I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 808: Roommates

"Someone in the compartment!"

Seeing the black leather shoes, Chen Ge remembered the teacher Bai on the East Campus. The other party wore such a pair of pure black leather shoes.

"Don't come over first."

Chen Ge took two steps back. He put Lin Sisi's mobile phone into the gap of the compartment and quickly took a photo.

Looking down at the mobile phone, Chen Ge's concerns did not appear. There was only a pair of leather shoes in the cubicle, and no "people" were hidden.

"Lin Sisi's mobile phone can take Li Gui and some special things. There is nothing in the photo, indicating that there is only a pair of shoes in the compartment, but if there is no one in the compartment, how is the door locked?"

The toilet compartment door can only be locked from the inside, and the black leather shoes are placed just like a person standing inside, unlike being stuffed from the outside.

"Teacher, would you be wrong, who would run to the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building at night? Think of it as a lame person." Zhu Long's memory had loosened in his mind, he remembered something, hazy Obscure, there is no way to make it clear, but it did affect him, causing him to have some changes that no one noticed. For example, he began to distance himself from other members of the society, preferring to stay beside Chen Ge, it seems Chen Song is the same kind of person as him.

"You stay here, and if anyone else approaches, notify me immediately."

Chen Ge shook the door of the compartment vigorously and used force to open it.

In the narrow compartment, people made a lot of faces with oil paints, and stood inside, as if stared by many people.

"Why put a pair of leather shoes?"

Chen Ge did not find anything abnormal in the first compartment. He came to the second compartment again. With previous experience, this time he took out his mobile phone directly to take a picture of the gap in the compartment.

The photo shows that there is also a pair of shoes in the second compartment, except that these shoes are not black leather shoes, but a pair of worn blue sneakers.

"The placement is the same. Is there any saying?"

Chen Ge looked at the first six compartments in turn, each of which contained a pair of shoes, all of which were men's shoes, with sneakers, travel shoes, flat shoes, all with different sizes, and should belong to different people.

"The black leather shoes in the first compartment are similar to those of Teacher Bai. They should be worn by adults. The shoes in the other five compartments are all worn by students. Does each pair of shoes represent a person?"

"Lin Sisi was teased by her classmates. Will the owners of these shoes be the ones most targeted at Lin Sisi at that time?"

The biggest difference between Li Gui and living people is that they are composed of obsession and negative emotions. Adjectives such as understanding and kindness are completely unrelated to them.

No matter what kind of person Lin Sisi was in his lifetime, at the moment when he became Li Gui, his body and mind must be swallowed by hatred, which is one of Li Gui's obsessions and the foundation that supports his existence.

Those who make fun of themselves are confined to their companions in the cubicle, and with Chen Ge's understanding of Li Gui, they are likely to do such a thing.

"Teacher! Someone is coming towards the teaching building!" Zhou Tu helped Wang Yicheng standing at the door of the toilet and shouted to Chen Ge: "They seem to be coming from the direction of the experimental building!"

"Running for us?" Chen Ge took the time to walk to the door of the last compartment. He unconsciously took out his mobile phone to take a picture, but was surprised to find that the door of the seventh compartment was removed.

"The seventh door?" According to Chen Ge's previous guess, the door related to Lin Sisi was most likely to appear in the toilet, but he did not find it after searching the toilet.

"Calm, don't panic." Chen Ge nibbled at the tip of his tongue. He knew that the people downstairs would take some time to go upstairs: "Every blood door corresponds to a door pusher, which means the door is unique ..."

Touching the door frame with his finger, Chen Ge found that the door shaft of the seventh compartment was broken: "The door of this compartment was violently opened from inside!"

He looked down at the inside of the compartment. There were no shoes in the seventh compartment, only two blood-red shoe marks.

The two shoes are printed one after the other, like a person is walking outside the door.

"If each pair of shoes represents a person, did the person in this compartment finally run out?" Chen Ge turned his head sharply and looked around, not knowing whether it was a psychological effect or some other reason. The ugly and strange on the walls The people seem to have come alive, and their expressions have become different.

"All despair and negative emotions in the West Campus have been transported to the East Campus. The real" Blood Gate "is estimated to be in the toilet on the top floor of the East School's teaching building."

One problem has not yet been solved, and a new one has emerged. Chen Ge's forehead is bulging with blue muscles. He bit his tongue sharply to keep himself awake: "Step by step, I at least know that I am slowly approaching the truth."

"Teacher! They are upstairs! Let's find a place to hide!" Zhou Tu's tone was anxious, and he was panicked inexplicably: "The people who just entered the teaching building seem not to be teachers and students of the school ~ Their walking posture is also very strange! "

"Walking posture is weird?" Chen Ge immediately realized that it was not good and greeted Zhang Ju and Zhu Long to run out of the toilet: "Which side are they on the floor from?"

"Near the corridor on the toilet!"

"Okay! Let's go down from the other side! Attention, don't be seen by them!" Chen Ge has no intention of bumping into the other party for the time being. The first corridor ran away, but when passing by Wang Yicheng, he suddenly stopped .

The pupil narrowed and his eyes fell on Wang Yicheng's shoes.

"Blue sneakers?"

The shoes worn by Wang Yicheng now are exactly the same as the shoes in the second compartment of the toilet!

"All the shoes in the toilet cubicle are men's shoes ..." Chen Ge recalled carefully. He suddenly found that the shoes in the toilet were exactly the same as those of the students in bedroom 413.

"There are a total of six people in the 413 bedroom. The toilet on the top floor of the teaching building is seven compartments. Six people correspond to the six compartments. There is also a compartment with black leather shoes, which represents the teacher, just enough to make up seven people." Chen Song frowned: "Why did Lin Sisi hate his roommate so much? Didn't he even run back to the bedroom to remind his roommate not to approach the toilet?"

Chen Ge rubbed his temple fiercely. He had too many things to think about: "The east campus is chaotic and disorderly, and the west campus is more like a souvenir in a glass bottle. If you want to know the truth, you must compare the same scene of the two campuses!

"The West Campus is too perfect, and the beauty is not true at all. It is like a child's dream. The East Campus is more realistic by comparison."

Chen Ge's eyes moved away from Wang Yicheng's shoes, and he was determined to take everyone to the East Campus.

"I now have no choice but to look for memories in dreams and truth in reality."

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