I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 581: Blood red city

"it's here!"

Staring at the pipe with his eyes, Chen Ge raised his skull-crushing hammer and aimed it directly at a position above his head.


The water pipe burst and the water splashed, wetting his clothes.

The pupil narrowed, Chen Ge looked at the black hair in the water pipe escaping towards the distance, his eyes narrowed: "Today, nothing will let you go!"

He put away Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin and ran out of the school.

"Where is the main water and electricity gate?" Chen Ge rolled over the window, carrying the skull-crushing hammer, and holding the woman's shoulder with one hand.

The woman rescued by her just now is holding the girl standing in the middle of the playground, preparing to leave.

She didn't expect Chen Ge to come out so soon, and she looked frightened, not knowing what to say.

"I ask where is your main gate?"

"No, our line is on the same road as the residential area next to it, and the main gate is on their side ..." The woman spoke intermittently, but Chen Ge still understood that the neighborhood and the school line were on the same road As long as the water and electricity can turn off the main gate of the community, the water ghost can be blocked in the pipeline between the community and the school.

Of course, Chen Ge does not dare to guarantee 100% success. This water ghost can hide in a certain household through the pipeline at any time. This is also what Chen Ge is most worried about.

"Go to notify the community property immediately, turn off the main gate temporarily, and say that the kidnapping of the girl, the person who hurt your school students and teachers hid in the pipeline." After Chen Ge explained, he put the broken skull into the backpack and concentrated his attention To eliminate all distractions and listen to the strange sounds in the pipe.

This sound is getting farther and farther away from him. The water network of Jiujiang is very complicated. If you can't restrain the monster in a short time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The murderer hid in the pipe? How did he get in?" The woman was stunned. How could anyone believe such a reason? She wanted to make it clear with Chen Ge, but Chen Ge had already rushed out of school at this time.

The pipes were all buried underground and could not be seen directly. Chen Ge could only use the ghost ears to hear the sound of the slight ghost movement.

Following along the way, sometimes he even wants to close his eyes and discard all influences from the outside world.

About a minute or two later, Chen Ge followed the voice into a community behind the rehabilitation school.

Chen Ge shivered as soon as he entered the community. The temperature in this community was much lower than outside.

Obviously it is the distance of a door, but the temperature is very different.

"Strange, why did you feel like you entered the underground corpse?" Chen Ge itself was colder than normal, and even he felt a chill, indicating that something was wrong.

The community in front of me is built in the eastern suburbs, which is not a prosperous area. The difference from other communities is that there is no iron fence around this community, but it is surrounded by high walls like a prison. It is neither beautiful nor attractive. Ten twists respectively.

There are a total of seven buildings in the small area, all of which are around a dozen floors. The construction time is also compensated, but it may be the reason for lack of maintenance, and it feels a bit shabby.

It's very common in Dongjiao, and there is nothing special about it, but after entering it, Chen Ge always feels a strange feeling in his heart.

It's as if someone is secretly watching behind a certain window, the peeping gaze makes people's backs sweat out unconsciously.

"Wenwen's sister should not be a place to choose at random ..." Chen Ge did not give in. In his view, unless there is a red dress hidden in this community, no ghost can stop his footsteps.

There are some lights on the buildings near the community, but there is a large area of ​​black paint in this community. The more you go in, the more this is.

Chen Ge listened to the sound in the pipe under his feet and followed the monster to the building in the deepest part of the community.

Even after completing so many trial tasks, Chen Ge hesitated before entering the building.

The building in front was burned by flames, even if the walls were repainted, but when I got close, I could smell the faint smell, as if something was burnt.

Not only that, but it can be seen from many details. This is a building that has experienced a serious fire, but the building has not been abandoned. After renovation, some people lived in it.

"The building burned by fire?" Chen Ge thought of another trial task on the eastern suburbs on the black mobile phone. The difficulty was Samsung's ghost fire burning the building.

"It shouldn't be so coincident, there are many buildings that have experienced fires."

He took the broken skull hammer out of his backpack. The sound of the water ghost in his ears had weakened. She ran down the running water pipe into the residential building in front of her.

"Why do you have to run into this building? The main gate is estimated to have not been closed. She has a chance to escape into other pipes. Why should she walk on the road of death?"

If this water ghost is really Wen Wen's sister, deprived of her life by her biological parents, then her grievances after death must be very deep, such ghosts have strong psychological revenge.

"I broke her good deeds. She must not be reconciled. It may be because there is a more terrifying existence in this building. She wants to borrow a knife to kill someone."

Chen Ge quickly understood the idea of ​​the water ghost, but he was not afraid: "If you want to borrow a knife to kill someone, then I will take away the knife you borrowed today."

Entering the corridor, the low corridor was splashed with paint, and there were many words written on it, such as the words to return my child's life.

Walking in it, the water pipe made a constant sound like something was crawling.

Chen Ge summoned Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin to follow behind, and the sound finally stopped on the thirteenth floor of the building.

"She wants to lead me here?" Chen Ge has shadows on all three floors. He looked at several rooms on the thirteenth floor, and there was no way to determine where Wen Wen's sister was hiding now.

"Do you try room by room? I'm embarrassed to bother others."

With a skull crusher in one hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge's eyes moved between the three doors.


The dark sky was covered with blood, and one looked at the street corner with eyes full of resentment and hatred.

In this blood-red city stood a man wearing a blood-colored doctor uniform.

He held the head of his lover with one hand, and every step of the way, the blood would slide down the coat, which is a kind of extreme red!

"Good corresponds to evil, sin corresponds to punishment, everything in the world can find the opposite." The man silently raised his palm to his head: "What is that opposite to man?"

A figure flashed in the blood-stained street, and the man seemed to be used to it all. He looked at the burned building at the end of the street, his face full of madness.

"Hid there? After eating more things, I should be able to know what is opposite to the person." The blood was flowing quietly under my feet, and the man's expression became more and more sick.

"very hungry……"

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