I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 804: Nuclear good eyes

Unexplained horror swept the whole body. Zhu Long felt his body slowly sinking and his energy was drained. He seemed to be locked in a dark cell, and everyone left him.

"Calm!" Chen Ge shook Zhu Long's shoulder forcibly, the other person's loose eyes slowly came into focus: "This time is not bad, there is no shouting, no fainting. How? Thinking of something?"

"No." Zhu Long is slowly getting used to it. The tone of his speech is not the same as before. There are fewer students' immature and an unspeakable taste. The child is slowly changing. Did not realize.

"It seems that the stimulation is not strong enough." Some things can't be forced. Considering Zhu Long's physical condition, Chen Ge didn't continue to stimulate him: "You hold this pink phone, which contains your memory, most of the content above It ’s true, but you forgot them. "

"I don't know the owner of the phone at all ..."

"Then why do you see a girl's name in your mind after seeing this?"

Chen Ge said that Zhu Long was speechless. For a normal person, the current situation is very terrifying.

Zhu Long scratched his head hard. This kind of unrememberable feeling can drive people crazy: "Teacher, since we know that the owner of the mobile phone is called Gao Jie, why don't you come forward, let's go directly to the girl and ask them all in person! "

"Are you sure this girl named Gao Jie is also in school?" Chen Ge looked at Zhu Long with a trace of pity in his eyes.

The world behind the door is woven with the memory of despair, and the person who brought them despair is not inside the door.

This is also the most ironic point. The victim closed himself behind the door, and the perpetrator may still be alive.

"If she is not a student of this school, how could her mobile phone appear in the anatomy room?" The simple reason is that Zhu Long does not know why Chen Ge does not understand.

"Even if you find her, what you hear from her mouth is not necessarily the truth. You have to search for your lost memory." Chen Ge stuffed the pink phone with Zhu Long: "You take it and slowly recall , Remember to tell me if you find anything. "

"Teacher Bai, Zhu Long is now awake. Where do we go next?" Zhang Ju held the frame from the experiment building and looked at Chen Ge with both eyes.

"Is today's event over? It's too late. It may be locked outside the bedroom without returning to the bedroom!" Zhou Tu relieved when he saw that Zhu Long was fine.

"You go back to the bedroom now, you may forget everything here tomorrow, of course, if you can see the sun of tomorrow." Chen Ge said nothing like a school teacher can say, Zhou Tu even began to be a little afraid of Chen Song.

"What does it mean to forget all this?"

"It's like you don't remember what happened on graduation summer vacation, a few of us, and the things we did together tonight will also disappear from your mind." Chen Ge looked at Zhou Tu calmly: "You Willing to live on this day forever, or choose to believe me, let us find our true look together. "

"It's better to live on this day forever." Zhou Tu doesn't want to take risks. The dream he has been repeating is scary, but there is still a certain gap compared with the weird man in front of him.

"Don't rush to answer, this world is slowly changing. When Zhu Long remembers his memory, you can make a decision no later." Chen Ge's eyes moved away from Zhou Tu and fell on Zhang Ju: "You are a freshman, but you know a lot of things."

"Maybe I also lost some memories." Zhang Ju wanted to smile, his facial muscles pulled scars, and a horrified expression appeared: "It's also a coincidence, this school is so big, but we are special. Of students get together. "

"It's a coincidence." Chen Ge didn't notice any dangerous breath from Zhang Ju: "You and Zhou Tu will be able to follow me to the East Campus. Your lost memories should be hidden there."

"Going to the East Campus? This is not so good? When we first started, the counselor told us that we are strictly forbidden to enter the East Campus, let alone contact with the students there." Zhang Ju touched the scar on his face: "He still It was said that some schools on the west campus went to the east campus without permission, and were eventually left there forever. "

"Yeah, when I arrived on the first day, the senior also told me, don't go to the East campus. It's all garbage that the West campus doesn't want. If you stay there for a long time, you will get a bad smell and you will go back again. "I'm not coming." Wang Yicheng's timid opening, he is the shortest among all people, and looks the weakest: "The west campus is a closed campus, and the east campus is in contact with the outside world. There are often people in and out who are very confused. Fighting and fighting It ’s a common thing, and even a vicious case has happened before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ It seems that you have some misunderstandings about the East Campus, saying that there is no evidence, and I will take you to see it with your own eyes. " Soaring up, these kids really misunderstood the East Campus, where there is more than just someone fighting and fighting, it is a place of ghosts and perverts.

"I also think the counselor is overkill. The students on the East campus may just be a bit naughty." Zhu Long's face was pale. He was holding a high-quality pink mobile phone. His eyes were moist, and his eyes were still full of bloodshot eyes.

"Brother, you are all like this, and still help Teacher Bai?" Zhou Tu looked at Zhu Long's eyes just like watching the magic show.

"You don't understand that feeling, you have experienced it, but you can't remember it. Now Teacher Bai helped me open a door to the past, and of course I want to thank him."

"I don't understand? If I don't understand, I won't be fooling with you." Zhou Tu walked to Chen Ge: "Teacher Bai, I ..."

"Don't you just want to go to the art club?" Chen Ge smiled: "I can take you there."

"Really?" Zhou Tu's voice obviously changed: "Thank you teacher!"

"Don't hurry to thank me first, do you know where the art club is?" Chen Ge joined Zhou Tu.

"Where?" Zhou Tu had a bad hunch.

"The experimental building of the East Campus. The scene in your dream is on the East Campus. Would you like to go with me?" Chen Ge's voice seemed to be a devil whispering, and Zhou Tu's goose bumps were all heard.

"I can tell you with certainty that your dream is true, it should be that your memory is different from other children, and there are the most fundamental things about this school, so this will happen." Chen Ge posted very much Closer: "How? Do you want to go? The truth is on the other side of the wall!"

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