I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 800: Her death is related to me

The freight elevator rose slowly, and finally stopped on the sixth floor.

The silver-gray elevator door was opened in front of Chen Ge, and the cold air of the air conditioner was blown into the elevator. The temperature in this experimental building was much lower than outside.

The bright light shines on the floor tiles. This corridor is very clean and there is no garbage.

"The experimental building of the East Campus seems to be the same, but there is no light on there."

Chen Ge stared at the glass on the door and reflected himself above it.

"I seem to have been to this place, but why I have no impression at all." Zhang Ju raised his head slightly. He also saw his face on the glass. The fire caused the skin to be uneven. Just looking at it made people feel uncomfortable. Comfortable.

He rubbed his head, as if trying to remember something.

"It doesn't matter if I can't think of it. Sometimes I feel this way. I just arrived in a strange place. I've been in the future before, but I feel very familiar. It seems that I dreamed of it here." Singer Chen put on Zhang Ju's shoulder, warm The powerful palm dispelled Zhang Ju's uneasiness.

"Thank you teacher, I am fine, but I seem to have really been here." Zhang Ju added: "Not in a dream, but in reality, I still remember something vaguely in my mind, they are like A large group of scorched meat **** requires me to dig up the blurred surface of the flesh to see them. "

"Your metaphor is very vivid." Chen Ge found that Zhang Ju was not the same as other children, and his memory was retained for some reason: "Go, let's go to the dissection room first."

Chen Ge asked Zhang Ju to lead the way. Several people found the dissection room in the deepest part of the corridor.

"The lamp is off, there is no one in it." Zhu Long peeked at the window on the door of the dissection room, and then the light in the corridor, he could see the cold metal dissection tables in the dissection room.

Just looking at it, his body was trembling gently, which seemed to be an instinct.

"Mr. Bai, are we going in?" Zhou Tu felt a little irritable: "If I don't go back, there will be no hot water in the water room."

"Wait!" It was not Chen Ge who spoke, but Zhu Long lying on the door: "Since we are here, let's go in and see."

"The doors are locked. Are we going to find the administrator now? Tell him that we want to enter the anatomy room to look for supernatural phenomena? Don't make fun of it?" Zhou Tu felt that the society he joined seemed not normal, he was cruel He bit his tongue, and in fact he has been very uneasy since entering this school. Having the same dream for several days in a row has already tortured him very painfully.

He has been pretending to be calm in front of ordinary people, pretending to be himself, in fact, he has reached the verge of collapse.

"Strange schools and even more strange societies."

"Don't trouble the administrator, I have the keys." Chen Ge said, taking out a bunch of keys from his pocket: "My rights are much bigger than you think."

A few members of the community did not expect Chen Ge to have so many keys. They were very surprised. No one noticed that the numbers on the keys were different from those on the west campus. Some keys even had blood stains on them.

Chen Ge stood back to the students, blocked the door with his body, made the keychain rattle with one hand, and took out the scalpel and wire from the tool room with the other hand.

From the beginning, he never thought of using a key to open the door. Because of his professional relationship, he had seen many locks and visited many schools, and he was quite confident about unlocking.

After a minute, Chen Ge saw sweat on his forehead.

"Mr. Bai, have you forgotten which key is this door?" Zhang Ju and Zhu Long gathered around, and Chen Ge didn't expect the lock to be so difficult to open.

He quietly put away the scalpel and the wire, and before the members of the community approached, a large key was hardly inserted into the keyhole.

"This keyhole was blocked by someone. I will open the door first and find someone to fix it tomorrow." Chen Ge motioned Zhu Long to retreat and glanced around. There was no monitoring around. They were relatively close to the stairs.

"Look for someone to repair?" Before several clubs understood what was going on, they saw Chen Ge's foot locked in the door lock.


The door lock that he had n’t loosened before could not bear such a great force, and the door opened.

"Zhou Tu, you and Xiao Wang are outside. If someone comes over, you will say that it is a student here. I only ran and watched when I heard the voice." Chen Ge followed the sentence and led Zhang Ju and Zhu Long into Anatomy room.

"Teacher Bai is trying to take responsibility on herself?" Wang Yicheng was still touched. There was nothing special about this person in front of him, but he sometimes made people feel particularly warm by some inadvertent actions.

"Does he want us to stand outside and help him look at the wind? Is this something a people's teacher can do?" Zhou Yi helped Wang Yicheng, looking at the broken door.

The anatomy room in this school is only half as big as the anatomy room of Hanjiang Forensic Medical College, but the various equipments are the same as those printed in the anatomy room of Hanjiang Forensic Medical College.

"The underground corpse is at Hanjiang Medical University, and that medical school is one of the pre-tasks of the psychic ghost school."

Chen Ge was thinking about the connection between the ghost school and the predecessors, but after a while, he turned around and found that the mental state of his two community members became abnormal.

Zhu Long stood beside the anatomical table in the first row. His fingers flicked across the cold metal table as if touching his lover's skin. His eyes were a bit dazed.

Zhang Ju was standing by the window. He opened the curtain and stared blankly at the picture frame hidden behind the curtain.

"How can there be a mirror frame here?" In the repair room of the staff building of the East Campus, Chen Ge saw several mirrors stained with blood. He found that the mirror has a special meaning in this school: "Why didn't I see it?" To the mirror? "

"Mirrors are not allowed in the dissection room ~ www.readwn.com ~ The mirror should be taken away." Zhang Ju blurted out.

"Then how do you know there is a frame?"

"I don't know." Zhang Ju shook his head, and his voice gradually became louder: "I don't know, I really don't know, I just ... just opened the curtain and saw it."

"Well, I believe you." Chen Ge gently grabbed Zhang Ju's shoulder: "It's okay."

Zhang Ju's face was covered with scars. When he was emotional, his expression was very scary, but Chen Ge didn't let go.

He felt another kind of emotional guilt from the panicked child. Zhang Ju Horror's expression hides a heart that has no place to return.

Chen Ge doesn't know what happened to the other party, but he knows that the big lock that locks the child's memory is because the frame in his hand is slowly loosening.

"Looking at the color and pattern of the frame, the owner of the mirror is likely to be a girl." Many of the clues in Chen Ge's mind are slowly intertwined. He remembered the story told by Zhang Ju. The child seemed to witness the murder.

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