I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 785: How can we call it at risk?

The girl's voice suddenly became sharp, and the broken hand hidden in the bushes, like the poisonous snake that saw its prey, grabbed Chen Ge.

"Don't be nervous." Chen Ge clenched his fists, exposing one end of the nail, and he spotted the hand that was projecting towards him, and hit it hard.

"I'm so cold! I'm at your feet! Help me! Help ... Ah!" The girl's hysterical voice was interrupted and she exclaimed.

"Are you all right?" Chen Ge looked at the broken hand under his feet.

This hand is very beautiful, the fingers are slender, and the skin is white and tender, but the back of the hand is penetrated by a sharp nail, and it is firmly nailed to the mud.

"Where are you buried? I saw a broken hand just now, is this yours?" Chen Ge let go of his palm, his palm was full of sweat, and he was actually taken aback just now. Ready.

There was no more cry for help in the woods, only a sharp female voice shouting in pain.

"Does it hurt so much? I have been pierced several times along the way." Chen Ge carefully looked around and slowly backed away. There was a broken hand in the woods, which meant that there might be other things.

The girl's voice became clearer and clearer. Chen Ge's ears moved slightly. He has the talent of ghost ears. Hearing is far superior to ordinary people, and he can hear ghosts murmur more.

"On my left." Chen Ge reached into his pocket and found a nail. He wanted to make sure that there was a nail in his hand.

The arm nailed to the ground was still beating up and down, the girl seemed to be irritated, her voice began to change, no longer disguised.

Chen Ge moved to the left, suddenly stepped on something under his feet, very soft.

"not good!"

When a bad thought occurred in his mind, Chen Ge's body had already reacted at the same time. He backed away, but his calf was pulled by a force to prevent him from leaving.

"Aren't you going to save me? Why did you leave? I'm buried here, in the mud you stepped on!"

Pain and resentment made the girl's voice very unpleasant. Chen Ge ignored the girl and looked down.

His calf was caught by another broken hand. What's worse is that this piece of mud has a problem. It feels like a quagmire. If you stay for a long time, your body will continue to sink.

When he saw the hand, Chen Ge also reacted quickly, grabbed the nail and pierced the back of the opponent's hand.

413 The curse of the bedroom seems to be very big, and a single nail can cause damage to Li Gui.

"It is worthy of the room where Lin Sisi lived. There may be other babies hidden in that room." The chilling curse has a new usage in Chen Ge, and the dark shadow hiding behind him is also dumbfounded.

"I sympathize with your experience and really want to help you, but what are you doing?" Chen Ge thrust the nail into the other broken hand, and he quickly retreated backwards.

"Aren't you trying to save me? My body is buried under this land! Dig me out and take me away!" The girl's voice rang in her ear, Chen Ge looked back, three or four meters away from her There was a hole under a distant tree, and there was a scared woman's head in the dark hole.

The hair was scattered randomly, the white eyes were completely open, staring closely at Chen Ge: "Liar! You never thought to save someone! You are all liar!"

"I really want to save you, this is undoubtedly, the key is that you have something to say, then grab me hard?" Chen Ge saw the girl's appearance, and subconsciously reached into his pocket, the girl died very badly, nails The number may not be enough.

Chen Ge loves and hates these nails pulled from him. Every additional nail indicates that he is one step closer to death, but after all, it is precisely because of the existence of these nails that he In order to talk to the shadow, and the girl in front of the "equality".

"Don't cheat me anymore! That person said the same thing! But in the end, they turned me into what they are now! Let's die! Let's die!"

The head was hidden in the tree hole, the girl kept cursing, and the surrounding environment changed again.

The air seemed to freeze, the leaves rustled, and a few strands of hair fell from the gap between the branches, and something like a blood vessel appeared on the ground, looking terrified.

"She seems to be buried in the ground for a long time, and merged with this land." The situation has changed, has exceeded Chen Ge's ability, he began to retreat quietly.

"Do n’t you say you want to save me? Why do you want to go? Do n’t you think I look ugly now? Do n’t you say you like me no matter what I look like? Now you change me like this, why turn around? Run away? Come down with me! I'm so cold here alone! Come! I miss you! "

The woman yelled like she was crazy. He seemed to think of Chen Ge as Yuan Ming. The face in the tree hole had been completely distorted.

"She must be very painful now, but I can't communicate with her at all. Forget it, let's find a way to help her completely forget this painful memory." Chen Ge turned to look at her shadow: "The obsession persists, she It will be painful forever. We ca n’t sit back and watch this matter. The head in the tree hole should be her body. Can you control her? "

Black Shadow didn't expect the situation to be so bad in just a few seconds. He looked at the two arms nailed to the ground and didn't understand how Chen Ge actually rescued the girl.

"Brother! Don't talk back! As long as you control that head, we still have a chance!"

Hearing Chen Ge ’s words, Black Shadow shook his head frantically. He was scared. Although the female ghost was not in red, it was not easy to provoke at first sight.

"You have to have confidence in yourself! No matter what happens, you have to believe in yourself! This comes from the power deep inside you!" Black Shadow's weak personality ~ www.readwn.com ~ encountered many unpleasant things during his lifetime, Chen The song shouted loudly, wanting to help the shadow to solve the happy knot.

"I am your substitute ghost, how could I harm you? This female ghost is the first threshold we encounter. Crossing her, the road will become smoother in the future!"

Chen Ge spoke quickly, and finally moved the shadow.

The thin figure floated behind Chen Ge, his body swayed with the night breeze, and it seemed to drift away at any time.

"Don't be afraid! Don't hesitate! Think about your past! You can't let the tragedy repeat! You can never be that kind of person again!"

The figure slowly elongated. On Chen Ge's continuous stimulation, the figure doubled in length, his hands became claws, and the whole body's complaints became heavier and heavier.

"Yes! Anger, despair, and pain are all your strengths. Go! The one in front of you is not an enemy, but a sweet fruit, let her be a part of you, and bear her obsession, so as to save her, It's done for you too! "

Chen Ge's voice was low and hoarse, as if the devil was whispering.

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