I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 840: The old principal's past

Chen Ge is very sympathetic to Ying Bai, but if Ying Bai does not speak, he cannot help each other.

"I am a freshman who has just transferred to school, and I don't know much about this school. If some of the words that make you feel uncomfortable, I hope you don't go to your heart."

The girl's mental state is very unstable, and forced to ask may cause her to collapse directly. For the sake of the girl's safety, Chen Ge remembered the girl's bed number, preparing to close the curtain and wait for it to come again.

The thick white cloth closes again, separating the bed from the outside world into two different worlds.

Chen Ge turned and walked to the next bed without taking a few steps, and suddenly felt the hem of his clothes being pulled.

Looking back, a pale hand stretched out from under the white cloth and grabbed his clothes.

"Run away, don't take classes in this school, you will go crazy." Ying Bai's voice is very low, and you need to concentrate to hear it.

"I feel that our school's learning atmosphere has stopped, and everyone likes to make friends with me." Chen Ge is not afraid of girls harming themselves, but afraid of girls not speaking. As long as they can communicate, everything is easy to say.

"Go back to your previous school, go back." There was a hint of pleading in the girl's voice. She didn't say a specific reason, but Chen Ge could hear from her tone that the child was really thinking about him, no Hope he is hurt.

In the blood-red world behind the door, Chen Ge felt incredible even with such a kind girl.

"I can't go back." Chen Ge paused a little, and his brain had thought of a set of words in a few seconds: "I have experienced campus bullying in my previous school. I don't know what I did wrong, those people. Every day I take pleasure in bullying me, my parents find school leaders and teachers for this, but the more these people go beyond that, no one in the final class is willing to be friends with me. I really ca n’t stay, so I just transferred here. "

"You were bullied in the previous school, so you transferred here?" The white cloth was opened with a slit, revealing Sakura White's big face.

The fear in her eyes faded a lot, and was replaced by surprise and worry: "I don't know how to tell you, if you don't want to be hurt again, I advise you to go to another school."

May be the same as the bully, and the relationship between Yingbai and Chen Ge has drawn a lot closer.

"Why? Today is the first day I transferred over. I was still introducing myself on the podium half an hour ago. Isn't it appropriate to go now?" Chen Ge is inducing the girl to tell the truth, he needs to know more More information can really help each other and change this school.

"This school is like a black vortex. You have to leave before approaching. Once you are in it, you ca n’t escape anymore. You will be dragged to the bottom of the abyss by them. If you do n’t crush your bones, you will become the same Monster. "The girl was sitting on the hospital bed. She refused to come into contact with the outside world. She stretched her hand out of the white cloth, which seemed to be her limit.

"Is that so scary?" The blood-red world behind the door is in stark contrast to the campus built by the painter in the mirror. At this moment Chen Ge understands the painter and Chang Wenyu somewhat.

One accepts only goodness and hope and tears human nature; the other chooses to escape and hide in a place where it will not be hurt.

Their approach to obtaining the will of the school is more ingenious. It can't be wrong, but it has not fundamentally solved the problem.

"You will be assimilated and want to be bullied, and you can only turn yourself into a monster in the end." Ying Bai should haven't spoken to people for a long time, watching Chen Ge is more kind, but also a transfer student, so I chose Communicate with Chen Ge.

"Only these two cases? Then you ..." Chen Ge put down his backpack and sat down beside the bed.

The bed isolated with white cloth is like a girl's closed heart. Chen Ge walks into her world a little bit with goodwill.

"Can you tell me your story?"

The girl did not reply, nor drove Chen Ge, or was very irritable. She was eager for someone to stand with her in her heart, but for various reasons, she had lost the courage to talk to people.

Her world is wrapped in maliciousness, taking a proactive step, and may fall into a trap full of poisonous snakes and sharp knives.

Looking at the girl from close range, Chen Ge found that the child was very cute, with a somewhat morbid beauty, and it was easy to wake up the potential for destruction.

Slender arms, white neck, no **** skin and face, the child hugged his knees, black hair covered his eyes, and seemed to be in a daze unconsciously.

The bed was very soft. Chen Ge noticed that the girl ’s pillow was sinking badly. She seemed to be hiding something in the pillow.

'S eyes moved, and Chen Ge found a picture frame next to the girl's pillow, which contained a family portrait.

The chubby old man pushed a wheelchair. The frail young woman was sitting on the wheelchair holding a bunch of flowers. You can still see pinholes on the back of your hand.

On both sides of the wheelchair are two cute little girls, dressed in beautiful skirts, snuggling beside their mothers.

The two girls are Sakura Red and Sakura White, but what really caught Chen Ge's attention in this photo was the old man in a wheelchair.

The old man's hair is black and white ~ www.readwn.com ~ looks like someone in Chen Ge's impression.

"His face and smile look similar to the old principal of Muyang Middle School!"

Chen Ge had seen the picture of the old principal. In the group photo of all the students in Muyang Middle School, a chubby, smiling old man was sitting in the middle.

"Age is not right! Why did the old principal stay with these two little girls?"

After a dry cough, Chen Ge whispered: "Sakura White, is the old man in that photo your grandpa?"

"En." Ying Bai nodded: "He is my only relative, and occasionally visits me."

"He will come to see you ?! The only loved one?" Sakura Bai's sentence is very informative, and countless thoughts suddenly appeared in Chen Ge's mind.

If the old man is really the old principal of Muyang Middle School, then the other party was at Muyang Middle School, but Yingbai said that the old man would come to see him occasionally, which means that the old principal knows how to enter and exit the psychic ghost school!

This is the first one. The second point is that there are two people named Yingbai and Yinghong in the photo, but Yingbai said that the old man is his only relative, which means that in the view of Yingbai, Yinghong is not even her relative. There should have been very bad things happening between them.

"Sakura White, can you tell me what kind of person your grandfather is?" Chen Ge moved her body towards the girl.

Sakura Bai, who was sitting on the hospital bed, raised his head and spoke for a long time: "My grandfather can't have children, he has no blood relatives, but he has many children."

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