I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 781: Holding hands on Huangquan Road

The huge change in the painting room forced the dark shadow hidden in here. Chen Ge has a yin pupil and has very good eyesight. At first glance, this shadow is similar to the human-shaped stain on the wall of 413.

"Finally let me find you!"

The nail kept piercing Chen Ge's body, and the pain brought by it was still the second. The feeling of the continuous passing of life was what he hated most.

Black Shadow took the lead, but Chen Ge was closer to the door, and he arrived at the door one step earlier than Black Shadow.

Chen Ge knew that the other party was not an entity, and he might not be able to stop him, so he decisively closed the door that had begun to ooze blood.

When something happened in the whole studio and everything was about to be engulfed by blood, Chen Ge chose a set of methods that belong to the same.

"If you want me to be a dead ghost, then I will take you to **** together, we will hold hands on Huangquan Road, and I will still be your friend for the next life."

Chen Ge's so crazy rogue approach also surprised the other party.

The black shadow paused for a while, then grabbed the door handle with both arms stretched out.

"Want to run?"

Chen Ge was blocked at the door, clenching the nails in his hands and piercing Heiying's neck.

He covered the nail with his finger, and did not reveal the spike until he was about to touch the other party!

Black Shadow at first seemed to feel that Chen Ge could not hurt him at all, without any precautions, until the nail stabbed into his neck.

After so many trial tasks, Chen Ge has been tempered into a ruthless child. The two completely opposite characters of reason and madness are perfectly mixed together in his body.

Chen Ge knew that he might only have one shot, so he chose the position that he thought was the deadliest.

Nails pierced the neck of the figure, and the huge inertia knocked his head. If a living person is so come on, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

"I kindly want to help you, but you use me to die, we have to calculate this account."

The pain and curse he suffered were all given by the silhouette in the 413 bedroom, so Chen Ge didn't mean to keep his hands at all.

After seeing that the nail was effective for the figure, Chen Ge did not give the other party a chance to react, and took out a sharp nail from his pocket to pierce the figure's eyes.

The head of the figure was slanted on his shoulder. After eating a loss, he never dared to underestimate Chen Ge and took a few steps back, keeping a distance of two meters with Chen Ge.

More and more blood oozes out from all around the room. The studio is slowly deforming, as if the blood-colored world and the normal world are squeezed and penetrated each other here.

It is very dangerous to stay in the painting room, but Chen Ge just blocked the door and did not leave.

"You make me unable to live, then I will make you unable to get out."

Chen Ge smiled, he knew that the shadow had the urge to strangle him, but the original ghost had to go through a process for death. In other words, if the shadow wanted Chen Ge to be his replacement, he had to let Chen Ge Same as his death method.

This is the same reason that the water ghost drags the splasher into the water and drowns, and the hanging ghost tempts people to hang.

Of course, this is just Chen Ge ’s own opinion. If there is no difference between the dead ghost behind the door and the outside of the door, anyway, it is already the case now. He ca n’t turn back and can only take risks to try.

The studio was gradually filled with blood, and Chen Ge and the figure froze at the door, and no one moved.

Such a scene is indeed extremely rare. Normally, the original ghost will be reborn immediately after finding a substitute, or live in the body of a living person and go directly to other cities.

The ghost under the red clothes cannot leave the deposit for a long time, and can only be trapped near the death scene for the dead ghost, and cannot chase the original ghost at all.

So the original ghost like this found a substitute for the dead ghost, and as a result, it was very rare that the door was blocked by the "replaceable ghost".

"Aren't you going to say something?" At the moment of seeing the figure, Chen Ge's heart fell back into his stomach. The curse on his body may be his life at any time. He must be lifted, but he is not sure The specific location of the figure, just came to the studio to just try his luck, I did not expect the other party is really hiding here.

The figure seemed unable to speak. He kept waving his hands, signifying something.

Chen Ge can see the other party's emotions, and even feel a trace of fear from the figure.

If you stay in the painting room again, something bad will definitely happen.

Chen Ge didn't want to die either. He took the posture that he died together just to show his attitude. Now that the figure was bluffed, Chen Ge's tone slowed down a little.

"Relieve the curse on me, we don't owe each other, I can even help you find the next survivor." Chen Ge said his own condition: "Living together or dying together, the choice is yours."

He felt that the figure should not refuse. After all, it was harmless to both parties, but after a few seconds, the figure's reaction made Chen Ge frown.

The shadow shook his head, waved his hand, and finally his finger stroked a few words in the air. Chen Ge understood the meaning of the figure.

Once the death is started, it cannot be lifted unilaterally unless the death is completed.

Chen Ge did n’t know whether the figure was cheating him. Anyway, before he did n’t achieve his purpose ~ www.readwn.com ~ would never open the door and let the figure leave.

"Cannot be lifted? Then can you slow down the time for death, such as giving me a few weeks, or a few months of rest time." After Chen Ge said, the figure thought for a while, and then began to shake his head.

"That won't work, that won't work! Do you think I have a good temper? Or don't you think I dare to die with you?" Chen Ge doesn't think that as a substitute for the dead ghost, there is a problem with speaking in this tone: "I advise you to be good Think about it, this school is so big. After you calculated me in the 413 bedroom, you did n’t leave immediately, indicating that you do n’t know how to really escape from here. Even if I really become your survivor, I will find ways to find it in the future. You, how did these nails nail me, I will nail them to your body one by one. "

Paused for a while, Chen Ge added another sentence: "I'm not threatening you, I just tell you the truth, and now we can only achieve a win-win result if we work together."

I do n’t know if Chen Ge touched the figure, or because the studio was about to be engulfed in blood, which was too dangerous. The figure finally changed his mind, and he signaled Chen Ge to extend his hand.

"I warn you not to play tricks, or even if I die, I won't let you go." Chen Ge said coldly.

The head of the figure hangs diagonally on his shoulders, and there is a nail in the middle of his neck. It looks very miserable. He doesn't know whether he has found a substitute for the dead ghost or a dog skin plaster that he can't throw away. .

With a little helplessness, the figure grabbed Chen Ge's hand.

He tapped his fingers, Chen Ge's palms were slowly darkening palms. It seems that he was affected by something, and the color no longer deepened.

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