I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 801: Let me go!

There is a detail in the story told by Zhang Ju. The senior was confessed by a **** his birthday. After refusing each other, the senior and the roommates drank and sang to celebrate the birthday.

When Chen Ge first met Zhang Ju, the other party once said that his face was burned by the fire while ktv singing.

Originally, Chen Ge did not link these two things together, but now Zhang Ju's performance is too abnormal, so Chen Ge has an idea.

All members of the society's memories of the summer vacation are vague, that is to say their memories of the summer vacation have been altered by others, and that memory is not credible.

Zhang Ju is very familiar with the school, and also knows the story between the senior and the confession girl. The main thing is that his face was burned by the fire while singing, which coincides with what the senior did that night.

After connecting all these things, Chen Ge had a few guesses. The first Zhang Ju was the senior. He killed the girl. He was a scumbag and a pervert who was good at disguising.

Secondly, Zhang Ju is a senior. The girl was killed while waiting for him, and he happened to witness the process, but because of fear, fear, or other reasons, he did not stand up to stop the murderer, so he felt very guilty.

Third, Zhang Ju is a passer-by or a friend of the senior. He accidentally witnessed the process of killing the girl by the senior, but for some reason, he did not stand up to testify against the senior.

In just a few seconds, Chen Ge had thought of several possibilities: "Despair, viciousness, and some" people "who will shed negative emotions have been transported to the East Campus, and Zhang Ju should not be the murderer."

The murderer is not just killing the girl, the trick is also very cruel, such a person is almost unlikely to show regret.

"Teacher, can I take this frame away?"

"Does this frame have any special meaning to you?" Chen Ge narrowed his eyes and tried to ask: "After all, this is something from the anatomy room of others. If you take it directly, I need to tell the teacher in charge here With a sound. "

"I don't know why, obviously I saw this mirror for the first time, but after entering the anatomy room, I went directly to the curtain as if I knew there was a mirror hidden behind the curtain." Zhang Ju's face was terrifying, but His expression is a little cute, such a child is almost impossible for Chen Ge to be a murderer.

He has always been very accurate in looking at people, especially after so many perverted murderers.

"Okay, but you have to assure me not to damage or lose this frame."

"En!" Zhang Ju focused on him. He was just a kid who had just taken the college entrance examination in front of Chen Ge.

Grasped the frame tightly with both hands. Zhang Ju's eyes showed a trace of guilt. This was inadvertently revealed, and he didn't even notice it.


Chen Ge was talking with Zhang Ju, and a loud noise suddenly came from the front of the dissection room.

He turned and saw that Zhu Long turned the entire metal test stand over.

He was not a medical student. He didn't know that there was a circlip next to the test bed to adjust it. Instead, he used violence and forced to open the test bed.

"What are you doing? You have to pay compensation for damage to school property." Chen Ge walked toward Zhu Long, the other party stooped and stood beside the test bench, extending his head into the test bench.

"Zhu Long?"

The kid who looked bad didn't reply, his shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Are you all right?" Chen Ge grabbed Zhu Long's shoulder, and then the other party slowly turned his head.

Facial muscles twitched, Zhu Long's face was filled with two tears, and his eyes were full of panic, as if he saw something terrible.

Chen Ge gently pressed Zhu Long's shoulder and glanced into the test bench. The words Zhu Long were engraved on the back of the test bench with sharp objects.

"Why does my name appear on the back of the school dissection table?" Zhu Long's voice trembled, and his body trembled even more.

"I also want to know why." Chen Ge bent down and touched those names with his fingers: "How much do people who carve names hate you, so hard."

"I don't know the people in this school at all! Why did they engrave my name in the dissection room!" Zhu Long kicked the test bench hard and made a loud noise.

Chen Ge ignored him, took out Lin Sisi's mobile phone and took a picture.

He swiped his fingers across the names, and then stopped at the lower left corner of the test bench, where in addition to the name, there was a sentence I came to you, you said, as long as we can all become students of this school, Stay with me forever!

"The story Zhu Long tells is true?" Looking at the words on the back of the test bed, Chen Ge shook his head again: "Zhu Long is not like the kind of person who is good at calculation. There are many steps to go through the death donation to the school The most important thing is the body of suicide, which the school rarely asks for. "

"Don't panic, please see if there are attendance tables and seat tables in the dissection room. It takes a lot of time to engrave so many names. The offender should sit in this position every time." Chen Ge quickly calmed down, he and Zhang Ju Looking around, Zhu Long stood blankly.

After a while, he wiped away the tears on his face and said in a very slow tone: "Don't look for it anymore, these words feel very familiar to me, it should be ... I carved it."

"You carved it?" Zhang Ju was still immersed in his own affairs at first. After hearing Zhu Long's words, he woke up directly. The more he thought, the more scared he was: "Zhu Long, what do you mean? It's not a joke now. time!"

"I don't remember when I engraved, but I know these words were engraved by me!" Zhu Long thumped his head hard, he was very hard.

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember, do you still remember what I said before? Of all the students who can be selected by me to join the club, none of them are ordinary people. I will help you remember it." Chen Ge took out from the backpack just now Scalpel for door prying: "Don't be affected by those words, follow your name and engrave your name on the spot."

Zhu Long took the scalpel, shaking his hand and engraving his name on the back of the test stand.

The sound of metal friction appeared even harsher in the silent night. Zhu Long stopped the Zhu characters only after engraving. The Zhu characters he just carved are exactly the same as all the Zhu characters on the back of the test bench ~ www.readwn.com The words on the back of the stage were indeed written by him!


The scalpel fell to the ground. Zhu Long suddenly covered his head. He slammed the test rig hard, and there were blue bars on his face.

"Press and hold him!"

Chen Ge and Zhang Ju grabbed Zhu Long's hands and legs. Zhu Long was still struggling desperately, and all the materials and records in Test No. 1 fell to the ground.

"Mr. Bai, what's the matter with him!"

"The movement is too great. Let's leave here first!" Chen Ge hugged Zhu Long, and when he was about to leave, he found that there was a vintage phone with a pink shell in the pile of materials.

Chen Ge freed one hand to pick up the phone and stuffed it into his backpack. With this blink of an eye, Zhu Long broke free.

He slammed the test rig with his head and screamed: "Let me go! Let me go!"

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