The ghost school has become different from before, all the guys hiding in the dark have appeared, and they seem to know that their chance is coming.

"Teacher Bai, can I ask more words? Did the woman who left you breath give you any hints?" Zhou Tu looked pale, taking a break every time she said something.

"I don't know Chang Wenyu at all, nor do she know how she left a breath on me." Chen Ge didn't want to continue this topic, he quickly walked towards the library.

"Is it confidential for us?" Zhou Tu was carried by Zhang Ju, his body slowly dissipating, it is estimated that it is very difficult to support the library.

"As you think ..." Chen Ge sullen his head and walked forward. After a few steps, he suddenly frowned.

He really didn't know Chang Wenyu, and he didn't want to hide anything, but Zhou Tu said that it seemed that Chen Ge was deliberately hiding.

Zhou Tu has been leaking information to Chen Ge. He just asked him for the first time, and the first question he asked was related to Chang Wenyu.

This seems normal to others. Chen Ge didn't care at first, but the more he thought, the more strange he felt.

"A coincidence met a coincidence and eventually formed an accident. Although the whole process looked no problem, I always felt that something was not right." Chen Ge thought: "There are still many secrets in Zhou Tu's body, but look at him. , It seems that there is no time to say those things. "

The painter is the culprit who hurt him. If he really hates the painter, he should say everything about the painter instead of asking.

Maybe he was really just an unintentional move, but Chen Ge had to pay more attention.

The library is very close to the office building, Chen Ge and they were all along the way and came to the entrance of the library along the grass.

"I've been to this place, the main entrance is locked all year round, and I can only go through the side door or the window if I want to go in. Damn, I remember that bad memory again." Zhang Ju had a bad impression of Chang Wenyu, after all It was Chang Wenyu who betrayed him and broke his only hope.

Zhang Ju led the way, and several people easily pry open the side door of the library to enter the house.

The library on the East Campus looks very dilapidated. The building seems to be just a decoration. Students and teachers rarely come here.

"It feels a long time, but there hasn't been much change in it, as if she poached my left eye yesterday." Zhang Ju walked to the front, his coat has been basically stained red: "This I have traveled with her before, strictly speaking, she is my first love, this is where we date together. "

With a bitter smile on his face, Zhang Ju flicked his finger across the bookshelf next to him: "How could a date be chosen in the library at midnight? I should have thought that she had never liked me, but was using me."

"That's not necessarily. The dating venue doesn't explain anything." Chen Ge and Zhang Ju walked side by side in front of them: "The teacher is here. I used to date others at the abandoned school, psychiatric hospital, underground corpse, etc. at midnight. Still love me deeply. "

"Is the person you're dating also Chang Wenyu?" Zhou Tu looked puzzled. He didn't finish the sentence, but his eyes moved between Chen Ge and Zhang Ju: "People who come to this place to date, except her, I can't think of anyone else. "

Originally it was nothing, but as Zhou Tu said, Zhang Ju stopped, he looked up and down at Chen Ge, then shook his head: "It's impossible, that woman doesn't love this emotion and ability at all, she is a monster."

Feeling a little irritable, Zhang Ju walked forward several steps alone.

The library in the middle of the night is very quiet, and can only hear the footsteps and heartbeats of the peers.

The whole building is sealed, the doors and windows are tightly closed, but you can not smell any odor, which is not the same as outside.

"Walk through this row of bookshelves, climb up to the bookshelves, and step on the fence next to it, you can go directly to the second floor without going through the stairs." Zhang Ju still remembers what happened that night. All the details have not been forgotten and deeply imprinted. In my head.

"Why don't we just go up the stairs directly?" Zhu Long felt that Zhang Ju was not in a good mood and spoke very quietly.

"I also asked her this question at the time. She said that an iron door was installed on the staircase. The door was full of debris and could not enter the second floor at all." Zhang Ju took the lead in climbing up the bookshelf: "I never I suspected her, so I didn't go to the corridor to see it, or should we go and see this time? "

"Find the mirror and talk about it." Chen Ge didn't want to shoot outside the festival.

Several people came to the second floor of the library according to Zhang Ju. Before they walked a few steps on the second floor, they heard footsteps from the end of the second floor corridor.

"It's a familiar voice again. I heard this footstep when I came here. Chang Wenyu told me a story about the ghost of the library at the time, and I was taken aback. Now I remember this step The voice should belong to the librarian. "Zhang Ju motioned to others to follow him:" You follow me not to leave behind, as I said, you can avoid conflicts with each other. "

"What should I do? Then the voice is getting closer!"

"Did you see the door of the second reading room on the second floor?" Zhang Ju pointed to a door not far away: "From now on, close your eyes and walk towards the wall by supporting the wall. No matter what you touch, listen Do not open your eyes until we enter the door. "

"Can it work? What's the difference between stealing the ear and stealing the bell?"

"Do what he says ~ ~ The library manager is also a member of the Fine Arts Society, he will draw everyone who sees him into the painting." Zhou Tu took the lead in closing his eyes, others Several people also believed his words.

Finally, Chen Ge was the only one. He listened to the footsteps approaching slowly, gestured towards his shadow, and then closed his eyes.

The sound of footsteps moved from far to near, Chen Ge and they held the wall forward slowly, feeling that they would collide with others at any time.

Closed his eyes, it was dark all around, and fear came like a tide.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. The other party did not seem to find Zhang Ju and Zhou Tu, maintaining a constant speed, but when passing by Chen Ge, the footstep sound suddenly disappeared.

"It stopped beside me?"

Chen Ge didn't open his eyes and touched the wall to move on. After a few seconds, the footsteps sounded again and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Opened the door of reading room No. 2, and Chen Ge took a deep breath.

"All of what you have experienced, I have experienced that night, and it feels like history is reappearing." Zhang Ju and everyone else entered the reading room and closed the door of the reading room: "If nothing goes wrong, the mirror Hidden in the last row of bookshelves. "

The truth was finally revealed, but before Chen Ge passed, a familiar figure walked out from the last row of bookshelves.

"I knew you could find it here." Hei Ying carrying a large, worn backpack in his hand, he bowed his head down, some hunched.

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