I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 792: Art club

If the East Campus is a nightmare that cannot be awakened, then the West Campus is a beautiful fairy tale. What makes people care is that both the East Campus and the West Campus come from the same person.

Chen Ge did not stop here at the garbage transfer station. He was worried about waking up the administrator inside.

"I ran to the West Campus, and Teacher Bai could never chase it again?"

Looking at the nearly three-meter high wall, Chen Ge's mouth slightly raised, and he was about to start a new experience.

"The rules on the east campus do not know whether it is applicable on the west campus. For insurance reasons, it is better not to stay in the same place for too long."

Quickly leaving, Chen Ge walked towards the west campus along the bushes by the wall.

Not far away, Chen Ge realized it was wrong.

Unlike the East Campus, the bushes on the roadside of the West Campus have been carefully trimmed, the trees are straight, and there are no weeds. A person standing there can be seen far away.

"Can't hide here, then I'll change the way." Chen Ge took out Lin Sisi's mobile phone and took a picture of the surrounding area first. After confirming that there were no other "people", he took his work clothes from the laboratory building. Put it on.

Slapping off the dust and smoothing the folds, Chen Ge took a deep breath and straightened her waist.

"East campus people call me Lin Sisi, each of them wants me to be their replacement. I don't know what is the difference between the people on the west campus and the east campus."

As a student, the scope of activities in the school is really limited. Not only can the teacher take care of you, but other students are not afraid of seeing you, so Chen Ge is ready to pretend to be a teacher as soon as he enters the West Campus.

"First find a student who looks better at bullying and give it a try. If you can deceive him, this method is useful."

Chen Ge still does not understand why the people on the East Campus would call themselves Lin Sisi, perhaps because every living person newly entering the East Campus will have this encounter.

"The school's administrators shouldn't think that I would come to the west campus. After all, the east and west campuses are blocked by high walls, and the only connecting place is a garbage dump.

Chen Ge always felt bound in the East Campus, as if he had been staring at him with his eyes.

This feeling didn't disappear until he climbed the wall in the middle of the east and west campus.

After clearing his throat, Chen Ge took a few deep breaths and his expression became serious.

People who don't know his details, looking at him at this time, probably thought it was an unspeakable teacher of Chinese studies.

Putting the nails in a pocket for easy removal, Chen Ge carried the bag alone, walked out of the bushes, and walked in the school in a fair manner.

"It's so lively there."

The west campus and the east campus are indeed different, and Chen Ge saw two students only a few steps away.

They are dressed just like the students in reality. They are ordinary, without any characteristics, with a young face and a longing for good.

After working for a few years, many adults will be polished off their corners and lose their sharpness, the light in their eyes will dissipate, and the rest will be more tired and helpless.

But students are different and their destiny is in their hands. They firmly believe that as long as their fists are clenched, a better future will not slip away.

"They are in a much better state of mind than the East Campus, watching them feel younger."

After so many things, Chen Ge's psychological age is much higher than his actual age.

Slowing down, Chen Ge bowed his head slightly, as if thinking about the problem.

The two students came head-on, they talked and laughed.

"I was selected by the swimming club! With my sister ’s personal consent, I will be able to enjoy my sister ’s swimming posture every day, maybe I will be guided by my sister and go into the water with her."

"What about dreaming? Their school sisters at the swimming club will contact you male club members when recruiting new ones. When you join the club, you will be immediately thrown to the muscular schoolboy."

"Isn't that more exciting?"

"Get out!"

"Joking, kidding, what club have you joined?"

"I used to like painting, but it's strange, why doesn't our school have an art club?"

"Impossible, did you not find it?"

"Really, I asked the seniors, and they didn't know. Then I went to the counselor, and he passed me on."

"Then you change another one? Or come to our swimming club? One-on-one tutoring in the swimsuit school sisters, package teaching package."

"I still want to go to the art club ... Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The male student spoke with patience and accidentally hit Chen Ge's shoulder.

Covering his shoulders, Chen Ge looked at the two students with a stretched face. Without talking, he went to the middle of the road.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." The male student was very good.

"I just heard that you wanted to report to the art club?" Chen Ge accidentally glanced at the other party.

"Teacher, do you know where our school's art club is?" The male student said to the teacher that Chen Ge had the bottom of his heart. He was even more worried.

"Why do you have to report to the art club?" Chen Ge's tone is bland ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's hard to guess what he is thinking.

"It's not necessary to report to the art club, I just like to paint, and there are ..." The male student scratched his head and stopped talking.

"Since it's not necessary to report to the art club, then forget it." Chen Ge left with a gesture, and he gave the impression that he was a young teacher with a strange personality.

"Teacher, don't go!" The male student grimaced: "You might not believe it, I have been dreaming lately, and I always dream of similar things."

"What did you dream about?" Chen Ge stopped.

"I forgot. When I woke up in the morning, I forgot what dreams I had at night, but because I repeated many times, I still had some impressions in my mind. I just remember what I seemed to paint in my dream. The students also felt that they were talking nonsense and blushed, as if afraid of being treated as a weird person by Chen Ge.

"So you want to report to the art club?" Chen Ge looked up and down the male student for a while: "What's your name?"

"Week chart."

"Yes, I remember." Chen Ge originally wanted to ask a few questions, but at this time, several students came across the road. Chen Ge worried about exposing himself, so he didn't ask again: "You go back and think about it If you really want to join the art club, you can find me at the club recruiting new ones. "

Chen Ge has seen the small square recruited by the club, full of people, bright lights, and even made him feel an illusion in a trance, as if he had returned to reality.

Leaving slowly, Chen Ge wore work clothes, pretended to be a school teacher, but also learned to be a little different from the true teacher.

Just ten meters away, Chen Ge has met three waves of students. Those children are chatting, discussing entrance examinations, discussing games, flashing in their eyes, with a hearty smile on their faces, which makes Chen Ge start to doubt, Did you have hallucinations?

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