I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 858: What have I seen?

"From the perspective of ordinary people, I might be considered a lunatic. At least that old dog kept saying that, and he threatened to kill me." Ying Hong smiled disdainfully, she didn't continue to talk down, she seemed to say more Going down will involve another secret.

"I probably get it. The reason why you appear is because Ying Bai has been in fear for a long time and has not depended on it, so she inspired a personality that is completely opposite to her personality." Chen Ge tried to find a follower from Ying Hong and Ying Bai He has the same place, but he hasn't found that he has something in common with them for a long time.

Since I was a child, my family is happy and happy, and I do n’t have to worry about eating and drinking. I ca n’t find anything different from other children except that my parents ’education is a little unique.

"My childhood was very common, and there was no case of being abused." Chen Ge looked at Yinghong again: "Are you two now becoming two different individuals? Is it possible for you to become one?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it, it should be impossible, she has been escaping, and she shouldn't want to be with me." Ying Hong looked at the old principal's eyes with a trace of jealousy: "I was helping when she was the most difficult. She, but she is afraid of me now, and even so close to an outsider. "

Yinghong is very dissatisfied with the old headmaster. Her heart is full of negative emotions. In her view, Yingbai will encounter those things. The old headmaster has an inescapable responsibility.

She blames everything around her and hates everything. She is only good for Yingbai, but this kind of good is not without cost. Maybe one day when Yinghong goes to the extreme, what will she do to Yingbai? Things, in order to really dominate the cherry white.

"You woke up suddenly on a certain night without any signs ..." Chen Ge is thinking about another situation: "Will it be because of the sudden shock and exceeded the psychological limit, so this kind of thing happened ? "

Chen Ge felt that this was very in line with his own situation. They all said that children can see things that ordinary people cannot see. The memories at that time are now blurred. It may be that he saw something beyond the psychological tolerance at that time. There was an accident, and I had to separate out the unborn child.

"Just a glance, it will collapse directly, what is so scary?" There is no answer to the previous question, and new questions emerge.

"Are you finished? Can you give me the schoolbag now?" Yinghong's tone and facial expressions have changed a lot from before. It would be difficult for Chen Ge to imagine it if he saw it with his own eyes. Almost the same face, but there will be diametrically opposite personalities.

"Okay." Chen Ge handed the schoolbag to Yinghong: "We have stayed here for a long time. The ghost school has been in chaos. We must act quickly."

Having figured out the information he wanted to know, Chen Ge took the old headmaster out of the classroom and looked back at the Muyang Middle School behind the door. He felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

All seemingly accidental coincidences may have a pair of black hands replacing destiny behind them.

"This kind of feeling is uncomfortable, but there are places in my body that others can't control." Chen Ge's eyes moved to his shadow, and there had been a change in his body that no one expected, that is Zhang Ya.

In Liwan Town, Chen Ge learned from Xiaobu ’s mouth that his parents ’original plan was to make Xiaobu his own shadow. They made an agreement with Xiaobu for this, but what they did n’t think of was Chen Ge. Standing on the tallest building in the town, let Zhang Ya live in his shadow.

"The future is constantly changing, no one can fully control it, and the things I lost will be recovered by myself."

"The psychic school is related to the Muyang Middle School and the third sick building, but no matter how many secrets are hidden here, how many unknown things exist, how many hints, there is one point that cannot be changed." Chen Ge regained calm: "Eat It was Zhang Ya who originally knocked out the ghost school. She is now the most qualified person to own here. "

Chen Ge will inadvertently reveal a special temperament when he thinks. The haunted house staff are already used to it, but the old principal and Yinghong are the first to see them, and their reactions are different.

The old headmaster was a little surprised in his eyes and seemed to see some familiar scenes.

Ying Hong's expression is very tangled, it seems to give up a dangerous idea.

"Principal, let's go to the water well in the rear playground to see if the back road is safe." Chen Ge won't be relieved if he doesn't take a look in person.

"Good." The old principal took Yinghong's hand and walked ahead. Several people came to the end of the promenade. The middle of the passage was sealed with wood and there was no way.

"Wait for some other monsters to come in. You must be prepared. In addition, you must move fast, otherwise the school will perceive it and attract a lot of teachers and staff." The old headmaster squatted on the floor, very skilled will rely on Several planks of the wall were removed.

As soon as the boards were loosened, a lot of blood mist penetrated through the gap.


In order to save time, Chen Ge did not let everyone pass, he only carried Xu Yin.

Taking the board away, the old principal, Chen Ge, and Xu Yin drilled through the gap. After the three left, the old principal quickly put the board back.

"It must be nailed again so that it will not be discovered by the will of the school." The old headmaster supported the board, looking for the nails that had just fallen to the ground: "Those nails are not ordinary things, they can hurt things that deter the school, and are accompanied by curse……"

"Is it such a nail?" Chen Ge took out a nail from his pocket, and he was cursed as soon as he entered the psychic school ~ www.readwn.com ~ The body will be constantly nailed into the nail, such a nail he There are many.

"Yes." The old headmaster looked at Chen Ge with a weird face: "Why do you have so many nails? Where did you get it?"

"It's a long story." Chen Ge didn't want to waste time on this issue. He opened his backpack again: "Do you need a hammer?"

After handling the planks, Chen Ge was in a mood to look around. There was a thick blood mist around him, and there was a smell in the air, and the visibility was very low.

"I don't know if it was specially arranged by the will of the ghost school. The Muyang Middle School is at the outermost edge of the abandoned school." The old principal led Chen Ge in the blood mist: "This is actually still within the scope of the ghost school, and then go outside. , You will see a blood-red wall that will isolate the ghost school from the blood-red world outside. "

"Doesn't it mean that we can leave the ghost school as soon as we cross the wall? Is it so troublesome to find the water well?" Chen Ge didn't quite understand.

"As long as you are close to the blood-red wall, you will be discovered by the will of the school, and the souls of countless desperate children will be swarmed up, leaving you with no scum." The old principal was worried. Is the only way. "

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