I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 838: School doctor

Chen Ge has his own ideas. Combating violence with violence is the simplest way. To truly be recognized by the will of the school and be accepted by all desperate children, violence alone is not enough.

"It may not be successful, just give it a try."

Leaving the classroom, Chen Ge walked on the corridor with two backpacks. The students on both sides were rushing to the classroom, but he was spreading out in a very dashing manner.

"Student, do you know where the infirmary is?" The students in this school were very unfriendly. Chen Ge asked several students in a row, and finally someone was willing to lead him.

"Are you a freshman in class four? When I passed the teaching office just now, I heard the teacher and the teaching director talking about you. They seemed to be punishing you." The girl who gave Chen Ge the way was looking at a girl like a junior high school student. Wearing a ponytail, the dress is very simple.

"Do they want to punish me?"

"It seems that you disregarded school rules and disciplines, and beat people in the classroom." When the girl said this, she also peeked at Chen Ge with curiosity: "Are they talking about true?"

"If I said it true, would you be afraid?" Chen Ge kept a smile on his face, and the school teacher had his own way of dealing with the problem. He understood it, but did not approve it.

"No, I think you did a good job. Those guys were mixed with the outside of the school, making the school black and white, and it should have been controlled!" The girl seems to have been bullied, she said for a long time, and finally quietly approached Chen Ge: "I hope you will be safe this time."

"Student, let's meet for the first time?" Chen Ge felt that the girl's performance was a bit abnormal, as if she was deliberately pleasing herself: "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

A trace of confusion flashed in the girl ’s eyes, but it quickly returned to normal: “In fact, I do n’t have any friends. In our class, all of them laughed at me, because various things teased me, so I wanted to be friends with you, If they bully me next time, I can have someone to talk to. "

The girl is not good at lying. When she says these latter words, her eyes will unconsciously look in other directions, and there is a deep bitterness hidden deep in her eyes.

The resentment has nothing to do with Chen Ge, she should want to retaliate against those who have bullied her.

"Sorry, I am used to being alone." Chen Ge knew that the girl did not really want to be friends with herself, she just wanted to find someone to protect herself.

"It's okay." The girl had a disappointment that couldn't be concealed, but she took Chen Ge to the entrance of the infirmary.

"It's here, I'm going back to class." The girl returned the same way. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Ge: "Forgot to say, my name is Yinghong, I have the opportunity to talk again."

The girl barely squeezed out a smile, and then trot away.

"Even if you are not happy, the smirk is so sweet, this girl is quite suitable to be the front desk of a haunted house, but a pity."

Opened the door of the infirmary, the curtains were swaying, and the blood-red thick fog surrounded the body. At a glance, the room was hazy and nothing could be seen.

"anyone there?"

The medical office of this ghost school is very large and consists of four connected rooms.

The outermost room is the consultation room, which occupies the smallest area, and is equipped with two tables and two shelves for storing various items.

"The school infirmary has the feeling that a private hospital has been built. How many students are there every day?"

Blood-red walls, the fine bloodstains crawled in the walls as if insects, and a white coat was hung in the corner, but the doctor could not be seen.

Chen Ge walked to the table. On the wooden table was a set of bound patient information, which recorded some students 'medical conditions and doctors' treatment plans.

Turned a few times, Chen Ge found Yan Fei's name on the third last page.

But beyond Chen Ge's expectations, the doctor only gave Yan Fei some hemostatic drugs and did not give him any psychological enlightenment.

Looking at this notebook alone, I can't see the seriousness of the problem at all. Those who don't know the truth may think that Yan Fei just accidentally scratched himself.

"Nothing can be seen from the surface. All the students in the file are normal. In fact, they may have fallen into some kind of despair."

This patient data is not thick, and each page is posted with a photo of the corresponding patient.

"The injury was sent to the infirmary, which has been bullied to a very serious point, maybe I can find other children through this file."

The four-star scene of the ghost school is very special. It incorporates several different memories, so the number of ghosts and various kinds of remnants is extremely large. It is difficult to find a child who has the qualification to be a doorkeeper from this, but this patient information The emergence of Chen Ge found a shortcut.

"Since Yan Fei's name appears on it, other students who are qualified as pushers may also be here."

Walked through the consultation room, Chen Ge entered the second room, where several beds were placed, except that the space was larger outside, there was no difference between this room and other rooms.

"Excuse me, I want to find someone."

Chen Ge stood at the door, his pupils beating gently, and he felt a very uneasy feeling in his heart.

No one responded. No one seemed to be in the infirmary.


Reached into his pocket and Chen Ge took out a spike from his palm and hid it in his palm. After confirming that he could hear the rustling sound of the tape in the repeater ~ www.readwn.com ~ he dare to move on.

He walked into the third room carefully, with the same beds in the room, but unlike the beds in the second house, each bed here was separated by a white cloth.

May be for the protection of the patient, who can't see who is lying on the bed while standing outside.

"This place is a bit dangerous."

Cleared through many trial tasks. Chen Ge has now developed a sense of danger. He is leaning against the wall and slowly moving his steps.

Reached out and lifted the curtain closest to him, a pungent stench came out of it, and there was a black stain of crusting in the middle of the white sheets, which looked like blood.

"The smell is strong, this bed should have been used by somebody not long ago."

For a moment, Chen Ge found that the pillow on the bed was very drummed, as if there was something stuffed in it.

He was about to pick up the pillow, and his neck felt a sudden chill, as if someone was reminding him to look back.

Turned his head and Chen Ge saw a doctor in a white coat standing not far behind him.

The other party was bloated, and his body was almost wrapped in a uniform. His hat, mask, and coat had only a slender neck exposed.

"The body is so fat, but the neck is so thin. Is this doctor wearing several clothes in a row?" Chen Ge stared at the doctor's neckline, where a dark red could be seen vaguely: "The uniform outside is a pure white coat, inside The clothes are red and black. What is the origin of this doctor? "

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