I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 842: The smile gradually perverted

Chen Ge itself is here to pick things up. The more chaotic the ghost school becomes, the happier he is.

"The pocket on the left is a student ID card, and the pocket on the right is a teacher's qualification certificate. With both hands ready, I am now waiting to rebuild a new order on the ruins."

Pressing the repeater switch, Chen Ge walked towards the end of the corridor with two backpacks.

Li Bing seemed to be worried about him. After watching him leave, he followed him, walking behind Chen Ge, hesitating, as if to say something to Chen Ge, but fearing that he would be injured by those bullies.

Chen Ge moved along the corridor, he didn't know the road, just wandering aimlessly.

The students on the promenade gradually decreased, and the rest of them seemed to know him, watching his eyes dodge, pointing his back at him, pointing out what he should be planning.

"Why don't they do it? I have tried to go to a remote place."

Chen Ge is trying his best to cooperate with those bastards, wherever he is in danger.

In order to seduce the bully to shoot at himself, he also controlled his expression, allowing himself to show a strong external force, a calm surface, and a panicked look inside.

At this time those bullies may be enjoying kuàigǎn playing prey, they are playing cat and mouse games.

"The ghost school behind the door is composed of several buildings connected together. The office buildings and teachers live in the east, relatively speaking, the west is the most chaotic management place, mostly unmanned laboratories and warehouses, almost no Teachers and students go by. "

Chen Ge's expression became more and more irritable, as if a headless fly wandered around the school, and finally "inadvertently" entered the most "desolate" warehouse area of ​​the ghost school.

The moment he stepped out of the corridor of the East Campus, Li Bing left, and he finally had no courage to remind Chen Ge.

No one was visible in the empty corridor, and a thin blood-red mist enveloped Chen Ge.

"It's time to start? I voluntarily ran to such a remote place." Listening to the rustle of the repeater in my ear, Chen Ge looked out the window, the blood mist covered the world, and through the mist, I could see one The **** red sun, that thing seems to be composed entirely of negative emotions.

"Behind other doors, I have never seen this thing."

The blood-red sun was looming in the depths of the blood mist. This scene touched Chen Ge's memory and reminded him of a scene that happened a long time ago.

When doing the nightmare-level daily tasks deep in the tunnel, Chen Ge once fell into the illusion. Seeing himself killed in the tunnel many years ago, he could not escape the past, and finally Zhang Ya appeared to save him.

At that time, in the illusion of seeing death, Zhang Ya appeared like a blood-red sun.

"It's so similar. It's almost the same as Zhang Ya when I was lost. Will the blood-red sun in this school be a ghost?"

The sudden sound of footsteps interrupted Chen Ge's thinking.

He looked back, and the originally closed doors on both sides of the corridor were pushed open, and the blood mist around him was thicker.

The sound of footsteps is gradually approaching, the atmosphere is more and more depressed, and there is even the sound of metal hitting the ground.

"Freshmen are understandable and understandable, but they openly break the rules and do not take us into consideration. This requires a good education."

The door of a laboratory was pushed open, and a strong-looking man came out, followed by three students behind him.

These people are all children in Chen Ge's class, and they sit in the last row.

"Just four of you?" Chen Ge was a little dissatisfied. He was so loud in public, but there were only four people in the other party.

"Relax, everybody classmates, we won't do it." The strongest student headed by the passageway smiled, he glanced up and down Chen Ge, a look like Chen Ge.

"This is a school. Do you dare to try me?" Chen Ge threatened the other party harshly, but the students didn't care.

"Let's go back and look at it. There is no monitoring here, and no one will come over, even if someone sees it, they will not tell these things." The students should have done this more than once, and they have no fear.

"Looking back?" Chen Ge looked behind him, the warehouse door not far from him was pushed open, and a pungent odor wafted out of it: "This smells familiar, I also smelled it in the school the painter rebuilt From the people who turned upside down. "

The smell became stronger, and the students in Chen Ge's class stepped back a few steps, blocking the exit at one end of the corridor. Chen Ge wanted to escape and could only run deeper into the corridor.

"I blame you for being so unlucky that you voluntarily ran to our site. Teachers here rarely dared to come." A middle-aged man came out of the warehouse. He was wearing clothes stained with blood, and his face seemed to be burnt with a soldering iron. A very scary scar.

"Brother Scar, this is the kid who took my chair and beat my friend the first day after he transferred."

"How did he fight?" The middle-aged man dragged a brand new wooden chair from the warehouse without looking at Chen Ge.

"Just hit my friend's head with a chair."

"It's pretty hard to get started." The middle-aged man put his chin on his hand: "Let me think that although he doesn't follow the rules, he is a freshman after all. So, you guys come over, take my chair and hit him according to him The way your friend hits him one by one. If he dares to resist, I will call out the brothers and continue to smash. "

"Are we smashing? Isn't this good?"

"Less nonsense."

When the middle-aged man communicates with the students, Chen Ge has been observing him.

The other party is not a student in the school ~ www.readwn.com ~ It should be a lone soul wild ghost who inadvertently attracted in when the ghost school is expanding wildly, and listening to the middle-aged man, there are still many like him. .

"Eating the students in the ghost school may cause dissatisfaction with the will of the school, but these outsiders should not be within the protection of the will of the school. I let the employees swallow them, and it can even be said to help the ghost school purify the learning environment."

Chen Ge looked at the middle-aged man's gaze very differently than before. He was just preparing to beat all the bullies all the way to the end, but now he changed his mind.

"Noisy? They dare not come to us, how big is it?" Several adults came out of the warehouse one after another. They were all dressed differently from the ghost school students. Everyone had scars on their bodies and kept the dying ones. appearance.

The quarrel soon ended. The middle-aged man named Brother Scar dragged his chair and walked in front of Chen Ge. He looked at Chen Ge, whose calf trembled unconsciously, and the scar on his face gradually twisted: "Now that you are afraid?"

"No, I'm just curious. Why did you listen to those students? Did some of them grasp your weaknesses and you can only be forced to work with him?" Chen Ge probably guessed something.


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