I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 859: Red in the heart

Covered by blood mist, Chen Ge could only vaguely see the outline of a playground, and the scene in front of him slowly overlapped with the back playground of Muyang Middle School in his memory.

"The water well is over there." The old principal took care of Chen Ge very much. He seemed to be worried about Chen Ge's accident. He always kept Chen Ge behind him and walked ahead.

Crossing the playground, under the leadership of the old principal, Chen Ge finally found the abandoned dry well.

As soon as he approached, he heard all kinds of crying from the well, and there were men, women, and children.

"Is the exit at the bottom of the well?" The mist was filled, and Chen Ge couldn't see anything even at the bottom of the well even if he had a yin pupil.


"You entered the ghost school from here?" When Chen Ge stood by the well, Xu Yin stopped him, as if the well made him uneasy.

"Yes, the blood mist at the bottom of the well is very rich, and it will almost turn into substance. This may also be the key to dry wells to avoid the will of the school." The old principal indicated Chen Ge not to stand by the well for a long time, avoiding the attention of the will of the school "Going down to the bottom of the well, there is only one road in that direction. After about three to fifteen minutes, you can leave the ghost school and enter the underground of the blood-red city. Then we find the way to the ground. Okay. "

The whole process sounds very simple, but there are many places in it that can't withstand scrutiny.

Chen Ge held the edge of the well with both hands and looked back to the old principal. "After entering the bottom of the well, it takes three to fifteen minutes to leave the ghost school? Why is the time so different? If the distance is the same, even if the speed is slow, it is impossible. The error is so great! "

"I don't know clearly. Every time I take the same path, but sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes it takes a short time. Do you want to go down and see first?" The old headmaster didn't understand himself.

If other people say this to Chen Ge, Chen Ge will not only not go down, he may even suspect that the other party intentionally wants to harm him, and then throw the other party down to find the way, but the old headmaster is different, he trusts the old man very much.

"With this back road, I will be in an invincible position, and I can do some things with confidence, but only if this road goes through, not a dead end."

After thinking for a long time, Chen Ge asked Xu Yin again. After Xu Yin agreed, he decided to go down with the old principal.

"I used to go alone, no reference, this time we are crowded, and accompanied by red clothes, there should be no problems." In order to make Chen Ge feel at ease, the old headmaster walked to the well first. When preparing to jump, Chen Ge stopped him again.

"Wait." Chen Ge took out some ropes from Lin Sisi's backpack. This is what he used when he was over the wall on the west campus to "tie it around his waist and prevent it from falling apart."

"How do you have everything?" The old headmaster was not as surprised as before.

"How deep is this well? Are two ropes enough?"

"Almost." The old headmaster supported the well wall with his hands, and a black and red flower appeared from the old coat, which was slowly occupied by blood.

Seeing the old principal's body change, Chen Ge discovered that the half-length red dress in front of him was different from the other half-length red dresses he encountered.

The old headmaster gave him a very strange feeling, not to mention, he and the old headmaster stood together, he would not treat the other party as a ghost, and felt that the other party was a living person.

"Even in the red clothes, this has not happened. Is it because the old principal has done too many good things before he died, even if he becomes a ghost, does he not have a hint of evil and evil spirit on his body?"

Looking at the old principal disappearing a little bit at the wellhead, Chen Ge hurried over, and he left Xu Yindian in the middle.

As soon as he entered the dry well, the thick blood mist came, and the mist in the dry well was much thicker than the outside. This well did not know the reason. It seemed to actively absorb the blood mist full of negative emotions, resulting in a lot of blood Fog is deposited here.

Into it, as if falling into the blood pool.

Chen Ge felt a tingling tingle on his skin, as if he had been bitten by his teeth, but he looked at it with his pupils, and there was nothing on his skin.

"Xu Yin has no early warning, that is to say, it is temporarily safe and everything is under control."

Surrounded by blood mist, nothing could be seen clearly. If Xu Yin was beside him, Chen Ge would say nothing.

"Isn't it the end yet?" This well is much deeper than he thought, and it's no wonder that the ghost school will not notice this loophole.

The more depressed the further down, Chen Ge was very worried about the accident of the old principal. He was afraid that when he went down, the old principal was not tied to the other end of the rope.

The rope was no longer tight, and the figure of the old headmaster slowly emerged from the well.

It has not yet reached the bottom of the well, but the old principal stopped.

"Why don't you keep going down?" Chen Ge was puzzled. He felt that the old headmaster's condition was not right.

"Can't go down ..." The old headmaster's voice trembled.

Chen Ge moved his body close to the old headmaster. He moved down the headmaster's line of sight, and the cold sweat came out.

There was no longer blood-red mist under the headmaster ’s feet, but blood-red water. Even more terrifying was the crowd of faces under the water!

As the blood mist gathered, the water surface in the abandoned well was still rising at a rate visible to the naked eye. Those monsters hiding under the water opened their mouths and seemed to be eager to rush out, biting Chen Ge.

"I didn't have these monsters when I came in last time ..." The old headmaster was a little anxious.

"It's okay."

Chen Ge would say nothing, simply because Xu Yin did not respond. "I have seen them in the school of mirrors built by the painter. They have no skin, are covered in blood, and emit a pungent odor."

These monsters are no different from those Chen Chen had seen before ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ The only difference is that they no longer walk upside down.

"How did these monsters form? They came from the Scarlet City outside the school, or is this well where they were born?"

"If monsters come from the Scarlet City outside the school, why would I see them in the school of the painter's mirror? And they are all upside down? Are these monsters brought up by the painter? Now the school has changed, and it is also because of him?"

Chen Ge felt that he was one step closer to the core secret. He gently pulled the rope. "Principal, let's go back first."

"I seem to have seen them somewhere." The old principal stared at the monsters in the well. "They are absorbing blood mist. These guys feed on the negative emotions in people's hearts. I have heard people say before! But ... wrong, How can they appear in this well? Why are there so many negative emotions gathered here? "

"Eating the negative emotions in people's hearts? Appearing in the well?" Chen Ge vaguely realized what he thought of the black mobile phone's original sentence about Muyang Middle School, which reminded everyone that there was an unfathomable well buried in his heart. A memory that can't be looked back on.

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