I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 784: "Mentor

"Enclosure? What are you going to do there?"

Just a few times, the shadow had the opportunity to easily kill Chen Ge, but the other party didn't do anything, and the two already had the most basic trust.

Black Shadow did not answer Chen Ge's question. He also seemed to hesitate to lead Chen Ge in the past. The next place he was going to seemed to be a hiding place he had prepared for himself.

"If you find it inconvenient to answer, you can refuse, we are partners and friends, there is no need to have too many concerns." Chen Ge looked relaxed and said naturally.

Black Shadow stood alone in front of Chen Ge. He was not tall, thin, and looked weak.

Since entering this school, this is the first time someone has said these things to the shadow. He stood facing Chen Ge without concealing himself.

Introverted, cowardly, inferiority, closed, black shadow is different from children of the same age, he does not see any vitality in him, it seems that before entering this school, many unpleasant things have happened to him.

Chen Ge's words reminded Black Shadow of something. Most of the memories in his mind were gray. Every time he remembered, it seemed that his head was pressed into the muddy water. The mud and sand poured into the nose and ears. It was not pain, but it felt. Sultry.

"What stupidity? Let's go, staying in the same place for too long will cause bad things to happen."

Chen Ge patted the shadow on the shoulder, his finger passed through the shadow of the body, and fell on his chest, but Chen Ge did not take it seriously, and seemed to be used to it all the time.

Strode forward, Chen Ge just exposed his back in front of the shadow, without any alert.

Staring at Chen Ge's back, the dark shadow still can't believe that one day he can cooperate with each other for the dead ghost and the original ghost.

"Where is the wall you are talking about?" Chen Ge walked in the direction of the black shadow finger for more than ten minutes, and still did not see the boundary of the school. This school is ridiculously large.

The shadow continued to urge Chen Ge to speed up. One person and one ghost walked in the bush for another five minutes. As a result, Chen Ge was surprised to find that he seemed to have returned to the same place.

"Ghost hitting the wall? How did the surrounding woods become denser? This whole tree seems to be connected?"

It is not appropriate to say that it is a ghost to hit the wall. Chen Ge is now in the east campus and can see the tall buildings in the west campus.

He and the shadows walked towards the west campus for a long time, but the buildings still looked hazy, as if hidden in thick fog.

"Are you sure you didn't point the wrong way?"

Also noticed that the black figure was wrong. He stood sideways behind a tree, his thin figure swaying with the night wind, as if it would be blown away at any time.

"Brother? Are you okay?"

The black image is sensing something. When he withdrew his palm, he signaled Chen Ge to retreat and stop moving forward.

"There are ghosts around? Is it strong? How does it compare to you?" Chen Ge asked several questions in a row, but Hei Ying didn't answer any of them. He moved his body backwards, and at the same time, he made sure that Chen Ge was in Within two meters of yourself.

"It seems that there is indeed something in the woods." Chen Ge wiped the sweat on his forehead, and even the trees on the roadside were not safe. He had a new understanding of this school: "Hope is not in red clothes, or half-length red clothes . "

As Chen Ge and the Shadows slowly receded, a voice came out vaguely in the darkness of the woods-"Save me ..."

Is a girl's voice, listening to the feeling that the other party is only a teenager.

"Someone is calling for help, are you familiar with that voice? Do you know her?" Chen Ge leaned beside the shadow, it is better not to walk too far alone.

Black Shadow nodded gently, then pointed to Chen Ge's ear, it seemed to want to tell Chen Ge, cover her ears, and don't listen to the girl's voice.

"Save me, help me, okay ..."

Even if she covers her ears, the girl ’s voice will still sound in her mind, and the voice becomes clearer and clearer, as if she is slowly climbing over.

"She looks very painful, shall we help her?" Chen Ge turned out of her pocket to find the spikes and hid them in her palms.

Black Shadow couldn't figure out what Chen Ge meant. Why did he say that he wanted to help others, but he took out the nail as soon as possible.

He simply shook his head and stroked four words-danger, run quickly.

"Is she wearing a blood coat or ordinary clothes?" Chen Ge asked as she stepped back.

Black Shadow couldn't figure out what Chen Ge wanted to do, and actually marked out four words-ordinary clothes.

"If it's not red, then I think we need to help her." Chen Ge stopped and counted the nails in his pocket: "A girl asked a stranger for help in a deserted place. Trouble, how can we ignore it? "

"Save me, don't go, beg you, save me ..."

The girl ’s voice sounded very pitiful and weak, and it became clearer. Chen Ge and the Shadow were not slowing back, and the other party could still chase it, which already explained the problem.

"Have you heard? This child feels so pitiful. If we can help, try to help as much as possible." Carrying the bag, Chen Ge had a spike in each of his left and right hands.

Seeing that Chen Ge was going to rescue the girl, Hei was directly anxious, gestured with both hands, and repeated the two words—danger.

"I know it is dangerous, but some risks are worth our risk." Chen Ge not only did not escape, but also looked into the depths of the woods, shouted: "Where are you? If you are injured, stay in place Do n’t move! I ’ll go right away! ”

Hei Ying saw Chen Ge responding to the girl ’s request for help. UU read www.uukanshu.com. His body was loose, and he seemed very anxious and scared. He wanted to leave alone, but he was worried about something. Finally, he got into Chen Ge ’s In the shadow.

"Some things can't be avoided. Even if this girl has only a one in a thousand chance to be really injured, I should go to find out the situation, because she can only rely on me now, and many tragedies can actually be avoided." Chen Ge is loud enough to be heard by people around a few meters away.

Chen Ge stopped at the same place, after only a few seconds, a pale arm stretched out from the grass.

"Save me, please don't go, help me ..."

"What happened to you? How can I help you?" Chen Ge asked softly.

"Yuan Ming is crazy, he is really crazy. I want to break up with him, he is forced to die, and later he invited me to this grove, saying he wanted to talk to me for the last time, we quarreled, He wants to kill me now! He is coming soon! Save me, help me, okay? "The girl seemed to be very weak in sound because of excessive blood loss, and it became difficult to breathe.

"Is there another?" Chen Ge still stood still: "Then I will call the police first, and then take you to the school teacher?"

"Well, thank you, I can't climb, can you come and pull me a hand?" The girl pleaded with a crying cry.

"OK." Chen Ge hid his palm nails and slowly approached the pale arm.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, that arm snapped to Chen Ge's palm! !

This is a broken hand! There is only this arm in the grass!

"Help me! Help me! Quickly dig me out of the ground!"

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