I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 789: window

"Assuming the person who opened the door in the ward was Chang Gu, where did he go after entering the school?"

Chen Ge knows nothing about the world behind this door. The previous experience from the Samsung scene is totally useless here, but it is often different. The other party has investigated this door for several years and has Chang Wenyu Congtong. The left eye brought out by the spirit ghost school.

The eyeball can see what ordinary people can't see, and having it is like hanging it.

"Chang Wenyu is Chang Gu's sister. Her body has become a vehicle for the dead. Her soul should still be in school, and the other party should not sit back and watch her brother die."

If the difficulty level of this mission is divided into difficulty, extreme difficulty and hell-level difficulty, the one that is often played alone is the extremely difficult version, while Chen Ge himself plays the difficulty of **** level.

There is nothing to start. When you open your eyes, you have to face the killing game without any help. There is no one around you who can be trusted. In this case, Chen Ge just opened up the situation for himself.

"It would be nice if I could meet Chang Gu, so that his help is equivalent to my help, and multiple friends can take care of each other."

Although Chang Gu's eyes are not so good, he is very smart and good at hiding things. He is definitely better than he is.

"When the dark shadow wakes up, I will look for the list of victims, first observe Chang Gu in the dark, and see how he is there."

Chen Ge never puts eggs in a basket. He is ready to cooperate with each other after finding Chang Gu.

"If the murderer is really an orphan, then I can just push everything on him and clear myself. When I come out to help him at a critical moment, the school should not think that there will be two murderers in this school." Chen Ge thought In fact, there is another plan: "If you want to disturb the school's sight, only two murderers are definitely not enough. I need to awaken more instincts. When the murderers increase and the school rules are broken, I will have the opportunity to fish in the muddy water.

Chen Ge is just thinking about it for the time being. This plan is very difficult to implement. There may be a red dress in the school. How terrifying that monster is. I ca n’t even imagine it with Chen Ge ’s imagination: ” When awakening other fierce ghosts, you must not come out in person, but indirectly stimulate the other party. "

In his mind, step by step to improve his plan, Chen Ge unknowingly ran to the end of the path, in front of a wall.

The wall peeled off, covered with creepers, and the night wind blew through, and the leaves all over the wall were swaying slightly, looking like a small hand was swaying.

"The wall is estimated to be three meters high, there is no support point, it can't be overturned at all, what is the shadow let me do here?"

The wall is close to the trees, and Chen Ge is not worried about exposure for the time being, but his previous experience tells him that if he stays in a place for too long, bad things will happen.

Chen Ge reached out to the wall, and the leaves of the creeper rubbed against the back of his hand. The strange feeling was like a child biting his hand with his teeth.

"This wall looks very ordinary, and it doesn't seem to have too many problems." Chen Ge didn't dare to stay in place, he looked back at his shadow from time to time.

Black Shadow's body is changing every minute and every second. He is still in the process of transformation, seeing no signs of awakening.

"I'm worried about the original ghost for this dead ghost, which is really ironic."

Black Shadow only told Chen Ge to go to the fence, but he didn't say what to do next when he reached the fence.

"There is no blood stains and no cold breath. This place is just like the wall of an ordinary school at night."

The fence looked too normal, and it was so normal that it was incompatible with the overall environment of the night school. Chen Ge went a few steps forward and suddenly stopped.

He opened the plant on the wall and stuck his ear to the wall.

"There is a voice over the wall! It seems to be the voice of the students talking!" Chen Ge, who was too far away, was not too clear to hear: "You can hear so far apart, there should be many people who speak."

Chen Ge judged his position. On the other side of the wall is the West Campus of Hanjiang University, which is exclusively for graduates.

"Why should the east and west campuses be separated by a wall? The east campus is terrifying enough. The west campus is more scary than the east campus?" Chen Ge lay on the wall and listened for a while. His body did not feel any strangeness: " Black Shadow wants me to go to the western campus where my fresh graduates are studying? "

Black Shadow has no reason to kill him, and Chen Ge now also trusts Black Shadow, but it is too difficult for him to get over this fence.

Along the side of the wall, Chen Ge continued to walk forward for about a few minutes, he saw a small two-story building.

The house is not big, it is built against the wall, the door is half open, it seems that someone has just entered before, and when you get close, you can smell a pungent odor ~ www.readwn.com ~ This odor was experimented with Chen Ge The smells in the room are different, not simply corpse smells, but several different smells mixed together.

"Climbing to the top of the house, you can almost turn over the fence and go to the west campus." Chen Ge stood outside the house, holding back the pungent smell, took out Lin Sisi's mobile phone: "This mobile phone can shoot Ghosts and monsters, just use it first. "

Turning on the phone, Chen Ge was surprised to find that the face on the phone's desktop became more like himself: "Is this picture moving?"

Shaking his head, Chen Ge clicked the camera function. He raised his phone and scanned the small building and the surrounding area. Everything was normal.

"The smell in the small building is different from the experimental building. It should not be those upside down monsters. Would you like to check it in?"

Chen Ge looked at the small building for a few times. The building had a smooth skin and no windows were built on the first floor. The only place that could support the body was the windows on the second floor.

"A window opened in this small building?"

There is only one way to turn over the fence with the help of a small building, which is to enter the building, then open the window on the second floor, and step on the edge of the window to climb up the wall.

"There is something in the school that cannot be seen by the vaginal pupils, but Lin Sisi's mobile phone should be able to take pictures. If it is not something that should not be taken, all photos with portraits on the phone will not be deleted . "

Chen Ge finally made up his mind. He came to the main entrance of Xiaolou and pushed open the iron gate.

The door shaft turned and made a harsh sound. Chen Ge entered the house and saw the garbage.

There are domestic garbage, as well as packaging bags for various medicines, and some bulging black plastic bags that are bleeding.

"This building is used to dispose of campus waste?"

Chen Ge did n’t dare to carelessly hold a mobile phone, and every time he took a step, he stopped to take photos with his mobile phone.

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