I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 821: Fire!

There was a musty smell in the archive room, Chen Ge covered the nose and mouth and entered the house first.

The wooden bookshelf looks old, and is placed with the rusty filing cabinets next to it, which has a sense of incompatibility.

"These bookshelves and metal cabinets seem to be things from different schools."

Chen Ge took a piece of information from the wooden bookshelf, but it might be because the preservation environment was too poor. When he exerted a little force, the file bag was damaged.

"Wormworms, damp, these materials seem to have not been valued by the school." Chen Ge carefully opened the file bag, and the contents inside puzzled him: "Donor thank list? How does this paper look familiar?"

Chen Ge watched it repeatedly, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind. He looked at the file bag full of wormholes in his hand: "I seem to have seen such a list in the office of the principal of Muyang Middle School!"

He carefully observed, desperately recalled, and compared with the name of the donor, what made him more surprised happened.

"Exactly! I have seen this list in the office of the principal of Muyang Middle School!"

In order to find the old principal of Muyang Middle School, he entered Muyang Middle School many times. The two-star horror scene has been turned over, but unfortunately no old principal was found in the digging.

"The world behind the door is woven based on the memory of the doormen. This school is special. It seems to be formed by the memory of all the people in the door." Chen Ge gently supported his chin: "Muyang In addition to the old principal of the middle school, everyone else is in my haunted house. A list of donors from the Muyang Middle School will appear here. Does this mean that the old principal of the Muyang Middle School is also in the school? "

Chen Ge opened his eyes wide, he looked at the bookshelf with a musty smell in front of him, and the more he looked, the more familiar he was: "Are these things also moved from Muyang Middle School? That part of the two-star scene is hidden here?"

"It seems that the old principal and I really have a fate." He put the file back in place, and the expression was intriguing: "Before the psychic ghost school trial mission is unlocked, there are nine pre-tasks. Are there any nine pre-tasks? Maybe there is some special connection with the psychic ghost school? "

"Teacher Bai, did you find anything?"

"Yes, there are some discoveries, but I am not sure yet." Chen Ge also took out a damp file, which was covered with mold: "Environmental survey book around campus?"

Here is an archive room. In fact, it is more like a debris room where documents are stored. There are all kinds of documents and materials in it, including graduation design, reimbursement bills, club statistics tables, cafeteria procurement catalog, etc.

"Teacher Bai!" Zhu Long found several crumpled newspapers from the corner, and he took one of them in front of Chen Ge: "You see the news with the big picture in the middle."

"The teaching building caught fire for unknown reasons, many students were trapped in the toilet, and the firemen and soldiers rushed into the fire to rescue them." This report is very eye-catching in the middle of the newspaper.

"Looking at the layout and content, the person who wrote this report should be young." Chen Ge took the newspaper, which was covered with mold, and there were still large stains. Many parts were blurred: "This seems to be from school. School newspaper. "

Muyang Middle School is just a private welfare institution. It has no ability to create a school newspaper. After reading all the newspapers, Chen Ge discovered a familiar place name Xicheng Private College.

This place name appears many times, and many reports are centered around Xicheng Private College.

"Is Xicheng Private College the school where Zhang Ya is located?"

In the abandoned school, Chen Ge was dating Red Dress for the first time.

Is also in that school, he walked into Zhang Ya's heart.

"There was a fire in the teaching building of Xicheng Private College?" Looking back now, he saw the charred staircase handrail in the teaching building at that time: "It's a bit strange, not only the Xicheng Private College, including Muyang Middle School, I went to There are traces of fire in several abandoned schools. "

He read the newspaper that Zhu Long handed to him again. At that time, the firefighter rescued six people from the toilet on the top floor. The newspaper regarded the firefighter as a hero and praised him throughout the article.

But he also saw a report in the corner of the newspaper calling on everyone to learn about fire prevention in summer, which vaguely mentioned that one classmate was killed in the fire.

"The fire started from the toilet, but how did the fire catch in the toilet? The fire happened after the student self-study at the end of the night, and it was already out of school. Why did the children stay in the toilet on the top floor of the school?"

Combining several reports, Chen Ge was keenly aware of the problem: "The fire was burning on the fourth floor. At that time, there were only students in the toilet on the fourth floor. Firefighters rescued six, but one student was lost in the fire. Said there should be seven people in the toilet! "

What is the cause of the fire? It is impossible to figure out now. There is no record of this matter in the information and files. The child who died in the fire seems to have become a taboo.

"This happened to the Xicheng Private College? But I didn't feel anything 'abnormal' when I went there?" Chen Ge was very puzzled: "If the toilet door is the one killed by the fire The child pushed away, then he should be the 'pushman of the Xicheng Private College ~ www.readwn.com ~ but the college in the Xicheng Department can become a Samsung scene entirely because of Zhang Ya! "

Now that Xicheng Private College has become part of the haunted house scene, Chen Ge is very sure that Zhang Ya is the most terrifying existence of that school.

"There is a door in all Samsung scenes, but the Xicheng Private College, although it is a Samsung, has no door." Chen Ge looked at his shadow, chanting the name in his heart, and he kept repeating it, but still no response.

"Xicheng Private College can be rated as a Samsung scene by a black phone completely because of Zhang Ya. As far as I know, Zhang Ya has not pushed any door open, nor did I see the door when I went to Xicheng Private College ..."

Chen Ge slowly lowered his hand holding the newspaper, and the red dress appeared in his mind.

"Zhang Ya, the door that was supposed to exist but disappeared, the door pusher ..." These three words became a line in Chen Ge's mind, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

With his eyes wide open, Chen Ge took a breath of breath: "Would the doormen of Xicheng Private College be eaten by Zhang Ya?"

Only this explanation can explain why Zhang Ya is different and why it is so outrageous.

"What happens to the door after the doormen are eaten?"

Chen Ge speculates on various possibilities: "Zhang Ya has not become a" door pusher "because of his obsession. The door that lacks the" door pusher "should slowly get out of control like the door in Liwan Town, but in fact That kind of thing hasn't happened, this door will only appear beside the bed of desperate children ... wait! Is it looking for a new 'pushman'? "

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