I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 822: Constantly looking for desperate children

Chen Ge was taken aback by his thoughts, an unowned door, constantly searching for desperate children, spending several years, and finally turned himself into a four-star scene?

This sounds too incredible, Chen Ge forced himself to calm down.

"There are thirteen easels in the oil painting room of the experimental building. There are thirteen people painting. They know the secrets of the school and the blood is reversed. They are probably the thirteen candidates they are looking for."

The strength of a single person is difficult to support the four-star scene, unless the other party surpasses the red clothing, but if it is a combination of multiple red clothing, no one can tell the result, after all, even he has not seen so many red clothing. Together.

"Thirteen, this number is really unlucky." Chen Ge glanced at Zhou Tu. He had been looking for an art club and had dreamed of the scene in the oil painting room. This person should be one of the thirteen painters.

"The door should have a selection standard. Zhang Ju obviously didn't meet the standard, but Zhou Tu did." Chen Ge didn't expect much from the painting studio at the beginning, but after analyzing it, he changed his mind: "Zhou The memory of the picture is the key. "

Among the several members of the society, Zhou Tu is the most special one. Chen Ge now has to prepare for both hands.

Zhou Tu's awakening memory tells himself everything, or Zhou Tu's awakening memory becomes his enemy.

"This is a big fish. Was my attitude towards him too casual?" Chen Ge stared at Zhou Tu, and the other party shivered.

"Teacher Bai, let me go over there." Zhou Tu casually found a reason and ran to the deepest part of the archive room.

"What are you running? I am the one who should be afraid." Chen Ge continued to search inside the house, and the surprise brought to him by the archives was far from over.

Soon Chen Ge found several reports about the fire in the archive room. The flame seems to have a special meaning in this school, both symbolizing destruction and heralding rebirth.

"There was a fire in Muyang Middle School, and there were traces of burns on the stairs. The predecessor of the school was a crematorium. Now I found out that there was a fire in the Xicheng Private College. Are these coincidences, or are there deeper reasons?"

In addition to reports about the fire, Chen Ge also found several well-preserved student records at the bottom of the iron cabinet, two of which are very special.

One of the files contains Lin Sisi ’s name, which is evaluated by teachers and classmates.

The classmates were reluctant to be friends with him, and the teacher was too lazy to manage him. The child had no mother and his father was a murderer. He was adopted from an early age, but for some reason, he fled many times from his foster family, which was very vexing. .

In his view, the only person in the whole world who really helped him was an intern in an orphanage.

The newly graduated college student subsidized Lin Sisi after finishing primary school, and also attended Lin Sisi's parent meeting.

According to the teacher's comments, only when the intern was present, Lin Sisi's "ADHD" could get better.

There is no photo and specific information of Lin Sisi in the file, but a handwritten signature Gu Youjia is kept.

The entire file was broken and moldy, covered with wormholes, and only the guardian's signature was clean.

"Gu Youjia, Hanjiang Welfare Home, if I can leave alive, I can go and see." Chen Ge seemed to be talking to himself, but also to whom he was deliberately speaking.

He then looked at another selected file. This file was marked with a date earlier than the other files. There were no names or records on it, just a sentence.

"Forbear one endure, and endure another endure, everything will be fine, they will not be able to bully me all my life, one day, I will grow up."

The words on the file are crooked, not like they were written by the teacher, but more like a child who wrote himself when his hand was injured.

"The bottomless tolerance will only make the perpetrators worse, no matter what the situation is, people who rely on violence to bring pleasure will not be sympathetic and reflective."

Chen Ge took a photo with Lin Sisi's mobile phone and put the file back in place.

"The file with the earliest time should be left by the real door man. After he opens the door, it is very likely that the situation will change greatly and go to the other extreme."

"If the person who pushed the door Zhang Ya ate was him, then after he died, the door he opened was probably still doing some things according to his will. I want to increase the probability of survival behind the door. It's good to follow his mind. "

School violence has never happened to Chen Ge. The closest thing he had to school violence was when he was in elementary school.

Teach the children to bring their toys that they don't usually play to the school and prepare to donate to the welfare home.

Everyone donated it, only Chen Ge didn't speak by covering her schoolbag alone.

Several of the most mischievous children in the class began to **** Xiao Chenge ’s schoolbag, and the zipper of the schoolbag was broken during the push and pull. As a result, a **** large intestine and the fingers of a backpack were scattered.

The beautiful finger cut off in the classroom like chalk, and the **** plastic large intestine bounced a few times on the desk, scaring all the students in the class and the teacher who was going here ~ www .readwn.com ~ When the deputy principal came over later, he asked the class teacher specifically what the family background of this child is?

That evening Chen Ge's parents were called to school, and then they were taken away by the police and asked for a long time.

To say it, Chen Ge should be the only student who was bullied at school, and as a result his parents were questioned by the police.

But things have a good side, at least since then, no peers dare to bully Chen Ge.

"You must not bow your head to violence on campus." Chen Ge has other meanings. In this school, some victims have become a new source of violence.

The psychic school is constantly expanding, and the door that is not stained with blood will approach all desperate children, turning them into a part of the door, recreating their nightmares behind the door, using their souls to make bricks, bases Build a grave that buries reality.

Rummaging through the archive room for a long time, until a familiar smell came from the tip of his nose, Chen Ge decisively led other members of the community to leave the office building.

"Teacher, we have good luck. Those monsters that smell bad don't come to us until the end." Zhu Long whispered.

"It's not good luck. Someone helped us get rid of those monsters." Chen Ge is not sure if Chang Gu is helping himself, but he knows that something must be happening in this school, and those things are likely to be Chang Gu. Brother and sister.

"Let's go, let's go to the experimental building next." Chen Ge looked at Zhou Tu: "You should have made a decision?"

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