I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 846: Cherry white, cherry red (four thousand)

Chen Ge is just a stranger to Yan Fei, but Li Bing is different. He used to be a friend of Yan Fei.

Some words Chen Ge said that the credibility is very low, but the same content allows Li Bing to say that the effect is completely different.

Chen Ge knew that it was difficult to overcome Yan Fei's psychological defense, so he first captured Yan Fei's friends.

Li Bing said a lot to Yan Fei, Yan Fei's eyes slowly became a little bit, his heart was shaken, but he still couldn't believe Chen Ge.

"This ghost school is different from before. I will change everything from the roots." Chen Ge gently took Yan Fei's arm and opened his long sleeves. The child subconsciously wanted to stop him, he didn't want to be blocked by others See your secret.

Bandages are wrapped under the long sleeves, and under the bandages are wounds that have not healed.

"The wound on your body is covered with a bandage and you can apply some medicine, but the wound that is torn in your heart will stay forever. I know you are paralyzing yourself with the pain in your body, but this can't solve any problems. Why should you To punish yourself with your own pain, even if you die, those who hate you will not shed a tear. They will stand by your tomb and look at your black and white photo frame.

Put the opened sleeves back again, Chen Ge held Yan Fei's palm, and the palm of the living person made Yan Fei feel a long-lost warmth.

"I know you still can't believe me, but I will prove it with actual actions." Chen Ge stood by the bed: "The ghost school will be in chaos right away. It's dangerous for you to be here alone. Let's go with me and Li Bing. , Let's protect you. "

"Yeah, Yan Fei, I won't run away again this time, I will stand in front of you." Li Bing is very cooperative, he and Chen Ge continue to persuade, Yan Fei's attitude began to change.

"You, me, Li Bing, we still have a lot of friends, everyone has long been reluctant to be silent, I will find them all!"

The students rescued by Chen Ge on the mirror side are also in this blood-red world. Although they are separated from Chen Ge, Chen Ge still regards them as friends and partners.

"There are others?" Li Bing and Yan Fei looked at Chen Ge at the same time.

"Yes, we are not alone." Chen Ge slowly lifted Yan Fei: "Kind people are like light, all kind-hearted people will be attracted, you wait and see, I will not let you down of."

This school has also reached the point of change. Although it provides a home for children who are homeless, this home is indifferent and unsuitable for them.

"It's time to change to a headed person."

Let Li Bing take care of Yan Fei, Chen Ge did not leave the infirmary immediately, he went to the hospital bed where Ying Bai was.

The child and the old principal knew that Chen Ge could not leave her here.

Lifting the white cloth, Yingbai sat wide beside her bed with wide eyes. She had been listening to Chen Ge just now.

"I ... didn't listen to you ..."

She is like a child whose parents are away from home, secretly eating a lot of snacks, and her expression is very cute, which is a stark contrast to the world behind the door full of pain and despair.

"Sakura Bai, there is one thing I have to tell you." Chen Ge took out his killer. He took the comic book from his backpack: "I know your grandpa, he is one of the people I respect the most. "

"Do you know my grandfather?" Ying Bai was dumbfounded this time, her mouth opened and closed again, her eyes full of surprise.

"Yes, I do n’t want to lie to you either. The old man opened a private welfare institution and adopted many orphans. Later, with the help of the local government, he transformed that welfare institution into a school called Muyang Middle School, I have entered that school many times. "What Chen Ge said surprised the girl.

"Grandpa did open a welfare institution, but did not set up a school, would you be the wrong person?" Chen Ge's words have successfully aroused Sakurai's curiosity.

"It's not wrong. Since you know that the old man has started welfare institutions, you should know them too." Chen Ge already knew that he was in an invincible position. He walked out of the ward, turned the comic book, and transferred the students of Muyang Middle School Called out.

A few breathing hours, when Chen Ge came in from outside the house again, several students followed behind him.

With curiosity and smiles on their faces, although only illusory obsession remained, they looked very happy.

For these adopted orphans, they don't care about flying Huang Tengda, they live together, they are a family, and it is enough for the family to stay together.

"Sakura White, I've been looking for you for a long time." Chen Ge's tone was quite emotional, and he turned sideways to the side, and then the students of Muyang Middle School saw the skinny Sakura white on the bed.

The students were stunned. They seemed to be unable to believe their eyes.

"you guys……"

Tears shed tears directly into the white eyes of the hospital bed, and the voice was trembling: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Ge did not influence them to narrate the old, carrying a backpack outside the door.

He found an unobtrusive corner, took out a bandaged ballpoint pen from his backpack, and placed it on a white sheet of paper: "Pen fairy, can you tell me the story between your principal and that girl? ? You should be old friends? "

The pen in my hand hovered on the white paper and it took a long time to start writing: "Thank you."

Unexpectedly, Chen Xian, a pen temper with a very bad temper and a very bad personality, said Chen Ge to Chen Ge this time.

"Don't do this, I would think you were taken away by other dead ghosts."

Pen Xian did not care about Chen Ge ’s words and continued to write on white paper: "Welfare institutions and private elementary schools are two different concepts. The principal has always had this idea, but it is very difficult to implement until Li Xueying has an accident. Over his determination to start a school for the adopted child. "

"She's Li Xueying? Isn't this child called Yingbai?"

"I can't admit it wrong. She is Li Xueying. She is the first child adopted by the old principal."

"A bit round, can you say something specific?" Chen Ge held the pen and stared at the blank sheet very seriously.

"Li Xueying's mother was the first child adopted by the old principal. Because of physical defects, she couldn't work. The old principal always took care of her marriage."

"Seeing his adopted child stepping into the palace of marriage, the old headmaster was very moved. He thought his daughter had finally achieved happiness and lived a normal life, but did not expect those bad things to happen later."

"Li Xueying's mother's condition deteriorated, her father decisively abandoned their mother and daughter, and finally the old principal gave away Li Xueying's mother in the hospital."

Chen Ge nodded: "I know all this, you just need to tell me what happened to Yingbai."

"Lee Xueying's mother's death was a great blow to the principal. He was very guilty. He felt that he was inaccurate and pushed his daughter into the fire pit."

"The old headmaster adopted Li Xueying again. He turned all his guilt into love and took care of Li Xueying with care."

"Xue Ying has been very sensible since she was a child, and her academic performance is also very good. In order not to delay her, the old headmaster sent her to the best school in the city, so that things that everyone did not think happened."

"Six months after entering school, Xue Ying left the world. Until then, the old principal knew that Xue Ying had been bullied in the class. The people in the same class didn't envy her because of the first exam in Xue Ying. The adopted orphans, no fathers and no mothers, the parents ’meeting is attended by orphanage staff.”

"The principal really hurt Xueying. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. The person who lived for most of his life collapsed on that day. He pointed to the innocent students and shouted that you are all murderers!"

"This incident is very stimulating to the principal. He adopted those children to make them happy, not to watch them step into the abyss."

"People can't be revived, the principal is not bullied for his children, and because such things don't happen again, so in the end, the orphanage was converted into Muyang Middle School regardless of everything."

The pen in his hand is still moving, Chen Ge really didn't expect such a thing behind Muyang Middle School.

"Muyang Middle School has been built, and the principal's hair has all turned gray. He is still so kind, but he is not as talkative as before, and the number of laughs has become less."

"If I remember correctly, also from that time, he often went out alone at night."

"Wait a minute." Chen Ge felt a little strange when he saw the last sentence written by Pen Xian: "Does the old principal often go out alone late at night?"

"It seems to be taking the last bus to the suburb of Hanjiang. The principal is very busy during the day and only has time at night."

"Do you know why he went to the western suburbs?"

"It seems to be meeting someone, but once I saw the ticket for our haunted house on his desk." Although Bixian didn't admit it, he already regarded himself as a haunted house employee. This is from her You can see it in words.

"The old principal went to the New Century Paradise in the western suburbs late at night?" Chen Ge's eyes widened. He remembered another thing. When he visited Muyang Middle School for the second time at night, he saw a donation record in the old principal's office. , With the names of your parents and Dr. Gao!

"The old principal knows my parents!" Chen Ge's eyes narrowed. He felt that the old principal could enter the ghost school to find Yingbai, which may be guided by his parents!

"I understand, I fully understand." Chen Ge took a breath: "The old principal knew that the psychic ghost school was very dangerous. . Later when I rushed to the ghost school, he knew my parents' personality, so he was also very relieved. On the surface, it seemed that I took away the students, but he actually wanted to find a permanent home for those children. "

Having figured this out, Chen Ge was not annoyed by being deceived, but instead felt that the principal was an amazing person. Even if he died, he still considered those children.

Obtained a black phone, Chen Ge saw another world, the deepest darkness he had ever seen, and also saw the real light, such as the old principal of Muyang Middle School, and donated his body to the doctor of law school Wei Jiuqing, etc. Wait.

"Without worries, the old headmaster should enter the psychic ghost school, trying to save Yingbai, he is probably in this school now."

After learning that the old headmaster and his parents knew each other, Chen Ge was even more eager to find the old headmaster. As long as he saw him, many mysteries that puzzled him could be solved.

"The old principal entrusted the students of Muyang Middle School to me. It seems that he has already prepared for the soul and soul, why bother? They are all a family, let me know, how good it is for everyone to discuss together."

Chen Ge has understood the causes and consequences, and is about to put away the ballpoint pen, and suddenly thought of another thing: "Bixian, Li Xueying, do you have sisters and sisters? In this ghost school, in addition to Yingbai, there is another called Ying The red girl, she looks similar to Yingbai, but she has a completely different personality and looks more scheming. "

"Li Xueying has no sisters, and her only relative is the old principal." Penxian honestly wrote on the paper.

The content written by Bixian is the same as that of Yingbai. Chen Ge nodded: "It is estimated that Li Xueying had something wrong after entering the ghost school. Yingbai, Yinghong, Li Xueying, Li Xueying ... It seems that I have to bring that cherry red with me. "

Chen Ge doesn't care how complicated this scene is anymore. He is with his employees and he has the confidence to deal with it.

Putting away the ballpoint pen, Chen Ge walked back to the ward. As soon as he entered, Li Bing ran over: "Chen Ge, are these all the same people as us? It turns out that we already have so many friends?"

"Yes, they are all our friends, you can communicate with them more, and you still have a lot to learn from them in the future."

Chen Ge patted Li Bing on the shoulder. This buddy looked very happy. It was a different kind of obsession and Li Gui. The classmates didn't like him, but Chen Ge thought that this child was good.

"Okay!" Li Bing didn't hear the deep meaning of Chen Ge's words. He was just excited. He didn't expect that there are so many people like him in this school.

Walked past Li Bing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge came to Yingbai's bedside: "Do you believe what I said now?"

"Yeah." Ying Bai recognized her former friend. She forgot a lot of things, and the memory still stayed in the time period when she went to school alone.

For her, it was like many friends visiting her.

She has forgotten that she has died, and she does not know that these friends have actually become distressed.

"Everyone goes out first, I have some words to talk with Yingbai alone." Chen Ge looked at the students of Muyang Middle School, they just didn't want to leave Muyang Middle School after death. It's easy to dissipate if you really fight, and Chen Ge is protecting them.

Following the students out of the infirmary, Chen Ge took advantage of the opportunity to close the door and put all the students into the comic book. When he met the old principal, he expected these children to help him say a few good things.

The infirmary was quiet again. When Chen Ge came back, she found that Yingbai had stepped off the bed.

She was weak and looked weak, but she still tried very hard to come next to Chen Ge and seemed to regard Chen Ge as her family.

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