her resistance directly.

The black hair shrinks actively and wants to return to the bathroom.

Chen Ge was chasing behind. When he entered the bathroom, the water pipe had been shut off by himself, and no more water was flowing out.

"The water ghost you got, can I still let you run?"

Simultaneously using the two abilities of Yin Tong and Gui Er, the sound of Dong Dong sounded in Chen Ge's ear. The ghost was still hiding in the water pipe, but she was escaping along the pipeline quickly.

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