I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 853: Do you have the heart to leave us alone?

"Like the people in my memory, you made me look hard!"

Chen Ge remembered clearly that it was a rainy night. The time on the phone was more than two o'clock in the morning, and he ran wildly in the corridor of the abandoned school.

When he passed the last classroom, he saw the old principal for the first time.

The chunky and kind old man stood on the podium, and he and Chen Ge's eyes were intertwined. At the beginning of the second half of the second, they stared at the cause, and now the encounter in the psychic ghost school is the result.

It is estimated that the old headmaster did not expect that the inadvertent look back then became an "encounter" that changed his destiny.

His scalp felt numb and his back felt a chill. The figure standing in front of Yinghong desk slowly turned around. When he saw Chen Ge carrying two large backpacks, his expression became very unnatural.

"you are……"

"Chen Ge."

Chen Ge strode toward the old man: "We met at Muyang Middle School. If you can't remember, I can show you the video at that time. I happened to be live on that day."

"I have an impression, but I still have other things to do now. After I finish dealing with it, let's talk about the old again." The old headmaster seemed to know the secret of Chen Ge. He knew that he was different from those students who only had obsession Once involved with Chen Ge, there will be countless troubles in the future. So he was very decisive and reached out to grab Yinghong's arm and was about to leave.

"I don't know what is more important than the children of Muyang Middle School?" Chen Ge took out the comic book from his backpack: "Principal, everyone misses you. When you are away, the smiles on the children's faces are lost. With glory, you are the backbone of Muyang Middle School. Without you, this family is not complete. "

No matter from the expression, the voice, or the content and tone of speech, Chen Ge perfectly interpreted the four words of love and sincerity.

His students are all on Singer Chen. The old principal's eyes have changed slightly. He opened his mouth, but he did not speak immediately.

Even after living most of his life, the old man still didn't seem to learn how to refuse others.

"Principal, I know you are in trouble, and you have your own considerations in doing so, but have you ever thought about it? You gave the students the comfort you think, and entered the ghost school alone in such a dangerous place. Are the rescued children really willing to accept this ease? "

"If they know that their present life is exchanged for everything from you, do you think they will continue to enjoy such a life? Your children, you know best, if you don't want them to live in self-blame, it is better to Say everything and let everyone work together. "

Every word of Chen Ge is in the heart of the old principal. He doesn't care about his own safety, but he cares about his students.

Those students are the weaknesses of the old principal. Of course, they are also the best helpers of the old principal.

Without giving the old principal more time to think, Chen Ge took out a ballpoint pen covered with tape, he handed the pen to the old man, and then found a blank piece of paper from Yinghong's schoolbag: "I don't lie to you , Only hope you can listen to their opinions. "

The ballpoint pen covered with adhesive tape was held in the palm of the old headmaster. The barrel of the pen was slightly trembling. When the pen tip touched the white paper, the barrel moved by itself.

"No matter what other people think, I am willing to help you."

Looking at the words on the white paper, Chen Ge was also quite emotional. When Bixian learned that he was about to enter the ghost school, he put on a posture that would rather crush the jade than the tile, and would rather commit suicide than come in. See you now After arriving at the old principal, he changed his mind directly.

The old principal shook his head. He held the pen lightly, fearing that it might break, and it felt like he was stroking the head of his granddaughter.

"It's not just her, there are others." Chen Ge opened the comic book and released all the obsessions of the students in Muyang Middle School: "They were orphans, you gave them a home, and they obsessed after death. I still returned to Muyang Middle School. Because for them, no matter how big this world is, only there is their home. "

Looking at the familiar figures, the old principal was silent.

After more than ten seconds, he looked at Chen Ge: "I'm going to do a very dangerous thing. You shouldn't come, let alone bring them together."

"You have seen my parents and know some of their things. Since you are assured of handing over your children to me, it shows that you are clear about who I am." Chen Ge stood in front of the old principal: "That haunted house is mine Home, where they live is my family, how can I make my family feel sorry for themselves every day. "

Regardless of the obsessions of Muyang Middle School or Bai Qiulin carrying a mirror, after hearing these words from Chen Ge, they were all moved. They already had a sense of belonging to Chen Ge's haunted house.

This feeling was not imposed on them by Chen Ge, nor did he deliberately instill it, but it was accumulated by Chen Ge through the little things in life.

"What I'm going to do is very dangerous. It will harm you and even affect them." The old headmaster was gray-haired. He stood in this abandoned classroom that was burned by the fire, looking at the familiar figures, he thought I will never see those children again.

"I have worked very hard and tried every possible way to enter this ghost school. One of the reasons is to help you." Chen Ge took the obsession of those students from Muyang Middle School back to the comic book. They just obsessed, very Fragility, once an accident occurs, it is likely to dissipate directly, and completely lose the last trace of this world.

The old headmaster watched those students ’obsession disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ The expression on his face was very complicated, and finally sighed softly:" You are very similar to your father's character, love to do business, love to make trouble, like Nonsense, without considering the consequences, but sticking to his bottom line and having a valuable kindness. "

Chen Ge was the first time he heard someone comment on his father. His impression of his father and his father said completely differently. He was afraid of destroying the atmosphere, so he could not bear to talk.

"It seems that you know them very well." Chen Ge asked casually.

"Well, your father told me that Xue Ying was imprisoned in the psychic ghost school, and he did n’t ask for a reward. He helped me find a way to get in and out of here. He helped me so much, and now you enter the ghost yourself Looking for me in the school, I ... I owe you too much. "The image of Chen Ge ’s father in the old headmaster ’s words was very tall, but Chen Ge felt very wrong when he heard it. He knew that it was an accident that he entered the haunted house. He had never thought about such a thing before.

He was still wondering before, and it felt a little too coincident. Now that the old headmaster said it himself, Chen Ge suddenly realized that the old headmaster seemed to be pitted.

"I was too selfish. I only thought about my own affairs and didn't consider others." The old headmaster was introspecting himself, and Chen Ge didn't know what to do for a while.

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