I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 861: Chen Ge's plan

Many fragments of the past emerged in Chen Ge's mind, and one coincidence after another appeared by his side. It seemed accidental, but it was inevitable.

"Chang Wenyu and painter, who should I help them?"

When he first got the black phone, Chen Ge made a choice. That choice changed his life, and it was that choice that gave him the qualification to find the truth.

"Although the psychic ghost school is a four-star scene, but there is no doorman, there must be many people staring at this fat."

At first, Chen Ge regarded "door" as a burden, but under the "cultivation" and "education" of Doctor Gao of the Association, he gradually realized the importance of "door".

Well used, "door" can do a lot of things.

In this respect, Dr. Gao is both Chen Ge's enemy and his guide.

Dr. Gao wanted to include Chen Ge in the Talking Association and wanted to make Chen Ge his helper. He planned well, but there were too many accidents in the implementation process, which eventually led to Chen Ge successfully joining the Talking Association , But there is only one member of Chen Ge in the association.

"If Fan Yu is really a painter, it would be interesting." Chen Ge doesn't hate the painter, and of course he doesn't like him. He just feels that the painter is different from other red clothes he has seen.

There are so many ghosts and red clothes behind the door, but the painter is the only "ghost" who wants to use his own power to change the world behind the door.

This idea is actually very crazy. Some ghosts want revenge and some red clothes want to be reborn. Only painters are different.

He did not want to return to reality, but wanted to create a "reality" in the blood-red world behind the door.

If he really succeeds, the line between the **** world behind the door and reality will become more blurred.

Chen Ge does not know what this means, he just thinks it is very dangerous to do so.

"There are too many people staring at the psychic ghost school, there is a **** city that is constantly approaching outside, and there is the cursed hospital where you can see its figure everywhere, and Chang Wenyu is messing up inside, in this case he If you want to succeed, unless there is another person in the red suit, do your best to help him. "Chen Ge suddenly felt stunned here, he thought in his heart:" If Zhang Ya becomes the red suit, then I Can he help him fulfill his wish? "

Shaking his head, Chen Ge quickly dismissed this idea. The more chaotic the school of psychic ghosts was, the better for him: "I am a friend with Xiao Fanyu outside the door, but I have no intersection with the painter inside the door, even if I helped him, and he might not be able to appreciate it. It might even be possible to deal with me after the fact. "

Chen Ge knew that Fan Yu outside the door was a pure and innocent good boy, but he was very alert to the painter inside the door.

After he completed the task of Muyang Middle School, the police rushed to Muyang Middle School and dug the body of Fan Yu's parents in the well. Immediately, Fan Yu's aunt admitted that he had killed Fan Yu's adoptive father.

The reason was negligent homicide. She wanted to stop the tragedy, but failed.

This reason now considers that there is a big loophole. How did she, a weak woman, kill a perverted murderer with rich criminal experience "accidentally"?

The police were also surprised at the time, but apart from Fan Yu ’s aunt, there was no one else involved in the case, so they finally adopted Aunt Fan Yu ’s statement and cracked a mystery many years ago.

But think about it, there is another person involved in this case, that is Fan Yu.

"This well is buried with the deepest secret in his heart, maybe he was inside the door from that time." Chen Ge will never forget Fan Yu, because that was the first special tourist in his haunted house: "The old principal knew Fan Yu entered the school and knew that the scene of Muyang Middle School appeared because of the influence of Fan Yu's memory. These things are difficult to investigate with his half-length red dress, so the biggest possibility is that someone told him. "

"Only my family will help the old principal in the whole ghost school. First, Yinghong, and then Fan Yu. Are they trying to express something to me through the old principal?" Chen Ge couldn't guess his parents. Thoughts: "Do they want me to realize something through contact with Yinghong and the painter? After the psychic ghost school trial mission, the unborn child may come to the door, the time is very urgent, they are worried I, want me to analyze the weakness of the womb from the painter? After all, the womb is my shadow, and in a sense he is also my dark side. "

After figuring out some things, Chen Ge slowly returned to calm. He reached out and pulled the old principal out of the well: "Let's go back to the school first."

"Okay." The original way of life turned into a dead end. The old headmaster was also sad when he was sad: "Fortunately, you came in to find me, otherwise I really don't know how to leave."

"You don't have to be so polite." Chen Ge led the old headmaster back, and when they removed the wooden board, there was a little accident. The blood days covering the ghost school continued to fall, dispersing the blood mist near Chen Ge, and almost found them.

Returning safely inside the school, Chen Ge took out the tool to nail the door panel, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took the old principal to leave.

"Where do we go next? Don't you want to get the recognition of the ghost school's will?" The old principal took Yinghong's hand and followed Chen Ge, while Yingbai looked at the old principal innocently, feeling as if he was thinking about himself I made the same mistake.

"Besides me, you must also get the will of the ghost school." Chen Ge said the old headmaster in a word.

"I don't need it."

"You are the key to changing everything!" Chen Geyu said seriously: "Although the psychic ghost school has eaten up a lot of souls ~ www.readwn.com ~ but I have to say that it is also desperate for those who are homeless. Of children provide a home, but now the home is very chaotic and lacks a qualified manager. "

The old principal nodded subconsciously: "Yeah, the world behind the out-of-control door is terrifying."

Chen Ge did not take the old headmaster's words, but continued: "In my opinion, no one is better than you for managing this ghost school."

"I?" The old principal who was still sighing was stunned, and then waved his hands again and again: "Don't joke ..."

"Don't rush to deny it, wait until you get the approval of the ghost school." Chen Ge looks very confident.

"Okay, what are your plans?" The old principal can only follow Chen Ge now, he really has no future.

"Simple, Yinghong has lived in the ghost school for so long, you should know that the people in this school are not easy to provoke, and we will be crushed all the way later." Chen Ge looked at the old principal with a smile: "I'm here to play the wicked, you Come pretend to be a good person, I am responsible for using violence to control violence, you just have to be yourself. "


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