I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 852: You made me look so hard

The library is in the center of the psychic ghost school. After Chen Ge emerged from the mirror of the library, he saw the real world behind the gate of the ghost school.

But as he walked toward the edge of the school, more and more strange things appeared around him.

The psychic ghost school is very large, but most of the students and teachers are concentrated in the center of the school. Many classrooms and rooms around the ghost school are empty.

If it's just empty, it doesn't matter, but Chen Ge observed after a close observation that various traces remained in these classrooms.

Some classrooms seem to have been soaked in water, and the desks and wooden chairs are all moldy, emitting a strong smell.

Some classrooms were nailed with wooden boards. Looking through the window gap, you would find that all the desk drawers were nailed with wooden boards. It seemed that you were worried that something in the drawer would come out.

This is not the strangest. When Chen Ge walked through the corridor and left the central area of ​​the school completely, he saw an abandoned auditorium.

The layout of the auditorium was almost the same as the one he saw when he went to Xinhai to challenge someone's haunted house.

The haunted house of Xinhai was restored according to the diary, which means that the auditorium had appeared in the life of the true owner of the diary.

Chen Ge also read the diary, but he found that the scene in front of him was completely different from that described in the diary.

A welcoming slogan was hung on the auditorium, and a few puppets were placed on the concrete podium. Their faces were weird. A negative emotion, such as anger, jealousy, etc., was posted on each back.

"These puppets are smiling at the students, but behind them are the names of various negative emotions. Are they suggesting anything?"

When Chen Ge passed the auditorium, he clearly saw that the doll on the podium turned his head towards him, and the expression on his face also changed. There should be another mystery in this auditorium, hiding some of the more terrible things.

"Look what? Look again and eat you all." Chen Ge looked like a grumpy big boy across the window, threatening a few words against the puppet.

The puppet was also interesting, not knowing when he turned his head back, as if everything just now was Chen Ge's own illusion.

"If I were not in a hurry to find the old headmaster, do you think I would let you go?" Chen Ge stared at the puppet who just looked at him: "It's no use hiding, I remember you."

There are a lot of strange rooms in the psychic school. This is like a gift box filled with chocolates of various flavors for Chen Ge. He does not know what he will encounter when he opens the next door.

"I only searched the west side of the school. If the school is also in other directions, then this scene is really too large."

Thinking of the opportunity to move this entire scene into a haunted house, Chen Ge's eyes began to turn red. Being able to have such a huge, terrifying and complicated experience scene should be the lifelong dream of every haunted house owner.

"Just a psychic school, it covers all the horror scenes related to the school. There are a number of unclear classrooms and rooms for me to renovate. As long as I am willing to spend time, I can even take all the things I heard in the Talking Association. The story is all restored here! "

Just thinking about these, Chen Ge has a **** feeling, and the effort and gain are proportional. If you can successfully unlock the psychic ghost school scene, then it is not without chance to fight against the menacing virtual future park.

"Unfortunately, the scene after the black phone is unlocked is just an empty shell. The strange talk and ghost employees inside need me to find it myself." Thinking of the black phone, Chen Ge instantly calmed down, as if standing by the heater in the winter to warm up. Was poured ice water.

The backpack was found and everything was inside, but the black phone was gone.

According to the clues now available, it is likely to be in Chang Wenyu's hands.

"It is still not cautious enough, such a situation can never happen again." Chen Ge is very good at analyzing and summarizing, he will record all the things he has experienced in detail, analyze and correct a little bit, and then burn the record, which is exactly the same The cautious character allows him to live to the present.

"When I leave psychic ghost school, I will customize a few mobile phones with the appearance of black mobile phones, and put a ghost in each one."

I don't know how long I ran. The graffiti of children began to appear on the white-painted walls, the garbage on the ground gradually increased, and various debris began to appear in the corners of the walls.

The **** smell in the air was much lighter, and the burning smell of the fire was replaced by a fire.

"It's almost time, everyone pay attention to the surroundings."

Chen Ge opened the comic book to release the stench of the Xicheng Private College. He belongs to a very special kind of ghost, invisible and incorporeal, which is only formed by the smell and is not easy to be injured. It can also protect teammates on a large scale.

Moving on, the wall skin on the wall began to fall off, revealing the black and red wall tiles behind, the roof, the floor, and more and more traces of the fire burning.

"It should be here." Chen Ge called Yingbai to her side: "Your grandfather is in a dangerous situation now. Someone wants to harm him. Only we can save him."

Yingbai's only relative is the old headmaster. He was so frightened when he heard Chen Ge's so serious tone.

"Are you sure he didn't tell you anything else?"

"It's really gone."

"Then we can only find it slowly." Chen Ge tried to think from the perspective of the old principal. Yinghong and Yingbai were both part of Li Xueying. He couldn't abandon Yingbai and only escape with Yinghong.

There is no Chen Ge at the end of the psychic school. I do n’t know. The closer he is to the edge of the school, the stronger the uneasiness in his heart.

After walking through the two promenades, the scene in front of me has completely changed. The walls are full of burned traces, and the ground is full of garbage.

"This place looks familiar ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge walked to the door of the classroom next door. The black board was pushed gently and fell straight down.

He looked at the desks and chairs in the classroom, the table with his fingers crossed: "It's very similar to the desks and chairs I saw at Muyang Middle School, this classroom ..."

The fingertips were pierced by the wooden thorn on the table, and Chen Ge discovered that there were lines of small characters engraved on the table, which he also saw when he explored the Muyang Middle School.

"Why do the classrooms of the Muyang Middle School appear in the old campus of the psychic ghost school? Is this an accident? Or is the entire psychic ghost school composed of one abandoned school after another?" Chen Ge wanted to make sure Thought, he hurried towards the last classroom at the end of the corridor.

Through the corridor, when Chen Ge pushed open the door of the last classroom, he was stunned.

A burnt school uniform is placed on each chair in the classroom. In the middle of the classroom is a cute and well-behaved girl. She looks similar to Yingbai.

And just across from the girl, stood a fat old man, his back turned to Chen Ge, the back view made Chen Ge very familiar.

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