I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 780: The particularity of the 4-star scene

"Mr. Bai on the first floor, red clothes on the second floor, and a group of invisible monsters on the third floor. What will be on the fourth floor?"

Chen Ge stood alone in the corridor, daring not to breathe too hard, his pupils shrunk a little, his muscles tense.

"Since it's here, let's take a look."

Moving his footsteps, Chen Ge's figure was slowly engulfed by darkness.

In the dark corridor, the only light comes from the elevator display. The bright red number seems to be a smiling face cut by a knife. It can't heal, and it can only smile with pain.

"Crunch ..."

After walking a few steps away, Chen Ge found another room related to art-a model storage room.

The door itself was not closed, and there was a gap, as if someone was lying behind the door peeping.

Chen Ge slowly pushed open the wooden door, and the scene in the house was a bit weird.

There is no test equipment, only a piece of "tower" white cloth, it feels like a person standing in the room under the white cloth.

"this is?"

Chen Ge approached decisively, reaching for the white cloth closest to him. He wanted to know what was under the white cloth, but he was afraid that the things under the white cloth were very dangerous. Start first to be strong.

The white cloth slipped, and below was a skinned human sculpture.

"This material does not seem to be gypsum and artificial rubber." Chen Ge frowned gently, and under the white cloth was a human model without skin.

The muscles are in a state of strength, and the blood vessels are tangled through the flesh, lifelike, and every detail is restored.

"Art students in this school, shouldn't they just use this stuff to practice painting?"

He looked at the mannequin, and the model was looking at him. Those eyes caught in blood vessels and bones stared at Chen Ge.

"There are rows of **** paint in the paint storage room, and a bunch of peeled models are standing in the model storage room. I can't imagine what will be in the final art activity room."

Re-covering the white cloth, Chen Ge learned the last lesson and left without leaving too much in the same place.

When he turned and closed the door, his eyes swept to the interior of the model's storage room, and a white cloth fell to the ground, and the contents of it were unknown.

Leaving from the model storage room, Chen Ge found the painting paper storage room on the other side of the corridor, which was half of the processed or "oil painting paper" that had been prepared.

Touch it by hand, the surface of the treated "oil painting paper" is smooth, and I don't know what has been smeared.

What caused Chen Ge to be alert was the "oil painting paper" that was not processed and only half processed. The touch of these "papers" is very similar to that of human skin.

Without staying for a long time, Chen Ge wiped his hands with his work clothes and quit the room.

"What is this experimental building used for testing?"

Chen Ge continued to move forward, and finally found the art activity room in the deepest part of the corridor.

"Same as I guessed before."

After successfully finding the art activity room, Chen Ge's goal of entering the experimental building has been half completed.

He hurried forward and pushed the door.

The wooden door opened in response. There were thirteen easels in the room, and the walls were covered with various paintings.

At first glance, this is a very common studio, but if you look closely, you will find that there are countless scary details hidden in this room.

The paintings on the walls are strange, with faces, twisted souls, portraits, and changed bodies. The content of the paintings are all different, but all the people or "ghosts" in the paintings are backwards.

The background of the painting is upright, but the people in the painting are upside down. They seem to live in another world, and only the shadows are drawn in the painting.

The paintings filled with walls gave Chen Ge an indescribable shock. Walking in it, his sight was attracted, and he had an illusion of walking through a nightmare.

Coming to the center of the studio, there were 13 unfinished works on the 13 easels, three of which drew the attention of Chen Ge.

There is a picture of two upside-down doors, one red and one ordinary.

Both doors were open, and inside the door stood a painter with a pen. He looked down at himself, thinking about something.

The name of the work is-I over the door, there is a line of scribbled blood under the name of the work-enough despair will open the door, if the despair is removed, will the door return to normal.

This work is the only one with the name of the work that Chen Ge found, and the author obviously knows the existence of the door.

The second painting that caught Chen Ge's attention was a bit scary, and it was this studio.

In the first half of the painting, thirteen painters were sitting on a chair to paint, and the lower half of the painting was blood red. Thirteen painters died in their seats with different methods of death. The most suffocating thing is that in the upper part of the painting, the painters painted on the drawing board exactly like their own death.

"These painters seem to know their ending, but they are still painting because the result is already doomed to change?"

The third painting that attracted Chen Ge ’s attention was the least complete. The first half of the painting was a child standing facing the mirror ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everything around him is normal, but the mirror is blood red, and he is in the mirror. Blood, patting the mirror hard.

The second half of the painting was still the child. The world around him was blood red. Only the mirror in front of him was clean and bright. He was covered in blood and slapped the mirror. He wanted to strangle the unharmed self in the mirror.

"I have seen blood-red mirrors in the repair room. Mirrors and doors in the ghost school have the same effect? ​​No, I seem to have overlooked a very important thing!"

Chen Ge knows that the four-star scene is completely different from the previous Samsung scene. Many of his previous experiences are no longer applicable.

"Door and mirror, blood door and blood-red mirror behind the door ..."

The clues in his mind slowly joined together, and Chen Ge had a bold guess in his heart.

"Maybe I should keep this painting." There is another reason why Chen Ge attaches so much importance to the third painting. There are three characters written under the signature of the painter under this painting-Lin Sisi.

This painting may be a real painting by Lin Sisi, and solving the mystery in Lin Sisi's body is very helpful for Chen Ge to understand the world behind the door. It can even be said that this is the main task he arranged for himself.

With his hand reaching the easel, Chen Ge hadn't even touched the picture yet, and huge changes occurred in the entire studio.

There were drops of water on the top of his head. Chen Ge reached out and touched it and found out that it was not water but blood.

The air became humid, a thick odor quietly emerged, blood began to leach on the wall, and blood footprints on the ground continued to deepen.

The original normal world seems to be overlapping with another blood-red world. All the paintings in the studio have become distorted. A black shadow suddenly flashes from a certain painting and goes straight to the door of the room.

The figure Chen Ge looked familiar, he immediately stopped the movement in his hand, grabbed the nail, and hit the door at full speed.

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