I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 845: 3rd way

Chen Ge saved the video of his punishment of bullies on Lin Sisi ’s mobile phone. He was not afraid to leave evidence. He needed to let everyone know that someone in this school dared to stand up and say no to campus violence.

For the video to be more convincing, but also more realistic.

Chen Ge chose the angle when shooting, he didn't take pictures of his employees, only himself and those bullies.

If you do n’t know the truth, if you just watch the video, I ’m afraid that Chen Ge alone is fighting several times as much as his bully.

After the video was shot, all the bullies fell to the ground, and they looked at Chen Ge with fear in their eyes.

"You should remember this time?" Chen Ge didn't take care of the bullies again. He put down his backpack, lay down on the ground, and covered himself with dust, and then tore off his coat and trousers, and finally got quilt Human blood smeared on himself.

"Heroes, always be tragic."

The employees around me have already been surprised, but they looked at the bullies with sympathy, and met their boss to be unlucky.

Collect the staff. Chen Ge walked towards the wall when he came, and he had to go back to the infirmary.

Didn't run far, just turned a corner, and there was a boy and Chen Ge bumping into each other.

"Helper of the bully?" No matter who the opponent is, Chen Ge fell backwards after being hit and pulled away.

"Chen Ge!"

Reflected in Chen Ge's eyes was a round and chubby fat face. The person was ordinary, with a little baby fat, and his eyes were full of worry.

"Li Bing?" This boy was Chen Ge's desk. When other children bullied Chen Ge, he kept silent. To prevent being targeted, he only communicated with Chen Ge, even by passing a note. Proceed: "Why are you here?"

"I ..." Li Bing saw Chen Ge's embarrassment, his clothes were torn apart, his face was gray, and there were blood stains on his body. He panicked: "Sorry, sorry!"

"What do you apologize? I have no time to talk to you nonsense, if you are not with the bullies, let go." The **** days surrounding the ghost school changed, and Chen Ge was anxious to go to the infirmary.

"I'm here to help you! I have told the teacher!" Li Bing's eyes were firm, and the changes that happened to him were beyond Chen Ge's expectations: "I can only help you get here, I hope you don't provoke them anymore, Those guys have contacts with the outsiders of the school. They have a lot of people. There are also friends who are very good at learning to speak with them around the teacher. If you go on like this, you will suffer a lot. "

"You can stand up to help me, I am very grateful, but there are some things I will not compromise." Chen Ge stood weakly by the wall: "My person admits death, right is right, wrong is wrong. Clearly wrong, I have to follow the trend and say this is right, I can't do it. "

"Not letting you follow suit! I'm telling you how to live a better life in this school!" Li Bing bitterly said, Chen Ge also understood his good intentions.

"You make sense, but someone has to stand up." Chen Ge wiped the blood stains on her collar with a trace of hoarseness: "Fight against bullying groups and help bullies come forward. Everyone knows this is Why do n’t you please put yourself in for other people ’s lives? But have you ever thought of one thing, just because everyone thinks so, so a small part of the psychologically distorted bully Only so unscrupulous! "

Chen Ge's voice gradually grew louder: "I always believe that people's hearts are kind, and most people are not malicious. But kind people obviously occupy the vast majority, why are they being bullied by that small group of bastards?"

Li Bing opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

"I'll tell you the answer, because kindness is easy to be treated as cowardly, no one dares to speak, no one dares to stand up, so those **** will be lawless." Chen Ge took Li Bing's hand and pressed it to his heart, there Smeared a large piece of blood from outside the school: "Kind people like us occupy the majority, everyone just dare not stand up, they need a person to set an example."

Li Bing finally understood Chen Ge's good intentions: "So you are provoking bullies in your class?"

"No matter when and where, bullying is wrong. They didn't realize the mistake. Then I reminded them in my own way." Chen Ge reached out and grabbed Li Bing's shoulder: "I can't fall down. I have to let everyone see that those bullies are just that, we do n’t have to be afraid of them at all! Everyone can stand up and criticize them bravely and despise them! If everyone has such consciousness, it ’s bullying It will be blocked before it happens! "

Frankly said that Li Bing had not heard Chen Ge say anything specifically, he just felt that Chen Ge said was very reasonable and made the blood in his body hot.

"There are four bullies, and this time you stand up to help me. If you help other students like you, how many people will come to help me? Are we far more than bullies? a lot of?"

Li Bing nodded heavily. He may still dare not stand in front of the bully and stand up to help Chen Ge, but at least his concept has changed.

"Let's go ~ www.readwn.com ~ Follow me to a place." Chen Ge wanted to take Li Bing to the infirmary, and he thought of a very good plan.

"Where? The teacher might come over in a while, and those who bullied you ..."

Before Li Bing finished speaking, Chen Ge handed Lin Sisi's mobile phone to him: "I won this time. If one day I fall down, I hope you can do it without bowing to them."

After watching the video, and then watching Chen Ge's clothes covered with dust and blood, Li Bing really shook this time, his desperate will was shattered, and a ray of hope sprang up in his heart.

The two of them rushed towards the place where the infirmary was located. There was no student in the hallway. Occasionally, several school staff in hurry were seen.

"Come in with me?" Chen Ge led Li Bing into the infirmary. He went directly to Yan Fei's bed: "In the white cloth, it's Yan Fei."

For Yan Fei, Li Bing felt a little guilty, he hesitated for a long time before lifting the white cloth.

When he saw Yan Fei on the hospital bed, Li Bing repeatedly said sorry.

Causes Chen Ge to notice that Yan Fei, who had never responded, saw his finger flick when he saw Li Bing, and his eyes slowly moved to Li Bing.

"The two of them used to be good friends."

Time is limited, Chen Ge is not nonsense, just take out Lin Sisi's mobile phone, open the video and let Yan Fei watch it.

"They will never bully you again in the future." Chen Ge once again told Yan Bing what he said to Yan Fei. He hoped that Yan Fei could understand himself, because this is the way he chose. Chang Wenyu has a very different path.

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