I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 851: Blood red city silhouette

In order to find the old headmaster, Chen Geguang Muyang Middle School went several times. This time was the closest distance between him and the old headmaster. Whoever stopped him in the middle was the enemy.

In Chen Ge's view, the scene of passing by and passing by last will only appear in the third-rate TV series. He has made up his mind that he will find the old principal no matter what the cost.

Not only because the old principal knows the way to leave the ghost school, but also because he knows a lot about his parents. He has a great help in understanding the haunted house, understanding the black phone, and even really understanding himself.

"Leave the rest of the world alone, and ran to fight in the four-star scene. Has he done it in the heart of the other children in the class?"

Chen Ge did not know the answer to this question, so he wanted to ask the old principal in person.

The atmosphere in the ghost school became more and more weird. There were crackling crackles in the windows of the corridor, and the red mist attached to the glass, and there were vaguely cracks.

"The Samsung scene behind the door is mostly a closed scene. For example, the third sick building, Liwan Town is a special case, so the black mobile phone gave it a rating of Samsung half ..." Chen Ge looked at the window and wondered constantly: "I saw a broken window in the third sick building. Men Nan has been repairing the gap. According to him, if the gap is not repaired, if it is seen by other dirty things, it may attract some very bad Something dangerous. "

"The third sick building is closed. Because of its weakness, Men Nan never thought of going out of the scene. He dared not want to know what was outside of the third sick building."

Looking at the thick red mist outside the window, Chen Ge thought of the living coffin village again: "The world behind that village's door is also a red blood, but the cast-in female ghost is much stronger than Men Nan, and has not swallowed the shadow. Zhang Ya at the heart has a fight, so she has the ability to guard the small village. But looking at her, she has been studying how to be born again, always wanting to get rid of the identity of Li Gui, she should have seen something terrible, Difficult to deal with, so this sense of urgency. "

"The existence that can scare the top red clothes is the real horror behind the door."

Chen Ge's mind flashed again when he was in the underground corpse confronting Dr. Gao. Dr. Gao chose to bear all the sins behind the door alone. He buried the door and destroyed the door he opened.

After the "door" collapsed, a large ceiling of blood vessels and organs fell, and a blood-red moonlight shone down from the top of the head.

Chen Ge clearly remembers the scene he saw at the time. He followed the gap in the underground corpse to the ground, where there was a blood-red city.

"The endless blood-red city is something outside these horror scenes? Or all the horror scenes, no matter how difficult the stars are, they actually all exist in that blood-red scene?"

Chen Ge feels that he is getting closer and closer to the truth, but he is more and more worried.

Dr. Gao is the most terrifying adversary he has encountered. He is thoughtful, powerful, and has many helpers. Chen Ge even suspects that he chose to commit suicide in the end.

But such an almost invincible existence, after leaving the original scene and entering the blood-red city, became a madman with chains in just a few days.

What shocked Chen Ge the most was that Dr. Gao ’s favorite wife in his lifetime was the one that had always supported his beliefs.

In Chen Ge's view, even if Dr. Gao was so distracted, he would not let anyone hurt his wife, even the body.

But the reality is that when he meets again, only the head of his wife is left beside Dr. Gao.

Chen Ge didn't dare to imagine what Dr. Gao experienced behind the door and how terrible and evil he encountered.

He decided to join forces with Dr. Gao in Liwan Town for the same reason. He wanted to figure out everything behind the door, because he suspected that his parents had also entered the scarlet city.

"I have seen a lot of Samsung scenes, completely closed, those four-star scenes ..." Chen Ge was thinking, and heard a crisp sound in his ear.


The glass on the window next to him suddenly burst, and countless glass slags splashed towards him, but fortunately blocked by Xu Yin.

"The glass is broken?"

The glass windows of the campus were smashed. This scene is connected to the outside world. The outline of a building can be seen vaguely in the blood mist. What is even stranger is that the distance between the buildings and the school is gradually getting closer, as if they will Move the same.

"Here!" There were shouts and footsteps at the end of the corridor, and Chen Ge hurried everyone to hide in a classroom next to them.

Blood mist poured slowly along the cracked window, like a red python looking for prey.

A few moments later, seven men and teachers wearing school uniforms hurried to the head. It was Director Lei Chen Chen had seen before.

They carried various tools in their hands and repaired the window in just ten or so seconds, but what surprised Chen Ge was that seven people came to repair the window and six people left , A person disappeared without knowing it.

"Every broken window is a soul or a kind of obsession?" A flash of lightning crossed Chen Ge's mind: "The doormen pushed open the door in the most desperate time ~ www.readwn.com ~ their Despair is also a kind of obsession, and the solution cannot be opened, so it will get deeper and deeper. This desperate obsession isolates their hearts from the world, and it is precisely this obsession that avoids the fusion of their scenes and the **** city , So there will be horror scenes that are completely closed. "

"For the Samsung scene, it is very dangerous to break a window. They have never been in contact with the blood-red city, but the four-star scene is different. Looking at Director Lei, they seem to encounter such things often. , They are used to the scarlet city outside the scene. "

Chen Ge felt more and more reasonable when he thought about it. The original doormen of the psychic ghost school were eaten, and it became full of holes, but fortunately they were not destroyed, after the most difficult period of time. , This door has become different.

"This time there is an abnormality outside the school, probably caused by the painter or Chang Wenyu. These two lunatics don't know what else to do, and they are getting more and more chaotic."

When Director Lei went away, Chen Ge took everyone out of the classroom and continued to run toward the west of the school.

Almost no one else could be seen in the corridor, the warning broadcast in the horn stopped, and there was only dead silence around.

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