I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 831: Cooperation

The sudden appearance of the figure made the atmosphere in the reading room tense. Chen Ge and his party stood at the same place, and no one moved on.

"Would you rather believe the ghost behind the door than the living person outside the door?" The figure slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of strange eyes.

His right eye is like a normal person, but his left eye is a blood red, like a glass bead soaked in red paint.

"Chang Gu."

Lips moved slightly, Chen Ge said a name, he did not expect to see each other here.

"I know you have a lot of doubts now, but I don't have time to explain to you, you just need to know that I won't hurt you anyway." Chang Gu raised his backpack in his hand: "This is your thing, I Bring it over for you. "

Chang Gu was holding the backpack brought by Chen Ge from the haunted house. The zipper had been unzipped and there were many things inside.

"How come my backpack is in your hands?" Chen Ge took a step forward.

"Don't go!" Zhang Ju stopped Chen Ge: "I don't have this person in my memory, the situation has changed."

Chang Gu also heard Zhang Ju's voice, he grinned: "You are really popular, and you can make friends wherever you go."

Turned sideways to open the passage, and Chang Gu glanced outside the reading room, and the speech speed became faster: "The backpack was given to me by my sister. She told me that you will definitely come here."

"Chang Wenyu?"

"Well, she will help you leave school, provided you agree to cooperate with her." Chang Gu put down his backpack: "This is why you will be here."

"It was Chang Wenyu who dragged me into the door? Your two brothers and sisters counted me together?" Chen Ge was used to thinking from the worst point of view. He recalled the scene where he was dragged into the door in the hospital. The hand stretched out inside, slender and weak, is indeed a woman's arm.

"I just learned a lot of things, so this is not deception, at least I don't mean to deceive you." Chang Gu looks much better than before, like being a teenager.

"Speak, how does she want to cooperate?" Chen Ge feels that there is no one who can be trusted in this school, everyone is for their own benefit.

"Don't use that reluctant tone, she is saving you. The situation in this school is far more complicated than you guessed. Without her, you may never wake up." Chang Gu took the initiative to walk towards Chen Ge: " We are friends, friends with the same goal and mutual understanding. "

Zhang Ju and Zhu Longhu were on both sides of Chen Ge, and everyone looked very cautiously at Chang Gu.

"What do you need me to do?" Chen Ge doesn't like to turn around, especially in this very dangerous place behind the door.

"The painter is about to become a new door man. At the moment when he becomes a door man, all the soul behind this door will be imprisoned here forever and live in the beautiful paradise created by the painter." Chang Gu did not stop. He is very close to Chen Ge.

"Isn't this also good? Give a homeless soul a home, forget the pain and despair, and create a blood-red paradise." Chen Ge found that Chang Gu really changed a lot, he couldn't feel it on the other side The breath of any living person.

"Don't use my words, in fact, you know in your heart that there is no paradise in the world at all, and the painter is daydreaming. My sister wants to stop him, but her own strength alone is not enough, so I need your help. "Chang Gu ignored the two half-length red clothes beside Chen Ge. His blood-red left eye was like a heart, beating slightly in his orbit:" This school is qualified to be a gatekeeper. Thirteen, of which the painter is the strongest, my sister is second, and the remaining eleven are surrendered to the painter, and others have been erased from their memories and become puppets. "

"The difference in strength is too great, including me, it is estimated that we can't stop the painter." Chen Ge is not pouring cold water on Chang Gu, he is telling the truth, his biggest relying on Zhang Ya is still asleep.

"We don't need you to deal with the painter, you only need to wake up all the ghosts that the painter has sealed."

"How do I do it?" Chen Ge was relieved to hear that he did not have to deal with the painter.

"Aren't you already doing a good job?" Chang Gu raised his finger to Zhang Ju and said: "These three are on the list."

"Three of the four ghosts around me are eligible to become doormen?" Chen Ge didn't expect his luck to be so good.

But think about it carefully. In the West Campus where only good memories are left, several of them are still isolated, which is a very abnormal thing in itself.

Chen Ge is trying to ask who of the four Li Gui is not qualified to be a pusher, but Chang Gu speaks again: "My sister will try to distract the painter's attention. During this time, you must find as many painters as possible. Sealed ghosts awaken them. "

"Okay, no problem." Chen Ge now has no choice but to agree. The painter and Chang Wenyu are both offended by him. Besides, awakening Li Gui and accumulating strength is exactly what he wants to do.

"I knew you would agree." Chang Gu looked at Chen Ge with satisfaction: "Finally, my sister has a few words that I want to tell you."

"Chang Wenyu has something to say to me?" Chen Ge and Chang Wenyu have never met ~ www.readwn.com ~ He really doesn't know why the other party values ​​him so much.

"Yes, she hopes you will also be recognized by the will of the school and qualified as a doorkeeper." Chang Gu's blood-red left eye jumped slightly, as if observing Chen Ge's reaction.

"I don't want to be left behind forever." Chen Ge refused decisively.

"Just let you get this qualification." Chang Gu's expression eased a little: "It is easier for you to escape by being recognized by the will of the school."

"Then what should I do?" Chen Ge had heard Zhou Tu say something before, and asked Chang Gu at this time just to be more safe.

"This door is different from other doors. The scene behind the door is divided into two parts by the painter, half normal and half blood red. I believe you can see it, it is similar to the two campuses."

"The West Campus transported all negative emotions and desperate memories to the East Campus to keep the West Campus clean, and then the painter transported the negative emotions accumulated in the East Campus to the other half of the blood-red scene."

"The purified normal part behind the door is controlled by the painter, and the will of the school is hidden in the blood-red scene in the other half."

"It's very difficult to explain. It's better to look at it yourself, but I hope you can be mentally prepared. The **** side of this door is more than any door you have seen before."

Chang Gu thought for a while, and after confirming that he had n’t forgotten what to explain, he stepped aside: "The mirror next to the bookshelf is the entrance. Hurry up and get recognized, this abandoned school will soon be in chaos.

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