I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 799: Differences in similarities

“The head of the female ghost is hidden in the tree cave of the east campus, covered with blood and stains, but the tree cave of the west campus is clean, and even a fallen leaf cannot be seen.”

The situation in the east and west campuses is diametrically opposed, and a picture gradually emerges in Chen Ge's mind.

If you compare the world behind the door to a bottomless sea of ​​blood, this ghost school is like an hourglass floating in the sea of ​​blood.

The "glass" shell made by the school master isolates the school from the **** world behind the door, and then somehow conveys the remaining despair of the west campus to the east campus a little bit, making the west campus and the outside world more and more The closer.

The only connection between the East Campus and the West Campus is the garbage disposal center. The East Campus is the real test site, and the West Campus is equivalent to a layer of filters to transport all negative emotions and unsolvable despair.

Chen Ge once entered the garbage disposal center, he saw those "garbage".

"Both despair and resentment were taken away, which also explains why the door that Chang Gu pushed open was not stained red."

Normal doors are soaked with blood, but this door is not the same.

"The memories that these children have forgotten may be related to despair and hatred. How did the school master do all this? Is this the power above the red dress?" Chen Ge was more curious about the school master.

"If the school owner just wants to clear a place in the world behind the door without despair, why do the students in the school still scramble to escape from here?"

Chen Ge has already passed a simple definition of a person's age with good and bad. After getting a black phone, he has met many people and ghosts.

Dr. Gao wanted to resurrect his wife. The shadow of Liwan Town wanted to become a person, making Chen Ge his own shadow, and Zhang Ya wanted to get revenge.

Those who want to come to the ghost school must also have their own obsession, and his obsession may be related to this school.

"I always feel that there are still more horrible things hidden in the school. I am only investigating on the surface and have not seen the true look of this school."

Freshmen know very little. Chen Ge is thinking, when he has enough strength, he can try to tie a teacher and let him help him.

Glanced back at the shadow, and he found that his shadow had stopped creeping, and the ghost hiding in the shadow seemed to be awake.

"If I can kill the monster in the garbage station, I am equivalent to mastering the entrance and exit, and I can freely travel to and from the two campuses."

Chen Ge has a plan in mind, but it is very difficult to implement it.

"Teacher Bai, can we go now? This place looks scary. There are no ghosts. Everything is just a rumor." Zhou Tu was a little impatient. He joined the club to get information from the art club, not In order to come here to feed mosquitoes.

"There is no problem, but I hope you can remember the topography of the murder scene." Chen Ge stood up and walked outside the woods.

"Remember what the terrain does?"

"You will know in the future." Chen Ge waved his hand: "Next we will go to the anatomy room of the next scene experiment building, Zhang Ju will lead you."

Hear that Chen Ge is going to go to other places, several students are stunned.

"Teacher, it's already so late, shall we go? Why not wait for tomorrow." Wang Yicheng whispered.

"I'm afraid you won't see me tomorrow, even if I can hold it to tomorrow, then tomorrow's you may be different from you now." After the original ghost in the shadow woke up, Chen Ge was full of energy.

"But ... we went to the laboratory building in the evening, in case someone was seen ..." Zhou Tu didn't want to go with Chen Ge, he now felt like he was on a thief ship and signed an application form equivalent to life and death. He also thought about leaving the club, but he was still a child after all, how could a freshman dare to fall out with the club teacher the next day?

"Everything is with me, rest assured." Chen Ge's face with a meaningful smile.

Several people left the forest and walked a long way along the path beside the artificial lake to see the experiment building.

Frankly speaking, Chen Ge now has some psychological shadows on the experimental building, but he was the first to walk in.

"I was not afraid when I was alone. Now that I have so many companions, there is no reason to retreat."

The experimental building of the east campus covers four times the area of ​​the west campus and is divided into two experimental buildings a and b, each building has six floors.

It is very late now, but there are still a lot of laboratory lights in the laboratory building, and occasionally people can be seen flashing in front of the window.

"Mr. Bai, we will not be stopped if we go in now?"

"You only need to lead the way ahead."

Zhang Ju walked to the front, Chen Ge slightly bowed his head and walked in the middle of the team, he had already come up with five different sets of utterances in his mind to deal with different situations.

The door of building a was not locked, and there was no guard at the door. Chen Ge and they came in easily.

"Glass doors, white paint on the walls, tiles on the ground, the layout here is very similar to the experimental building of the West Campus, it is like a carved in a mold."

There is no duty room on the first floor. Chen Ge and several people came to the deepest part of the corridor. He finally discovered the difference between the experimental building in the west campus and the experimental building in the east campus.

There is only one cargo elevator in the experimental building of the West Campus, while there are stairs in addition to the cargo elevator in the experimental building of the East Campus.

"There are three laboratories in the medical department. One is on the second floor and the remaining two are on the sixth floor. I don't know whether the anatomy room is on the second or sixth floor. Let's go to the second floor to see it." Zhang Ju walked towards the stairs Going, he touched the scar on his face. After coming out of the woods, he always carelessly stroked the scar on his face.

"Wait, let's go to the sixth floor first, and then to the second floor." Chen Ge knew that the duty room was on the second floor, and he grabbed Zhang Ju's arm: "It's too troublesome to take the stairs, let's take the elevator."

Chen Ge stopped at the door of the elevator, completely ignoring the words written on the door of the freight elevator.

The silver-gray freight elevator door slowly opened, Chen Ge looked at the familiar scene in front of him, and walked in decisively.

"Hurry up ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't rub it."

You can avoid the duty room directly by the freight elevator. After all the students enter the freight elevator, Chen Ge pressed the button to the sixth floor.

The elevator doors closed slowly, Chen Ge stared closely at the elevator control panel, and the number buttons on it did not light up by themselves.

He suspended his heart slowly, but at this moment, a faint smell flew across the tip of his nose.

Looking back, several students stood honestly beside him.

"What's wrong, teacher?"

"Have you smelled a faint smell?" Chen Ge looked at the empty corner of the freight elevator, and he remembered some bad things.

"Smelly smell?" Zhu Long glanced at the others: "Somebody farts in the elevator?"

"Maybe." Chen Ge returned his gaze, he didn't entangle too much on this issue, but he knew very well that it was a odor that would only come out if the body rot.

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