I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 844: Scarlet sky

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The victim fled in vain and hid in the last compartment of the abandoned school toilet.

The murderer pursued step by step, slowly approaching the prey, with a grin, tightening the rope around the victim's neck.

The scene of the old man standing outside the toilet emerged, but when he couldn't wait to look in the toilet, he found that everything was different from his imagination.

A man with blood on his body and only one hand grabbed the head of the leader and threw it on the wall.

Innumerable blood wound around the leader's legs. He desperately tried to escape. His hands left finger marks on the white wall, but no matter how he resisted, he couldn't break free.

A pungent odor wafted in the toilet. A fat man who was fat to exaggerated squeezed out of the compartment. He showed more enthusiasm than other employees. The odor from the ghosts outside the school made him very excited.

One figure after another came out of the toilet cubicle, and the old man looked silly.

He froze in place, still did not understand what happened, until five pale fingers pinched his neck.

Was out of breath, he tried hard to see who the other party was, but he didn't even realize the simplest wish.

"Does it hurt?"

Before the soul flew away, this was the last voice the old man heard.

In less than thirty seconds, the toilet returned to calm again. Chen Ge walked out of the cubicle and glanced at his staff.

Bai Qiulin swallowed Xiong Qing's heart, coupled with crazy eating, he was only one foot away from the red clothes.

At this time he had mastered a lot of Xiong Qing's talents. The red Xiong Qing made by the Association only had half of the body, and the other half was completely composed of bloodshot eyes and negative emotions.

In the fight just now, Chen Ge found that Bai Qiulin also braided his broken hand with blood.

Bai Qiulin is getting stronger, but it is not him who changed the most, but the stench boy Chen Ge brought from Xicheng Private College.

This boy who stayed with his father ’s body for a long time, has long been accustomed to stench, he has no name, everyone hates him, stench is synonymous with him.

What Chen Ge did not expect is that in the psychic ghost school, this special fierce ghost who is not even a half-length red dress actually found a way to enhance himself. terror.

"What is the odor contaminated by people outside the school? Why do I smell that kind of smell in the school that the painter rebuilt?"

Chen Ge didn't care about the smell at first, but the abnormal reaction of the stench boy made him pay attention.

"Wait for the opportunity to let him go to the garbage disposal center between the east and west campuses, and those unrecyclable dirty things may be of great use."

Let the employees simply clean the toilet and destroy the murder scene. After confirming that nothing was missing, Chen Ge took all employees back to the comic book and walked out of the toilet.

"Originally, I thought that the staffing of the horror house was not as good as the four-star scene, but it wouldn't be too bad. It turned out that I thought too much." Chen Ge looked at the window beside the corridor, the **** day in the blood mist It seemed to be watching him: "There are countless remnants and obsessions in the school of psychic ghosts. There are 13 thrilling ghosts who can become doormen. The number of red clothes is unknown. It is estimated that there will be more than ten conservatively, plus the will of the school itself. , This four-star scene is really terrifying. "

Chen Ge is just now fortunate: "Fortunately, the psychic ghost school scene itself is not malicious to me, and I will not deliberately target me. But if I can leave the psychic ghost school alive, what will happen to the next necromancer scene? The existence of the four-star scene can be said to kill me! "

The four-star scene is completely different from the Samsung scene. Chen Ge feels that even if he doesn't accept the task, that scene will take the initiative to find him.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, a curse can't be avoided. It's always coming. What I can do now is to enhance the strength through the ghost school scene, and then wait for the birth of the dead tire."

Wandering in Li Gui and Red Clothes, strengthening his strength on the edge of life and death, this kind of thing can only be done by Chen Ge, but he was also forced to go forward all the way, waiting to return to God and found that he has no escape route .

Standing at the door of the toilet, Chen Ge did not turn off the repeater, carrying two backpacks and went deeper into the warehouse area.

"Since you are here, you can't always run in vain. Besides, school is the place to learn, and now it's too much for those guys to get mad."

Chen Ge is not clear why the will of the school will condone these foreign solitary ghosts, and he may just be unable to make a move.

"You are inconvenient to do, I can help you."

He doesn't know the benefits of obtaining the school's will, but this is a step that must be taken to complete the plan.

Entered a warehouse, Chen Ge sent all employees, but the ghosts seemed to have received all the information and disappeared.

"something wrong."

The **** smell in the air was much thicker, the red mist outside the window began to wrestle uncomfortably, and the things that covered the whole ghost school as if it were **** day also gradually grew larger, and it seemed to be coming to the school.

"It should not be because of me. It seems that the painter and Chang Wenyu are officially torn off their faces ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't stay here for a long time, now I want to unite the remaining students who are qualified as pushers, everyone Only by twisting it into a rope can you have the right to speak. "

Chen Ge's real card is Zhang Ya. Chang Wenyu may also see this before she dragged Chen Ge into the ghost school, but she didn't know how strong Zhang Ya was.

Recovered the staff, Chen Ge returned the same way, he must make sure that Yingbai and Yan Fei were beside him before the big mess happened.

"The old principal of Muyang Middle School is worried about the safety of Yingbai and may take her to a safe place when the chaos arrives. This is my chance." Thinking of this, Chen Ge ran faster and he walked out of the corridor. Several students in his class are still stuck in the middle of the road.

"Can you still stand?" The students looked very surprised at Chen Ge's eyes.

"Almost forgot a few of you." Chen Ge opened the comic book and asked Lao Bai to grab those students. What they had just done to Chen Ge just now, what Chen Ge did to them now.

"Don't worry, I want to leave a piece of evidence." Chen Ge took out Lin Sisi's mobile phone: "This phone used to shoot the painful memory of being bullied, but from now on, it will record something else."

A group of people bully a person, whether it is physical conflict or cold violence, this is called bullying.

But the other way around, a person chasing a group of people to fight, this can not be said to be campus violence, at least in Chen Ge's view, he is doing harm for the people.

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