I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 803: Hope to hide deepest in despair

Zhu Long was ill again, his expression was grim, and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, but it was strange that Zhulong's scarlet eyes had tears in addition to bloodshot eyes.

He looks painful.

Several people worked together to drag Zhu Long towards the place where there were few people, but in the process, some people still attracted the attention. Fortunately, they did not chase them.

"Zhu Long overturned the anatomical table in the laboratory building, and the administrator of the laboratory building is likely to chase it. This is not the worst. Zhu Long has engraved a Zhu character on the back of the anatomical table. This word is likely to Shock the people behind the school! "

Chen Ge is very cautious, regardless of whether things are exposed, he will consider from the worst direction.

"Everything is normal on the west campus, it is because there are 'things' that maintain the order of the school, and all negative emotions are transported to the east campus. If those managers see the word 'Zhu' on the back of the dissecting table, they will be aware Until some students have problems. "

Speed ​​up the pace, Chen Ge will not bet his opponent is a fool, all he can do now is to leave the scene quickly.

"Teacher, let's hurry him to the infirmary. He seems to be very ill. This kid must have concealed his true situation before joining the club. He may have a history of mental illness!" With these strange members of the society, he was going to send Zhou Tu to the infirmary and went to the counselor to see if he could quit the society. If that was not the case, the two credits would not be needed. After all, it was still smaller than the credits. Life is important.

"Do you think he has a mental problem?" Escaped, Chen Ge had no time to pretend to be a kind teacher.

Slightly turning his head, Chen Ge glanced at Zhou Tu, with a smile on his face, but Zhou Tu felt a deep chill when he saw his smile. The Bai teacher in front of him seemed to be a double personality, sometimes very warm, sometimes It makes people afraid to come close.

"No, no, I'm just guessing, a big living person suddenly shouted to kill or something, which is too abnormal." Zhou Tu moved a step around Wang Yicheng.

"Zhou Tu, in any way, you are not qualified to say him. In my opinion, you are the one with the deepest illness in our society." Chen Ge paused a little after speaking, keeping a smile: "Of course , Except me. "

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Tu was angry and afraid of Chen Ge, and his tone was not as good as before.

"Now telling you that you won't believe it." Chen Ge grabbed Zhu Long without raising his head: "When I take you into the art club and let you see the scenes in your dreams, you will probably become better He ’s scary. "

"Why, why?" Zhou Tu felt that Chen Ge didn't seem to be joking.

"Because Zhu Long is only one of the backgrounds of this painting, and you are the one holding the paintbrush." ​​Chen Ge has been playing around in the society for several years, and has experienced the hell-like training of black mobile phones. The temperament is completely different from these children.

Zhou Tu did n’t dare to look at Chen Ge ’s eyes. His right hand twitched slightly. His muscles had “remembered” something in advance in the brain. This kind of reaction would only happen to those who have been painting for a long time and with high intensity.

Zhu Long, holding his head in both hands, wailed and gagged, his eyes protruding outward, and a tear mark remained on his cheek.

"It's not remote enough here, let's go to the fence." Chen Ge directs Zhou Tu and Zhang Ju, the three of them work together to control Zhu Long.

"Teacher, don't you really take him to the infirmary?" Zhang Ju was also worried. He looked at Chen Ge's calm eyes. He always felt that Chen Ge had never thought of saving Zhu Long, but was just going to find a secluded place. Buried Zhu Long.

"The infirmary is the place to cure the disease. He is not sick, he is just getting his own things back." Chen Ge needs helpers, and those who can really help: "Any request will have to pay a price, waiting for him to retrieve his memory. Will thank us when it comes. "

"I'm worried that he hasn't recovered his memory. He lost his life first. After all, the memory can be recreated, but the life is only once." Zhang Ju naturally said that the memory can be recreated, and he didn't realize it himself.

"There is only one life?" Chen Ge leaned in front of Zhang Ju and stared at Zhang Ju's face: "You carefully recall what happened in the hospital after the fire. Are you sure that the fire just took away your skin?"

Wang Yicheng was the first to join the club. Although he also felt that Chen Ge was a little scary at this time, he still insisted that the "teacher Bai" in front of him was a good person.

"Let's listen to the teacher, let me help."

"Keep up, don't fall behind."

A few people only walked more than a dozen meters, and Zhu Long recovered his mind. He gasped, and his eyes seemed brighter than before: "I'm fine, I'm sorry, but it's causing trouble for everyone."

Zhang Ju and Zhou Tu let go, and only Chen Ge still supported Zhu Long.

His chest was undulating and he was gasping for breath. There were several wounds dug out on his face. His hands were not known when they were scratched.

"Have you remembered anything?" Chen Ge raised his pink phone, and Zhu Long's face would become very poor as soon as she saw the **** the desktop, and she looked breathless: "The chat log shows that you are very Eternal love, at least you think so unilaterally. Facing someone you love ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why are you so afraid? What kind of girl is she? What did she do to you? "

Every time Chen Ge said a word, Zhu Long's face was pale. If it wasn't supported, he might have difficulty standing.

"I don't know, really! I have never sent these communication records, and I have no impression at all!"

"Then what do you know?" Chen Ge slowly supported Zhu Long's arm, and slowly looked around him alertly.

"I only know that her name is Gao Jie. The name suddenly came out of my mind."

"It seems that it is not useless to beat your head desperately. Congratulations, you are one step closer to the truth." Chen Ge patted Zhu Long's shoulder, trying to ease the tension of the other party: "Do you feel better?"

"Well, thank you teacher, I can already go by myself." Zhu Long wiped his face with his sleeve.

"I mean do you want to look at this phone again to get more memories." Chen Ge would like to know how Zhu Long entered this school, and only if he found his way in, he would have a chance Find the way out.

The secrets of the school are hidden in the disappeared memories of the students. Although the disappeared memories are full of despair, there is no way because the hope is hidden there.

Four members of the society, four different experiences, if they can learn their memories of this school, Chen Ge feels that he should be able to lift the veil of this school.

Zhu Long did not refuse Chen Ge. After thinking of the girl's name, he already had some resistance to the content on the phone.

Looking at the phone with his eyes, Zhu Long's gaze wandered between the sweet words and the cruel and **** pictures. After a while, he got sick again.

"Did she appreciate her work while chatting with me? Has she regarded me as one of her works already?"

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