I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 849: Always begging for mercy, swallowing the air, never touching the sky (four ...

The fragments of the mirror fell to the ground, and behind the scarlet **** mirror, the smiling face twisted and crooked.

The corners of the mouth are cracked, and the more you die, the happier you are, and the more you can't help laughing.

"We are called not laughing, and my father said that we don't deserve a smile." The man in the mirror seemed to remember something happy, his lips were cracked, and he could hear his harsh laughter through the mirror as if his father had said The words are the most funny jokes in the world.


"He is a doctor in the hospital. He is not a good father, but he is the greatest doctor I have ever seen." There was a trace of pain, a trace of panic in the man's mad eyes, and a trace of fanaticism: "Other doctors just While healed, he saved people and killed people at the same time. He believed that angels and demons were hidden in people's hearts. For this, he also built heaven and hell. "

"Is **** referring to the cursed hospital?"

"No, that's paradise. It's just a paradise everyone wants to escape!" The man in the mirror has completely exposed his nature. He looked at Chen Ge and smiled very happy. He seemed to like talking to Chen Ge in particular. .

"Since it is paradise, why do you want to escape?" Chen Ge also had a brief comment on the man in the mirror.

"That's my father's own paradise, not ours." The man's face in the mirror was stuck on the mirror surface, and the cracked mirror surface was printed on his face, as if splitting his face into pieces, watching Very scary.

"Heaven is so scary, what will the **** your father build look like?"

"No one has seen hell. Do you think someone can stand in front of you and talk after seeing hell?" The man's eyes were wide open, and the corners of his mouth were cracked to the limit of humanity. It seemed that he would tear his face off at the next moment: " Hey, why are you interested in that hospital? You know some information about the hospital. When I said that I was a school teacher, I immediately realized that I was lying. Have you seen other non-smiles before? Have you seen me? Family? Or did you also receive an invitation from that school? "

The middle-aged man in this mirror is simply an incarnation of evil. He is very clever, and he just calculated a lot of information from some details.

To deal with such a seemingly very smart person, Chen Ge usually does not talk nonsense with the other party. He secretly gestured to Xu Yin and found a chance to do the other party directly.

No matter if the other party is an enemy or a friend, if you kill him, he will become the nutrient of his haunted house.

This is also the lesson that Chen Ge and Dr. Gao have continually reflected and summed up.

"Forget it, no matter if you have seen my family or received an invitation from that hospital, as long as you have a relationship with that hospital, you will never be able to escape. He will continue to appear by your side Various forms, until one day, when you open your eyes, you will suddenly find yourself lying on the cold operating table and start your own curse game. "The tone of the man does not seem to threaten Chen Ge, It seems to be just stating a fact.

"My things don't need you to worry about." Chen Ge stared at the mirror: "You just said you have other family members?"

"Why? Can't you see it? I'm like you. I used to be a living person, but the company that accompanies you is family and friendship. The company that accompanies you is pain and hatred. I live in a gloomy and desperate hospital every day. As death and disease spread, until they crawl on themselves. "


The man ’s palm was vigorously patted on the mirror, and his body was completely pressed against the cracks: “Dad does n’t like us crying, so we can only laugh, when we feel uncomfortable, when we are sick, we laugh, the more pain in my heart The more fun you have to laugh! But we tried so hard to laugh, he still didn't like us, he said that we laughed very ugly, saying that we are not really laughing! "

There was a man's laughter in the mirror. His face was squeezed in the crack of the mirror, and he desperately hit the mirror: "Look, look! I am so happy laughing, I am so happy laughing clearly!"

Blood flowed down the wound, the man's face was scratched, and he touched the blood at the corner of his mouth: "We are laughing all the time, but we are called not laughing, is it funny?"

"My emotional quotient is very low, I can't understand your laugh, but if you tell me more about hospitals and schools, I can consider helping you." Chen Ge has dealt with many perverted lunatics, he is not a doctor, Unable to treat those patients, all he can do is not to listen to unbelief, stick to his own ideas, and not be persuaded by those people.

In fact, it is very difficult to convince Chen Ge. He has seen a completely different world. If he talks deeply, whoever is persuaded will not necessarily be convinced.

We can discuss and discuss, but this is not necessary.

"It seems I was guessed. You did see my family! Who would it be? My poorest brother? The youngest and stupidest brother? Or the most complete sister? Or my sister? Impossible , If she sees you, she will fall in love with you and kill you desperately. "

"Can you be quiet for a while?" Chen Ge felt that the man exposed his nature and no longer covered up. He said very much: "From now on, I will ask and you will answer."

"Okay, I will tell you everything I know. You have seen my family. I believe it must not be a pleasant memory. I ..." The man in the mirror was stuck on the mirror, his body almost squeezed out of the mirror, blood stained Flowing on the mirror, he didn't want to feel the pain, describing him as crazy and sick.

However, he did this for Chen Ge to discover another thing. This man, who claimed to be not smiling, had red blood all over his body, and he was a real red clothes!

Chen Ge recalled that Liwan Town did not laugh. He found that this crazy family seemed to be all in red.

"What is your relationship with the patient who escaped from the cursed hospital? Why did he trap you in the mirror?" Chen Ge went straight to the subject. He said so, but he was thinking about it. It was when he was weak that he could kill an extra red bust in his own staff.

"The two of us are in a cooperative relationship. I can't escape from the hospital with my own strength, so I need a helper."

"Then why were you locked in the mirror again?"

"Escape from the hospital, the goal has been reached, we all want to kill each other, this is normal."

"Is this normal?" Chen Ge is still not used to the madman's thinking: "Then? Are you subdued by him and locked in the mirror?"

"No one of us can do anything. The plan at that time was to escape from the hospital and hide behind another door, but what we did not expect was that there was a very terrifying existence behind this door. It seemed to be at the same level as the hospital. "The man in the mirror pointed to the top of his head." Did you see the eyes outside the window? "

"Eyes outside the window?" Chen Ge frowned. "You mean the blood-red sun that enveloped the ghost school?"

"Yes, it's the owner here. My partner and I have met several times to get its attention, so I want to leave a way for myself." The man seemed to have seen Chen Ge's thoughts long ago: "We Wanting to find a way that can only go in and out of the school, we cooperated again and found that there is a very special place in this school, and there is no normal mirror in the entire campus. "

"You also found out?"

"The school owner seems unwilling to face himself, self-disgust, self-abandonment, he does not want to see himself." The man's words made Chen Ge's eyes widen, and he figured out a crucial point.

"You continue."

"So we started looking for mirrors, and as a result, we found an unexpected discovery. In this school, every mirror is made of memory. The mirror hides the once-disgusting self. People look back and look at the past I used to be. We explored many mirrors, but there was an accident while exploring this mirror. The mirror I am in is different from all other mirrors. I only found out that I could n’t get out after I entered. " The smile made people look chilled: "My companion did not follow up after he noticed the anomaly. It's a pity that I should act more realistically at that time."

"This is the case, you still think of pitting teammates, you really are a hopeless scum." Chen Ge carefully observed the last mirror. He also gradually found that this mirror is different from other mirrors. The blood stains on the mirror surface are all printed in the mirror, and there is a layer of dust that cannot be wiped off on the mirror surface of the mirror, and there are traces of fire burned on the edge of the mirror.

"Because of the fire, who is the memory hidden in this mirror? The painter? Or the first 'door pusher' in the psychic ghost school?" Chen Ge wanted to kill the man in the mirror directly, but he now dismissed it This idea, if you want to kill the other party, you must destroy the mirror, or go directly into the mirror.

Destroying a mirror is tantamount to saying that a very important clue has been destroyed, but it is very likely that you won't be able to get out when you enter the mirror.

Chen Ge suddenly found that he was not smiling in the mirror and inadvertently reversed the situation. If he was not telling the truth, but was deceiving himself, then this person was really terrible.

"Such a clever and crazy guy, it's still a nourishment to make people feel at ease." Chen Ge murmured in his heart without any expression on his face.

"In addition to the mirror, what else do you find?" Chen Ge has not yet planned to enter the mirror. He just wants to get as much information as possible.

"This school is much more dangerous than we expected and cannot be blinded by appearances. In addition, I also saw a lot of interesting things in this mirror, but I can't tell you now because I am still in the mirror, saying These will be eaten by the things in the mirror. "The man already understood, he knew a lot of information, but he had to wait until Chen Ge rescued him from the mirror before telling Chen Ge.

"I know what to do. Lao Bai, carrying this mirror on our back, we will leave the infirmary first." Chen Ge is ready to wait for Zhang Ya to wake up and slowly play with the non-smile. The best way now is to ignore him: " Find some clothes and waste cloth, just wrap the mirror with anything, I do n’t want to see this guy ’s face. "

The monster in the mirror is very dangerous. In order to prevent accidents, Chen Ge didn't let Xu Yin and Bai Qiulin go back and be vigilant at all times. After all, sometimes the danger is discovered in a moment.

Chen Ge walked out of the ward for the first time. Ying Bai and Li Bing were very happy to see him come out. They hurried to the past, but when they saw Bai Qiulin and Xu Yin, who followed Chen Ge, they stopped abruptly. pace.

"Don't be afraid, these are all your own people." Chen Ge briefly introduced Bai Qiulin and Xu Yin and took them away from the infirmary.

"The patient who is a fake doctor must find it. Only by grabbing him can he verify what he does not laugh." Chen Ge also cares a little about the hospital. He is right. He didn't accept the information about the hospital in the black phone. Task, but things related to that hospital have begun to appear constantly in their lives.

He didn't know what would happen if he continued to develop like this, which made him a little uneasy.

"Let's solve the matter in front of me first. If I really get there, I'll have nowhere to go. It's a big deal, and I will go to the cursed hospital with the womb, and everyone will finish playing together."

The idea is good, but Chen Ge himself knows that the probability of success is very small.

"The only good news now is that I still have time. The mission of the psychic ghost school is the key." Chen Ge looked at Yan Fei and Ying Bai, and the two children were so weak that they needed support for walking. To say that they have the qualification to become a "pushman", it is estimated that few people will believe it.

"Zhu Long and Wang Yicheng recovered their strength slowly after their memories were awakened. Do I have to help Yan Fei and Yingbai to remember the past? But hasn't Yingbai thought of a lot of things? She even met When I arrived at the former friend of Muyang Middle School ... No! There is no mention of Yinghong in her memory! The key memory she missed was Yinghong ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only when you find that girl can Yingbai be complete ! "

For Chen Ge, Yingbai is different from other pushmen candidates because of the relationship between the old principal and Muyang Middle School. He has regarded Yingbai as a person he can rely on.

"I remember Yinghong's class is not far from the infirmary." Chen Ge returned to the place where he first saw Yinghong: "The old principal has been to the school many times, he should know the existence of Yinghong. In his heart , Did you regard Yinghong as a loved one? "

Speeding up, Chen Ge was about to push open the door of Yinghong ’s classroom. A radio sound suddenly sounded in the corridor: “Urgent breaking news! Please all students stay in the classroom! Do n’t move around casually! Urgent breaking news! ...”

The broadcast kept repeating the same sentence, and the language was very serious. It seemed that something terrible happened in the ghost school.

"The more dangerous it is, the shorter the broadcast warning will be. The painter and Chang Wenyu have started to act?" Chen Ge hurried to the window. He found that the blood mist was several times thicker than before, and there were still Something is crazy about the ghost school.

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