I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 829: Chen Ge's choice

"I'm not worried about your perception error, but another thing." Chen Ge can't explain to the students, he can only think for himself: "How can I get Chang Wenyu's breath? Is it because of me Have you been with her brother for a long time? Or did Chang Gu put a certain relic of Chang Wenyu on me? "

"Don't worry, the lost memories will always be recovered. I am very confident in you now." Zhou Tu does not understand Chen Ge's situation. He is still very optimistic: "Don't waste your energy in unimportant places, I will take it. The next words are very important to you. "

"Every student who enters the school has their own choices. Different choices correspond to different results. The judging criteria are not in the hands of the painter, but in the will of the school itself. The monster that merges all the desperate souls is the real school Master, the painter can only be regarded as a spokesperson at most. "

"All we have to do is get the recognition of the school's will, carry out a certain choice to the end, and then calmly usher in the final result." Zhou Tu thought for a while: "The painter's choice is probably to escape reality and serve all lost souls. Build a home behind the door; Chang Wenyu ’s choice should be to leave the school and return to reality as much as possible. We can follow the path left by Chang Wenyu, but the premise is to get the school ’s approval first. "

"What should I do?"

"Don't think of this school as a cold scene, think of it as a person, a person who is bullied and desperate." Zhou Tu said that when he suppressed his voice to the lowest level, his expression was very strange, every time he said, The whole face will be dimmed. It seems that the school will be cursed like this: "If you want to be recognized by the school, you must resonate with it. For example, like a painter, build a home to smooth the will of the school. The loneliness in his heart gives him a place to stay; he can also choose to escape like Chang Wenyu. "

"I understand what you mean, but in my opinion, no matter whether it is fleeing or re-imagining a home, you cannot fundamentally solve the problem." Chen Ge had his own thoughts: "My approach is not necessarily correct, but If I suffered bullying, I would return it in a very direct way. "

"What are you going to do? Chang Wenyu and the painter have provided us with two shortcuts, we just need to follow along." Zhou Tu frowned slightly, he saw the flame burning in Chen Ge's eyes, that kind of gaze It is rarely seen on this dark campus.

"No one is willing to be bullied. As long as there is a chance to resist, they should all grab it hard." Chen Ge stood on the edge of the trees and looked at the large campus outside: "The world is still weak and strong. The weak like it Following the strong, or clinging to the strong, and the strong wanting to show their strength, the best way is to manipulate the weak and embody their authority in the weak, these things are very naive, but also very realistic. Since we Appear on this campus, then just follow the rules. "


"It is the souls of those who are bullied that make up the will of the school. There is another way to go to get their approval." Chen Ge strode out of the bush: "Repositioning ourselves to let us bully those People who like bullying. "

Chen Ge's thinking jumped greatly, and the members of the community were very surprised when he heard him say: "Are you sure you want to do this? Not only can it not resonate with the school, but it also reminds them of their once desperate cowardly, let him Hostile to us. "

"People are a very strange life. Only when they hurt themselves, they will know how much something hurts. My choice is not the best choice, but my favorite choice." Waiting for a long time without any In response, Chen Ge turned to look at several members of the society: "Why do you look at me with that kind of eyes?"

"The words you just said can be different from your usual behavior." Zhang Ju opened his mouth: "I mean, those words don't seem to be what the teacher will say."

"It seems that you don't know me enough." Chen Ge smiled and put his hand on Zhang Ju's shoulder: "Most people live with a devil and an angel in their hearts. Whenever they want to do something, Both the devil and the angel will quarrel fiercely, making him hesitate and doubt himself, but I am different. "

"Are you trying to say that you only have the devil in your heart?" Zhang Ju's ugly eyes stared at Chen Ge, and he tried to find the answer from Chen Ge's expression.

"On the contrary, the devil in my heart was closed behind the door, leaving only the angel and me inseparable, she always supports me, no matter what decision I make, she will stand behind me."

"I guess ... your angel must be full of blood, wearing a scarlet coat." Zhou Tu laughed from the throat, he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Too lazy to explain to you, you just need to know ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have my own criteria for judging, and everything I have done is conscientious." Chen Ge stood among the members of the community: "It's time to go , We go to the second floor of the library, there should be another answer hidden in the mirror left by Chang Wenyu. "

"Yes, your intuition is accurate, we really can't stay here for too long." Zhou Tu leaned his body against Zhang Ju's back: "The mirror is the real world of the world behind the 'gate', here is the painter's construction It came out that he built a home for the homeless children. Of course, it can also be described as a cage. "

Zhou Tu's physical condition is getting worse and worse, his body becomes illusory and may dissipate at any time.

"Let's talk about finding the mirror for the rest, let's go." Chen Ge always felt that Zhou Tu had already lost his soul. At this time, leaning on Zhang Ju's side was just an obsession, when he said all the contents of his memory When he came out, it was when he disappeared completely.

There will be no more people like Zhou Tu in this world, and no trace will be left.

Zhou Tu is sandwiched between the painter and Chang Wenyu. He may be one of the battlefields between the two.

Judging from the results, the painter won, he destroyed Zhou Tu, but Chang Wenyu did not lose, after all, she disseminated information about the painter through Zhou Tu.

"No one in the psychic school is a fuel-efficient lamp, but this is also good. The more water is mixed, the more chance I have."

Chen Ge led the members of the community to the library. They walked carefully among the trees and found that all the doors were opened in the buildings on both sides, as if there were "people" in and out.

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