I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 837: Evil flower

"This is indeed the case. The teacher asked everyone to write a review. This is a common thing for bullies, but it is the first time Yan Fei has written a review."

"He was at my desk, I saw him crying."

"When he came to class the next day, Yan Fei's clothes were ragged, and he seemed to be blocked by outsiders on the way to school."

"These guys are bullying Yan Fei more and more, and his academic performance is getting worse and worse. From the second row of the positive to the third row from the bottom, the bully is sitting behind him."

"He has no friends, no one helps him, everyone is afraid that he will be the next person to be bullied."

"One afternoon I suddenly saw that Yan Fei bought a pencil sharpener and he was sharpening his pencil that afternoon."

"When the last class was about to end, the people behind stepped on the back of his chair, and those guys started bullying Yan Fei again, and this time Yan Fei behaved very calmly."

"The school bell rang and the group of people just walked over when the teacher left, pretending to inadvertently sprinkle water on Yan Fei's textbooks and school bags."

"They talked and laughed, and were about to leave, and then I saw Yan Fei took out a sharpened pencil from the stationery box and thrust it at the person who often bullied him."

"The man's face was ripped and several people worked together to press the crazy Yan Fei on the ground."

"This has reached the ears of the school leaders. The parents of the bullies rushed to the school to talk about it. The bullies put on the masks of the children, and they cried to the adults, saying that if they were not hiding fast, their eyes would have been poked. blind."

"The situation is very serious. Yan Fei's parents were called to the school. The honest father paid apology to everyone, bowed his head to the bully's parents, and begged the school leaders not to expel Yan Fei."

"Under the eyes of all eyes, the honest father gave Yan Fei a slap."

"The sound is very loud. Slap on Yan Fei's face, smashing his little self-esteem."

"From that day on, Yan Fei stopped fighting back. He became silent, like a wood without soul."

"Sometimes when being bullied so unbearably, Yan Fei will run away and rush into the toilet alone."

"No one knows what he is doing, he will come back when the school bell rings."

"Everyone didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and no one really cared about Yan Fei."

"After a while, Yan Fei was bullied again after class. He rushed into the toilet but never came out."

"The teacher and the students only found out that Yan Fei's lips fainted in the last compartment of the toilet, and the blade from the sharpener fell next to him."

"Everyone helped Yan Fei up, and a student accidentally saw Yan Fei's arm under his long sleeve, and he yelled out in shock."

"At that moment everyone knew why Yan Fei would wear long sleeves and trousers no matter how hot the weather is."

Li Bing has finished speaking about Yan Fei's past. Chen Ge couldn't calm down long after listening.

This child is a very ordinary person, and may even walk on the road, passing by with himself, but such a child was finally forced to despair.

"Self-mutilation is a way of stress transfer, using pain to reduce mental pain, this is a bad vent."

Chen Ge clenched his fists, and he stood up from the seat: "Li Bing, do you know where the infirmary is?"

"What are you doing?"

"I want to see Yan Fei, can you help me lead a way?"

After listening to the story about Yan Fei, Chen Ge wanted to see Yan Fei even more. He had a feeling in his heart that Yan Fei was one of the students he wanted to find.

Compared to other children, Yan Fei has no miserable life experience. He is like everyone around us, ordinary and ordinary, but was washed by the torrent of life to the cliff.

"No." Li Bing shook his head. In fact, he had been avoiding Chen Ge. The conversation was just passing a note. Even when he had to speak, he bowed his head and his voice was very low.

He sympathized with Chen Ge and hated bullies, but compared to these, he was more afraid of being seen to be communicating with Chen Ge, and he did not want to be isolated by other students.

Seeing Li Bing's attitude, Chen Ge just nodded calmly. He didn't blame Li Bing, but instead understood some things.

The world behind the door will magnify the mind and all kinds of miscellaneous thoughts. Various negative characters are no longer subject to moral constraints. They do not need to hide, and they will vent their negative emotions unscrupulously.

The meat-eater enjoys the pleasure of manipulating others, playing with the little self-esteem left by the poor, the bystanders stare coldly, follow the meat-eater's carnival, and finally the poor are left helplessly struggling, and finally become numb, even getting used to their identity .

Chen Ge scanned the classroom. Everyone was doing their own thing. The fighting in the back row of the classroom was a farce for them. They just watched with cold eyes and no one stood up.

"In addition to the responsibility of the school, the other students on the flight are also responsible for the occurrence of campus bullying. When there is no snow in the avalanche, innocent people, everyone thinks that as long as bad luck does not come to their heads, the bullies will be Indulge. If someone can stand up when bullying occurs, say a word fairly and impartially, and give a comfort to the bullied, things may change a lot. "

Chen Ge said these words directly, he did not know what form the school will appear in, but he felt that what he did could be felt by the school will ~ www.readwn.com ~ No snowflakes are innocent during an avalanche Yes, it will be the saddest thing that silence becomes a habit. "When Chen Ge spoke, Li Bing's shoulder shuddered a few times, and he seemed to hesitate to tangle, but he still didn't stand up in the end.

"The first door pusher was the one that was opened because of campus bullying, and then the door kept searching for the souls of those desperate children, forming such a weird and scary school."

"The painter and Chang Wenyu are very strong, but they have not become new doormen, indicating that although they have been recognized by the will of the school, they have not met all the requirements of the will of the school." Question: "If I were a child in despair, what would I most hope to see after opening the door?"

Is surrounded by blood, and those **** are even bullying their classmates, which is obviously not what the doorkeeper wants to see.

No one likes to repeatedly expose scars and sting wounds.

"Are these bullies just the test?"

"If you want to be recognized by the school, you must stop all bullying, and let bullying never happen again?"

The deepest despair often hides the simplest hope. After a moment of contemplation, Chen Ge wrote a sentence on the note and handed it to Li Bing.

Li Bing didn't pick it up, and Chen Ge didn't care. After putting the note on Li Bing's desk, he walked out of the classroom and went to the medical office.

After Chen Ge walked away, Li Bing secretly opened the note with a few words on it and I will completely change this school.

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