I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 832: enter

Footsteps were heard in the corridor outside the reading room. The library manager was moving towards this place. Although Chen Ge still had a lot of doubts, he had no time to ask.

"Chang Gu, I hope you don't deceive me, I can do my best to help your sister, but you must ensure that I and my friends can safely leave this school."

Chen Ge got together with other members of the society. He was very credit-worthy and said that he would take Zhang Ju to leave, and he would definitely work hard.

"I can assure you, but the question is whether my guarantee is useful? Here, anything is possible, even the painter can't give you a 100% guarantee." Chang Gu's blood-red eye jumped slightly No one knows what he is thinking about now.

"You have changed a lot after entering the door. It seems that I have to re-examine our relationship." Chen Ge looks calm, he will always look like this, it is inexplicable, I don't know if he is singing the empty city plan, There is still another hole card.

"We are friends, also from outside the door, knowing the roots, I will not harm you." Chang Gu raised the backpack in his hand: "Look, I will help you to send things."

"We are indeed friends, but I also made some friends in the door. Everyone is friends, so I hope you will not make me too embarrassed." Chen Ge did not tell Chang Gu that he was on the top floor of the teaching building. I promised to be someone's friend in the toilet.

At the time, he was using Lin Sisi's mobile phone to see the picture of Lin Sisi's previous bullying. At the end of the video, he heard a voice in his ear that wanted to be friends with him.

With the idea of ​​many friends and multiple paths, Chen Ge agreed directly.

Now think about it, the master of that voice is probably the painter.

Many people want to use Chen Ge, but if they have a deep understanding of Chen Ge, it is estimated that they will regret it very much.

"Okay, just do what you say." Chen Ge led the other members of the society to Chang Gu: "Now can you give me my things?"

"No problem, but you have to wait until you enter the mirror before you can open the backpack." Chang Gu did not give the backpack to Chen Ge, but followed him to the last row of bookshelves.

Several people pushed the bookshelf away, exposing a mirror covered with black cloth.

"This mirror will not be used a few times. You better seize the time and get the approval of the will of the school before the painter finds this place." Chang Gu opened the black cloth and handed the backpack to Chen Ge: "Stand in front of the mirror and put your hand On the mirror, look at it carefully, you will see the world over the mirror. "

Took the backpack, Chen Ge did not immediately put his hand on the mirror, he took a step back.

"What do you want to do?" Chang Gu frowned.

"Don't be nervous, I entered this ghost place for the first time, and I have no experience, so I want to see how others do it first." Chen Ge restrained his urge to open the backpack and gave Zhang Ju a look: "These The scene should have appeared in your memory. "

Zhang Ju nodded, pushed Zhou Tu to Zhu Long, and stood at the front of the mirror: "To be honest, I actually want to live in the painter's dream, but if it comes at the cost of freedom, that's still a problem."

The scarred arm rested on the mirror, Zhang Ju raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror.

Chen Ge discovered one thing a long time ago, in the world behind the door, the mirror rarely appears.

It seems that in this blood-red world, the mirror has other special meanings.

He stood at the end of the team and watched patiently. If there were no people around, he even wanted to find paper and pen to record the whole process.

Blood dripped along the arm on the mirror, and bloodstains were crawling on the mirror surface. It was not clear whether they were outside the mirror or from the world in the mirror.

There are more and more bloodshot eyes. At a certain moment, in a blink of an eye, the scene in the mirror suddenly changes.

Is also a library, but the library in the mirror has turned blood red, and blood flows horizontally, and every book seems to be written in blood.

"Unexpectedly, I will come back one day, this time, I hope I will not make the wrong choice."

Zhan Ju outside the mirror murmured to himself, but he was motionless in the mirror, like a puppet without a soul, bowing his head and closing his eyes.

"Pay attention to safety, don't run around after you enter, wait in the same place, the few of us act together, there are many people." Chen Ge still wants to say, but Zhang Ju's state is a bit unstable, he didn't listen to Chen Ge if.

The head that was deformed by the fire slowly turned. Zhang Ju ’s left eye was flushed with blood. He stared at Chang Gu, all the wounds on his body were torn open, and countless bloodstains were surging on him.

"Your left eye is beautiful, I ... I really want to eat it."

It seemed that Zhang Ju was stimulated. His expression was distorted. Even more strangely, his expression in the mirror gradually began to change, slowly becoming the same as himself.

When the two are in sync ~ www.readwn.com ~ The hand he pressed on the mirror was pulled by someone, and his body sank into the mirror.

"He was dragged in by himself in the mirror?" Chen Ge hadn't reacted yet. There was only a pool of blood in front of the mirror. Zhang Ju disappeared as if he had never appeared.

"The mirror can reflect your appearance, but not your soul. The mirror is your body and your side. You can see the most ugly side of yourself when looking in the mirror, and you can also look in the mirror. When I saw Zhang Ju, the voice of Chang Gu became a lot easier: "The mirror behind the gate of the ghost school is not the same as in reality. The painter sent all the beautiful things into the mirror. All ugly, desperate and horrible things are placed outside the mirror, so each of you will see a different self when looking in the mirror. "

When Zhang Ju was talking, Zhou Tu had passed the mirror. He was fast, and members of the surrounding society, including Chen Ge and Chang Gu, did not notice.

"Teacher Bai, I know you still have a lot of things to tell me." Zhu Long seems to have something to say, but maybe he did not say those words in the end because of the presence of outsiders: "I rarely believe in others, hope Don't let you down. "

Put his palm on the mirror, Zhu Long looked at himself in the mirror, his tall body was reassembled, and what was reflected in the mirror could not be regarded as a person at all.

The blood stains in front of the mirror became thicker and thicker. After all the members of the society left, Chen Ge stood in front of the mirror with two backpacks.

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