I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 783: Fence

Black Shadow and Lin Sisi live in the same bedroom. He even knows Lin Sisi's mobile phone password. The relationship between these two people is definitely not ordinary.

"I want to know Lin Sisi's information, it's about whether we can leave the school smoothly." Chen Ge asked again, but Hei Ying did not respond. It seems that the name Lin Sisi is a taboo in the school. The same happened.

Gently shook his head, and the black shadow pointed to Chen Ge, then to the top and the bottom of his head, and he didn't know what he wanted to express.

"Are you trying to say that what we are talking about will be heard by other things?" Chen Ge tried to interpret the movement of the shadow.

Shadow shook his head again and reached out his hand to draw out a word-we killed Lin Sisi, all of us are Lin Sisi.

"All of us are Lin Sisi?" Chen Ge vaguely understood something, he was about to continue to ask the next question, a faint smell flew across his nose: "Something is coming!"

Black Shadow's reaction speed is faster than Chen Ge, directly opened the door opposite the studio and drilled into it.

After entering the house, the black shadow did not close the door, Chen Ge immediately understood his meaning, and immediately followed into the house.

"Also know to leave the door for me, it seems that he is indeed willing to cooperate with me."

What Chen Ge said before was true, at least in his opinion.

Origin ghosts need to be vigilant to other ghosts while they are dead ghosts. For the ghost ghosts to save their lives, they can only choose the most reliable one among many ghosts.

The future is life and death. That is the future. Chen Ge now needs to consider how to survive this night. He will use all the available things and try his best to survive.

"What are those guys with smells?" Chen Ge stood away from the door and stood behind the shadow.

The shadow at this time has returned to normal, he looks very thin, lower than Chen Ge, Chen Ge hides behind him, there is a strange feeling that can't be said.

"The change in the studio is estimated to have disturbed the staff in the experimental building. I saw a duty room on the second floor. The red ghost in the red suit is likely to chase us down because the studio was destroyed." Chen Ge calmly analyzed, Shadow I also think Chen Ge made sense, but he was a little strange. How did Chen Ge know that there was a red coat in the duty room?

"This is no longer safe. Let's leave the experiment building first, change the place, and discuss the next plan."

Chen Ge ’s goal of entering the experiment building has been achieved. He did n’t want to stay in this dangerous building for a moment.

Walked to the window, Chen Ge opened the curtain, he first glanced outside: "It's a bit dangerous to climb down the outer wall."

This time to go to the elevator is to find death, the window is the only way out.

After confirming that Mr. Bai is no longer outside, Chen Ge turned out the window and carefully grasped the edge of the window sill.

The cold wind blew his hair, Chen Ge ’s back was soaked with sweat: "I really hope this is a nightmare, in that case, if I jump down, I will wake up."

Looked at the external air conditioner on the third floor, and Chen Ge slowly adjusted the position: "The jump is not accurate, everything is over, just look at this time."

Chen Ge took a breath, but just as he was about to let go, the dark shadow appeared in the window.

He stood by the window and looked at Chen Ge hanging outside the experiment building. At this time, as long as he broke Chen Ge's finger, he could easily kill Chen Ge.

"Follow me! Let's leave together!"

Chen Ge's voice only had trust and concern, which made the shadows feel a difficult to adapt to, he finally did not start with Chen Ge.


Suspended in midair, wasting a lot of physical strength, Chen Ge decisively released his position after pointing at the position.


Feet steadily landed on the external unit of the air conditioner, Chen Ge leaned forward, tightly against the wall.

"The sound is too loud, the monster and teacher Bai in the building can definitely hear it, can't hesitate!"

Looked up at the window on the fourth floor, and the black shadow was still standing by the window. He seemed to have his own plans.

"Do you still want to continue hiding? This school is a prison cage, no matter where you hide, it is just a prisoner! Cooperating with me is the only chance! Let's escape together!"

Only stayed for less than a second, and Chen Ge jumped again to the air-conditioned external unit on the second floor. When he looked up again, the black shadow was still standing on the fourth floor.

Chen Ge has obtained enough information from the shadow, in fact, the use value of the shadow is not great, but Chen Ge still hopes that the shadow can leave with him, he needs helpers, and even needs an aboriginal of the school to help him Inbound.

If you want to completely change the passive dilemma, you must have enough strength, this shadow is Chen Ge's hope.

"I don't know what the rules in school are, but I know that enough ghosts can be swallowed, and ordinary ghosts can also become red clothes."

Standing on the air-conditioned external machine on the second floor, Chen Ge no longer has any worries, and directly shouted: "If I was taken away by someone else and made a substitute for someone else, you might be nailed to the wall in the future."

When it comes to his fundamental interests, the black shadow finally shakes ~ www.readwn.com ~ He stood on the edge of the window and fell down, Chen Ge only saw a Taoist figure flashing on the wall, and finally fell into his shadow among.

"are you OK?"

There is no movement in the shadow, and Chen Ge's eyes are slightly more complicated, but he quickly regains his spirit.

Jumped to the first floor and ran towards the bushes.

"Every building in the school has fierce ghosts and monsters, and it takes a lot of risk to enter."

Chen Ge did n’t dare to lie in the bushes. After ten seconds, Teacher Bai ran from the other side of the experiment building and stopped not far from Chen Ge.

He looked up at the fully opened window on the fourth floor, his expression grimacing and horrifying, and he kept mumbling about the words bad boy.

Teacher Bai seems to be very afraid of this laboratory building. He didn't dare to go in, just walked around the building, and finally hurried away.

Chen Ge hidden in the trees witnessed all this, and he dared to stand up after he could not hear Teacher Bai ’s footsteps.

Looked at the experiment building, Chen Ge shivered.

In the room where he just jumped the window, a man in a red coat was standing at the window, staring at him!

"The red dress in the duty room has been following me, but he seems unable to leave the laboratory building."

Chen Ge's heart was looked at by the red dress, he quietly backed away. .

"Where to go next?" Chen Ge now desperately needs to find a safe place, check Lin Sisi's mobile phone, sort out known clues, and determine the next plan.

The shoulder was flapped, and the thin black shadow appeared behind Chen Ge. He pointed to the east side of the school and gestured two words—the fence.

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