I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 788: Phone numbers and clues to the murderer

"Is this Lin Sisi's self-portrait? But why didn't he paint himself with facial features?" Chen Ge stared at the face in Lin Sisi's phone, and the more he looked at it, the more strange it was, because the face of this face was similar to him.

"Is the background of the mobile phone desktop constantly changing? Every time I change Lin Sisi, the face oil painting will change once?"

This phone is a treasure for Chen Ge, he has too many things to understand.

Moving his finger, Chen Ge first opened the phone album: "The camera and shooting functions can be used normally, but the original pictures on the phone look awkward."

Chen Ge looked at the problem for a long time and found that the problem was that all the photos and pictures in the mobile phone album had no portraits, all were landscape photos.

"Is the person's picture deleted? Or is it that the people in this school can't be captured by the camera at all?" Chen Ge dared to experiment with himself. He raised his phone and took a picture of himself. .

This phone is very broken, even without a front camera, and the photos taken are very blurry.

Chen Ge glanced roughly, did not care at first, but watched his pupils shrink suddenly.

In the photo taken with Lin Sisi's mobile phone, there is not only Chen Ge, but also the shadow behind him. What's even more weird is that Chen Ge's shadow in the photo is small and pitiful, holding his knees and curling up together.

"Can this phone take pictures of 413 dormitory? Can this phone take pictures of ghosts ?!"

Chen Ge suddenly understood why there was no one with a portrait in the original gallery of the phone.

"All the photos of the portraits should have been deleted artificially, but I don't know whether it was Lin Sisi or something else."

The mobile phone was touched, but Chen Ge is still very excited. He also found another noteworthy place. The black shadow in the photo retains his truest appearance. That is to say, Lin Sisi ’s mobile phone is likely to have a penetrating disguise. , Restore the ability of Li Gui's true body.

"With a cell phone, I can avoid a lot of dangers, and know in advance what Li Gui really looks like. It also allows me to work out the most targeted plan."

Chen Ge feels that his luck has improved a lot after meeting the shadow.

He took a few photos of himself, and after verifying his guess, he deleted all the photos and left the phone intact.

Lin Sisi's mobile phone is very broken, in addition to taking pictures and cameras, only some very basic functions are left.

Chen Ge then opened the phone book again, and there was only one landline number in it, with the name-home.

Click on the recent newsletter, which contains only the call records within 24 hours.

It is worth noting that within 24 hours, someone used Lin Sisi's mobile phone to make a dozen consecutive calls to two unfamiliar numbers. The last call was even before Chen Ge woke up.

"For such a frequent call, Lin Sisi must have noticed something. He kept calling these two numbers to show that the owners of these two numbers can help him." Chen Ge is now Lin Sisi in everyone's eyes. Later, the first unfamiliar number was dialed.

After ringing a dozen times, no one answered the phone.

"Why not answer the phone?"

Chen Ge was a little anxious. The other party neither hung up nor answered the phone.

"This person's mobile phone is not around, or is he also considering whether to answer the phone?"

After ringing for more than ten times, Chen Ge hung up the phone and started dialing a second strange number.

Di Di's busy tone tortured Chen Ge's nerves. After a few seconds, something that surprised Chen Ge appeared.

With a soft ring, the second call was made, and the other party answered the call, but kept silent.

Chen Ge listened patiently to the voice over the phone and tried to judge the location of the other party. Unfortunately, the cell phone was surprisingly quiet, like a morgue at midnight.

"Hey?" Chen Ge didn't dare to waste the battery. He said first: "I know you are listening. First of all, I don't have any malicious intentions. It doesn't matter if you are inconvenient to answer my questions now. I'll ask, you only need Just make a sound when I guess wrong. "

His reply came from the phone, and the other party still had no intention of speaking.

"Do you know Lin Sisi?"

Almost at the moment when Chen Ge said Lin Sisi, the phone was hung up, and Chen Ge had not responded.

"Hang up directly? After hearing Lin Sisi's three words, he hung up the phone so decisively, this must be a ghost in my heart."

Chen Ge called again, and this time it rang only once, and the other party hung up directly.

"Would you like to send a text message?" Chen Ge thought about it and wanted to dispel the idea. The call is two-way. While exposing part of his information, he can also get the other party's information, but the text message is unilateral. The more, the more your secrets will be revealed.

To be cautious, Chen Ge temporarily gave up the idea of ​​sending text messages.

He moved his finger and started dialing the landline number in the phone book.

When he pressed all the numbers, a boy's voice rang on the phone-I'm sorry, the number you dialed was empty ~ www.readwn.com ~ The name of this number was written as home, but after getting through, I heard Empty number prompt tone.

Chen Ge dialed several times without hesitation, and the results were all the same.

"It seems that this number does not work, his home is gone."

Chen Ge backed off these three numbers, and he ran out of the woods in the direction indicated by the shadow.

The gloomy street lamp on the roadside shone on him, pulling his shadow very long. If you look closely, you can see that his shadow is constantly creeping, as if growing up slowly.

"Dark shadow absorbs the female ghost's heart very quickly, at least ten times outside the door! Is this his talent? Or is the ghost of this school different from the outside of the" door "?"

The speed at which Black Shadow absorbs other fierce ghosts is so fast, making Chen Ge more confident in his plan, but he is not too excited: "The absorption speed is so fast, but the school can still maintain a good order. Strong. "

Chen Ge did n’t know what the school ’s rules were, but it was definitely a violation of the rules to devour other ghosts indiscriminately: “When I first woke up, Teacher Bai named in the classroom. At the time, I seemed to tell me at the same table. Some students are missing one after another. "

Chen Ge thought carefully: "The missing student is probably swallowed, and Li Gui will definitely fall asleep after swallowing a lot of Li Gui. How can the murderer prevent himself from being discovered?"

With his eyes wide open, Chen Ge suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is the murderer the school is looking for hidden among the missing, he may be the first missing student."

Following this line of thinking, Chen Ge's eyes flashed a gleam: "The school has a red coat. Most of the aborigines here follow the rules. Only outsiders like me will be unscrupulous ... I think so Is that the murderer the school is looking for is the orphan who came in early? "

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