I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 850: Fuchsia Personality

"what is that?"

The red figures can be seen vaguely in the blood mist, because they are the same color as the mist, so Chen Ge is not too clear.

"It doesn't matter, the sky is falling down and there is a tall one."

Chen Ge withdrew his eyes and turned to open the classroom door.

The students were studying on their own, and suddenly they heard a sound from the door of the room, and they all looked towards the door of the classroom.

"Everyone continues, we just came to find someone." Chen Ge walked to the podium, glancing across the students, and did not see Yinghong's figure.

"What about her?"

Chen Ge walked to an empty seat in the third row: "Is the student sitting here called Yinghong?"

The students around seemed to be unfamiliar with the children in this position, and no one spoke.

"Aren't you classmates?" Chen Ge opened the girl's textbook and said Yinghong's name: "Yes, this is the classroom. Where did she go?"

Chen Ge looked at Yingbai's desk, his expression was a bit scary.

"An old man came to pick her up just now. He claimed to be Yinghong's grandfather."

"Do you know where they are?"

"It seems to say a few words, but they have been out for a long time, and they should be back soon." Yinghong's desk is a little afraid of Chen Ge, or even more afraid of Xu Yin and back standing behind Chen Ge Bai Qiulin, looking in the mirror, these people looked very abnormal.

"The old headmaster took Yinghong, he moved quite quickly, but I can't let him go today." Chen Ge put all Yinghong's things in his school bag and handed it to Xu Yin, himself Then stood in front of Yinghongtong's desktop: "Where did the old man take Yinghong to the corridor?"

"West ..."

"Okay, I won't disturb you in class. It's dangerous outside. You stay in the classroom and study well. You should be able to escape." Chen Ge led everyone out of the classroom. They stopped at the corner of the promenade.

"Yingbai, your grandfather is in school now." Chen Ge didn't know how to tell Yingbai about the matter of Yinghong. The girl looked at simple kindness. She seemed to have deliberately forgotten all the memories about Yinghong. Maybe it was Because those memories are too painful, the body is instinctively a kind of protection.

"Is Grandpa here? But why doesn't he come to me?"

"He loves you so much that he will come to you as soon as possible. Now this situation only shows that he may be in trouble." Chen Ge asked Xu Yin to search Yinghong's schoolbag for information related to Yinghong, At the same time, he took out the comic book and said to Yingbai: "Your grandpa is the kindest person I have ever seen. We can't let him face the danger alone. Everyone wants to be reunited with him. Only when he is here is this complete Home."

In just a few words, Chen Ge has moved Yingbai.

"I understand your grandfather's character. Even if he is in danger, he will never implicate us. He must want to bear it himself, so we can only take the initiative to find him." Chen Ge grabbed Ying Baibing's hand : "Yingbai, the only one who can help your grandpa now is you."

When Chen Ge said this, Yingbai had fully realized the seriousness of the problem. She bit her thin lips lightly and whispered, "Grandpa once had an agreement with me. If one day, I was very scared, very nothing. Help, when I feel like I ca n’t sustain it, I go to an old campus on the west side of the school ... "


Chen Ge gave Ying Bai a mute gesture, causing Bai Qiulin to walk away from the mirror. He took Ying Bai's hand and Xu Yin and walked away.

"Speak, where to go to the old campus?"

"He asked me to look for a burnt building, hiding a red door in the ruins, find it, and push it away." Ying Bai feels like a type that doesn't lie.

"It can't be that simple. If you open that door and you can leave, the old headmaster would have escaped with Yingbai long ago, and won't drag it again and again." Chen Ge looked at Yingbai's eyes, and those eyes were clear and clean , Nothing is hidden: "Is that all?"


"Okay, let's go now, maybe we can meet your grandfather on the road." Chen Ge called everyone on the west side of the school. During the movement, he took the schoolbag in Xu Yin's hand.

This is a very ordinary girl's schoolbag, but Chen Ge saw a lot of traces smeared with a pen in Yinghong textbooks and some extracurricular books.

East and west, looking ugly and chaotic, it doesn't look like a girl's textbook at all.

"Why does she smear it? Is it to cover something?" Chen Ge went through the textbook and finally found a few places that were not completely smeared. Looking at the light facing the page from the back of the book, vaguely Some handwriting can be seen: "Why doesn't she die yet, doesn't she die?"

"Is all the smeared places about a person's curse?" Chen Ge put it back in the textbook and found several rubbed paper **** at the bottom of the schoolbag. This was found in the cherry red drawer. The idea of ​​not letting go of anything stuffed the paper ball into it.

Unfold the paper ball, with some answers and formulas sketched on the front, and one line after another on the back.

"I can't control myself more and more. I can always look at her, but she forgets me. We shouldn't be like this."

"Blood splashed on my eyelashes. It was not a pleasant experience. I helped her so many times. Why can't she help me once?"

"Isn't it good to die obediently? Just like I did to them, she forgot her promise. It was because of me that she could live cowardly and simply."

"The people who loved her did not show up once, and those who said they wanted to take care of her all disappeared at the most critical juncture. Only when I accompanied her, I was the one she should be most grateful for."

"Time and time again, doesn't she see my contribution?"

"I have done so much. Now I only ask her once and only ask her to die. I will live with her share ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why she refuses to die, except me in this world No one loves her anymore, what is she still dreaming about? "

"Okay, I know. The guy who is full of lies and hypocrisy is full of stench."

"A liar who has never fulfilled his promise. This is the reason why she refuses to die? I understand, I know what to do."

"Like those who bullied her, ha ha ha ha ha."

The words on the paper ball were very sloppy. Chen Ge took a breath in the end when he saw it: "We are afraid to speed up. The old principal is really in big trouble."

The old principal is a very kind person. With Chen Ge's understanding of him, even if Yinghong wants to kill him, he will not fight back.

The old headmaster has always felt guilty for Yingbai because of Yingying's skin.

"Quick! Go to the old campus on the west side!" Chen Ge really didn't want the old principal to have an accident: "Unprincipled goodness is cruelty to himself, and I hope he can be safe."

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