I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 841: I'll be the light

"My mother is one of the many children adopted by grandpa." Ying Bai's eyes are very beautiful, and she is clear. "My mom is an abandoned baby, and his body was weak from an early age. The situation did not improve until he was adopted by grandpa."

"She was raised by grandpa and stayed with grandpa until she was 20 years old when my mom met my father."

"They had a very simple wedding and they will soon have me."

"After my mother gave birth to me, my health became worse and worse, and my father's attitude towards my mother gradually changed."

"Later, his mother's company went bankrupt and owed a lot of debts. He was chased by people every day. He often left my mother and me at home and ran outside to hide the debts."

"He always said that the debt collectors will not embarrass women and newborns, and dare to come back in the middle of the night every few days."

"This continued for several months until my father stopped communicating with his family and never returned to that family."

"Fearing with the child in fear, knocking on the door of debt collection every day, splashing paint, and finally one day my mother fell ill."

"The doctor called my grandfather, and he knew that his adopted daughter had a bad time."

"White-haired people take good care of black-haired people, which is not common in the hospital. The mother's health is getting worse. She wants to see her father again, not for the so-called love, but just to give her father a slap and ask him words."

"Her wish did not come true until she died, and the grandfather sent her away that night, feeling a lot older."

"Later I will live with my grandfather, read, go to school ..." Ying Bai said, lowering her head again: "I don't want to cause trouble to him, I don't want to."

In Yingbaikou, the old headmaster of Muyang Middle School is a very good person. The evil in human nature and almost can not be seen in the old man, which also confirmed Chen Ge ’s determination to find each other.

"Your grandfather is really a very nice person. Do you know where it is now? I want to see him." If you can know the way to leave the ghost school, Chen Ge will never have to worry about it again, he will be invincible. Ground.

Yingbai shook his head: "He lives outside the school and always appears when I can't hold it anymore, and I will feel at ease every time I see him."

"Understood." Chen Ge did not ask again. The ghost school will soon be in chaos. The old principal will definitely come to protect his granddaughter.

Closing the curtain, Chen Ge's mind was all about the old headmaster. The other side avoided himself several times, and this time must not be let go.

Left Yingbai's bed, Chen Ge suddenly realized something, when the girl recalled the past, did not mention any information related to Yinghong, as if there was no Yinghong in her life at all.

"The family portrait clearly has the existence of cherry red. Why should this child ignore her? What happened to these sisters?"

Chen Ge feels that the reason why Yingbai will become like this is probably related to Yinghong.

"When you find the old headmaster, everything will be solved, regardless of them." Remembering the bed of Ying Bai, Chen Ge even had the idea of ​​leaving Ying Bai beside him and protecting himself, but considering the back room The doctor was difficult to deal with, but he gave up.

Continued to check the ward, Chen Ge smelled a pungent smell when passing the last bed.

Lifting the white cloth curtain, Chen Ge looked at the hospital bed, and a boy with a very ordinary look was lying on his back.

His hands and legs were bandaged, his eyes were blank, and he stared staringly at the ceiling. Even if someone opened the curtain, he did not react.

The child didn't seem to care about everything that happened outside, like a walking dead.

"Yan Fei?"

Seeing the appearance of a boy, Chen Ge was very disgusted. This child is like all ordinary people, he is a microcosm of the public.

"I know you are uncomfortable, and I'm not here to persuade you, I just want to tell you, I'll avenge you. I bullied you and I beat you up, I will give them some more after school A deeper lesson. "

Facing different people saying different things, Chen Ge wanted to get close to Yan Fei quickly, so he could only do so.

After he finished speaking, Yan Fei on the hospital bed still did not react, and seemed to be not interested in anything.

Chen Ge tried to say a few words, but no matter what he said, Yan Fei did not respond, and even did not move his body.

Can't communicate. Chang Wenyu's task for Chen Ge is much more difficult than imagined.

Standing beside the hospital bed, Chen Ge was about to reach into the curtain to check what was wrong with Yan Fei's body. The door not far away was suddenly opened, as if a doctor had come out.

Time is limited, Chen Ge withdrew his hand, he looked at Yan Fei with a trace of regret.

"Darkness is there. Even if you ignore it, it will not disappear from the sky. Either you merge into them and become a part of darkness, or you become light and illuminate all darkness."

"I know you can hear my voice, and I know you have rebelled. Now I am sitting on the seat you used to do. What you did not do, I will help you do it."

"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, wait for me to punish those who should be punished, I will come to you again."

Yan Fei's situation is much more serious than Chen Ge thought. He completely closed himself, not talking or communicating, maybe only the knife was cut on his body, the most primitive pain can make him feel that he is still alive.

"You are not wrong, I will prove it to you."

Chen Ge wants to change this school ~ www.readwn.com ~ First of all, it is necessary to change the students' ideas.

After encountering or seeing classmates suffer violence on campus, silence can't solve any problems. Only when they stand up bravely can they protect themselves and protect others.

If all students can do this, campus violence will be stopped when a sign emerges.

Chen Ge does not expect other students to be like him, he just set himself up as a sign, a man who dare to say no to campus violence in a ghost school.

Walked out of the infirmary and Chen Ge returned to his class.

The teacher on the podium glanced at him, and he didn't speak again.

The school bell rang and the teacher walked out of the classroom for the first time. He seemed to have something urgent to deal with.

After the teacher left, the students in the last row immediately stepped out of the classroom. They pointed at Chen Ge and seemed to be planning something.

"You don't want to go back alone tonight, let your parents come to pick you up." Li Bing, with good intentions, took a big risk and stuffed Chen Ge with a note.

"If my parents really come over, I'm afraid they will directly lift this school. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them for a long time." Chen Ge sat in his place and slowly packed up the textbooks.

"I'm not kidding you, they are many people! You broke the rules of the game, they will deal with you together!" Li Bing is very anxious, he seems to have seen Chen Ge's tragic ending.

"Relax, I'm not afraid of more people than anyone else." Chen Ge stuffed the last book into his schoolbag and strode out of the classroom.

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