I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 793: You can call me teacher Bai

"Are they really Li Gui? Li Gui also has such a lively and simple side? Li Gui also plays games? Will he tell yellow jokes?"

Chen Ge had doubts. He was not sure if these students were Li Gui. If they were Li Gui, did these ghosts forget that they were dead?

When I came to the small square where the club recruited new people, all the clubs were full of people in front of them. The slogans of the clubs were everywhere. There was also a street dance performance in the center.

"No sense of disobedience, I actually saw such a scene in the door."

Through the small square, the sound in his ears slowly weakened, and Chen Ge came to the periphery of the square. He found a secluded place to sit down and prepared to observe.

"According to the clues provided by Zhou Tu just now, these children should have forgotten something. Are they really happy to live like this?"

Chen Ge has no answer. He is not those children and cannot make choices for those children.

After gazing at the students, Chen Ge's eyes finally stopped beside him.

A thin student was sitting three or four meters away from him. The child sat alone on the steps with no friends around him. He looked at the flow of people in the small square, and his eyes were full of envy.

"Hey, why don't you go to the club?" Chen Ge became interested in the child, and he walked towards the child.

Suddenly heard Chen Ge's voice, the male student was startled, he saw Chen Ge coming, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

"Man, husband, what are you shy about?" Chen Ge walked to the male student: "Want to join any club, go directly, don't hesitate."

"I ..." The male student lowered his head and leaned forward, as if covering something.

"Can you want to go to the art club? But there is no art club here?" Chen Ge guessed.

Seeing Chen Ge so enthusiastic, the male student replied honestly: "I want to learn hip-hop, but ..."

He stood up and Chen Ge discovered that the boy was a lame man with a severely deformed left foot and was limping.

"But the hip-hop club doesn't want me." The male student was frustrated: "In fact, not only the hip-hop club, but many clubs have rejected me. There are two credits for joining the club.

"It's okay, let me do it." Chen Ge patted the male student's shoulder. He was not good at comforting people, but only good at solving problems.

"You?" The male student looked up at Chen Ge with a trace of distrust in his eyes.

"I am our school teacher. Since I saw your situation, I can't ignore it." Chen Ge took out all kinds of documents from Teacher Bai. When he was teaching staff in the East Campus, he handed over these things. Crammed into a backpack.

The thumb blocked the photo, and Chen Ge shook the male student with his ID.

"Forget it, you forced them to let me join, and they were uncomfortable." The male student pursed his lips. "I won't cause trouble for others, and I am fine by myself."

"You are a student of our school, that is, a member of our big family, don't be embarrassed."

"Teacher Bai, I got your heart."

"Stay here, I will go back as soon as I go." Chen Ge re-entered the square. He seriously asked about some clubs, but there were few clubs willing to accept the child.

Returning to the male student again, the other party seems to have predicted the result.

"Teacher, don't worry about me, really."

"Student like you is not an example, if everyone is unwilling to accept, then this is not a problem of the students, but the problem of our school." Chen Ge's expression suddenly became serious: "The body is born, physical We ca n’t change the flaws, but we can change the eyes of those around us. This is the power of education. "

The male student nodded and heard Chen Ge's words, he completely dispelled Chen Ge's suspicion.

"You are waiting here, I still don't believe it today." Chen Ge once again walked through the small square and came to the office building next to it. Because of the statistics of the community, the students come in and out here, and there are many people.

Mixed with the crowd, Chen Ge touched the office building without a word. He was worried about meeting other teachers and only turned around on the first floor.

The door of the office responsible for community statistics was open, and a female teacher was writing down her head, and several students were collating the information of the community.

A glance at the door, then Chen Ge went straight in, very natural, just like he often works here.

The female teacher might think it was the student who came in without raising his head. The students who collated the materials beside him saw Chen Ge, but neither of them said anything.

Walking straight to the empty desk, Chen Ge's psychological quality was extremely strong. He opened the drawer calmly, found the documents and application forms filed by the society on the table, and then sat on the chair.

He simply wrote something with a pen, stamped the school stamp on the application form, and finally stuffed the backpack with the document bag and walked out of the office.

Crossing the square, Chen Ge found the male student again: "There is a society that is very willing to absorb you ~ www.readwn.com ~ This society is still my own responsibility. I don't know if you want to join?"

"Teacher, are you personally responsible?" The male student nodded: "Yes."

There was no club to recruit him anyway. The teacher Bai treated him very well. The male student decisively agreed: "Teacher Bai, what kind of club are you in charge of?"

"Sign first." Chen Ge took out an application form from the document bag and handed it to the male student.

"Okay." The male student signed his name on the application form.

"Wang Yicheng? The name is pretty good." Chen Ge took up the application form of the male student and took out the club document he had just written: "Our club is called the supernatural phenomenon research club, and it's usually nothing. Weird talk, studying some supernatural phenomena, supernatural phenomena, mystics, etc. that are difficult to explain by science. "

Hearing Chen Ge ’s introduction, the male student was dumbfounded: "Teacher Bai, are you serious?"

"Did you see the seal of our school on the document? What did I lie to you as a student?" Chen Ge pulled on the backpack and locked it: "You have just signed the application form. If you leave the company, I will not embarrass you. Credits. "

"Don't, I'm just a little surprised." The male student didn't know whether he should be happy or sad, he always felt that his campus life was changed at this moment.

"It's almost the same. You first tell me the bizarre incident that happened to you, don't skip any subtle places." Chen Ge took out the paper and pen to prepare the record.

"Just here? Start now?"

"Hurry up and start, you don't have to be psychologically stressed. This is the tradition of our club. Anyone who joins the club must first talk about the supernatural event that happened to him." Chen Ge didn't lie, he just didn't tell Wang Yicheng that the other party was supernatural The first member of the club.

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