I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 809: They forced me!

Those who ran from the direction of the experiment building had already entered the corridor, they seemed to perceive something, and went straight to the bathroom on the top floor without any pause in the middle.

"Go away!"

Chen Ge carried Wang Yicheng straight away, and several people ran across the corridor quickly and came to the other side of the corridor.

They hid in the corridor and held their breath.

"Teacher Bai, why did you stop?"

"You look at the entrance of the third floor, I stand on the fourth floor, and after they are all on the fourth floor, let's go down again." Chen Ge was very courageous, he stood directly on the side of the corridor, separated by a long In the corridor, use the Yin Tong to watch the toilet.


"Look for me to do it." Chen Ge left alone at the entrance of the fourth floor on the right, looking at the left of the corridor.

About ten seconds later, he clearly heard footsteps in the corridor on the left, and then several people in white clothes appeared on the fourth floor.

"What a strange dress? White all over? Even the shoes?"

There were a total of three people upstairs. They were out of their white clothes and there was another anomaly. These guys had scars on their faces.

Not one or two, but like Zhang Ju, half of his face was extensively burned and looked a little scary.

"They are the school administrators?" Chen Ge led them to run downstairs after watching them enter the toilet, avoiding them perfectly.

"Teacher, where are we going next?"

"Find an opportunity to go to the East Campus." Chen Ge's voice was rapid, and the guys in white were putting a lot of pressure on him.

"No, why are you so nervous? It's the same as what we are doing in a shameful manner." Zhou Tu looked at Chen Ge and other members of the society with a nervous expression, a little speechless: "We are students of the school, and Teacher Bai It ’s the school ’s teacher. Even if it ’s seen by the school, it ’s a big deal to say a few words. At most, you can compensate the anatomical table of the experimental building.

"Do you still think that what we did was caught, but will you be criticized by the school?" Chen Ge stared at Zhou Tu's eyes. The child's eyes dodged and he didn't dare to stare at Chen Ge.

"You will understand when you arrive at the East Campus." Chen Ge led the students to avoid the teaching building and slowly approached the sports equipment room next to the teaching building along the secluded path.

"Teacher, aren't we going to the East Campus? What are you doing in the sports equipment room?"

"Looking for tools, Wang Yicheng and Zhou Tu stayed outside to let the wind go. The others came in with me to find things like ropes." Chen Ge opened the door of the sports equipment room and found a lot of skipping ropes Used rope.

"Teacher! Those people seem to be coming towards us!" There was a voice from Zhou Tu outside the gate. He saw several white shadows running out of the teaching building, and were heading towards where they were.

"Impossible? How do they know that we are in the sports equipment room? If it is an accident that the other party goes to the toilet on the top floor of the teaching building, how does the other party determine that I am in the sports equipment room?"

Chen Ge had a bad hunch. He pulled on the backpack and locked it. Because there were too many things in it, the backpack looked very drummed and could only be carried in his hands.

"The sports equipment room is large enough for them to search for a while. Let's withdraw first." Chen Ge carried a backpack and waved to Wang Yicheng: "Come on, I will carry you."

Chen Ge was out of good intentions, but Wang Yicheng refused this time. He shook his head, his eyes full of terror, like a child who had a nightmare: "Teacher, I am scared, I heard someone calling me Name, those people behind seem to come to me, I heard their voices! "

"Do you hear someone shouting your name? When did it start?" Chen Ge didn't give Wang Yicheng a chance to resist. Time was tight, and he couldn't allow him to delay. He forced Wang Yicheng back: "Let's walk and say."

"Teacher! Those people came to me! You will take me with you, and they will definitely be found by them!" The facial features of Wang Yicheng were slightly twisted, and his body was shaking.

"Let's talk less, you are my student, you only need to answer my questions." Chen Ge speeded up, but he was very curious about what Wang Yicheng said.

"When I was taken to the top floor of the teaching building, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and inexplicably wanted to cry. The corridor gave me a familiar feeling. It seemed that something very bad had happened there." Wang Yicheng's eyes Red and swollen, like a fish thrown ashore, it becomes difficult to breathe.

"Aren't you a freshman? Why do you think that corridor is familiar?"

"I don't know. Sometimes when we go to an unfamiliar place, we will feel that we have been there before, and I feel that way now." Wang Yicheng's voice was intermittent and his face was scary.

"What happened to that voice? Suddenly? What did he tell you?" Chen Ge asked softly.

"When I first saw the corridor, I suddenly became uncomfortable. When we walked to the door of the toilet, a picture suddenly flashed in my mind." Wang Yicheng took a deep breath ~ www.readwn.com ~ paused It took a long time to say: "It seems that I came to this toilet a long time ago, and I was responsible for leading a very important person into the toilet. His thin body stood in the toilet, and the toilet was packed with all kinds of Monsters and ghosts! It's because of this that I remembered, so when you went in, I tried hard to stop. "

"Wait a minute!" Chen Ge keenly noticed a detail in Wang Yicheng's discourse: "You are responsible for bringing someone important to you into the toilet?"

"Yes, that person seems to be my best friend. I understand that feeling because there are very few people who are willing to make friends with me, except for him." Wang Yicheng beat his head fiercely, his memory It also seemed to start to loosen: "When we got to the door of the toilet, my voice came to my mind. He was calling my name. I can be sure that he was! But I just couldn't remember who he was! "

"Is he called Lin Sisi?" Chen Ge said Lin Sisi's three words in Wang Yicheng's ear. As soon as these three words were exported, Wang Yicheng's body began to tremble violently. Chen Ge was breathless.

"I didn't do it on purpose, they forced me! I'm sorry! We are still the best friends!" Wang Yicheng shouted with his eyes closed, and his voice was miserable, as if he suddenly found a ghost standing beside the bed while sleeping at night.


Wang Yicheng suddenly collapsed, which no one thought of. He would cause more trouble. Chen Ge decisively dumped him and slammed his neck and neck artery.

"Teacher Bai?" Several other students were startled.

"Shut up! I'm saving him!" Chen Ge tried a few more places and finally let Wang Yicheng fall into syncope: "Mental disorder will cause serious damage to the brain. The best solution I can think of is to stop him temporarily Think. "

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