I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 862: Redeem in my way

"I just have to be myself?" The old headmaster always felt that Chen Ge's plan was not reliable. It was more a provocation than a plan.

He has devoted himself all his life and has done countless good deeds, so it is inevitable that he will be a little unaccustomed.

"Yes, you do what you want to do, say what you want to say, don't have any worries." Chen Ge opened the backpack and began to look for tools: "We can't give up any child, I will make it difficult for me to be a villain, let's start with '' Let them know the mistakes and save them mentally. ''

Chen Ge is ready, he has long wanted to do this.

"Yinghong, can you do me a favor?" Chen Ge squatted in front of Yinghong: "You have lived in a ghost school for so long, you should know what terrible people and terrible places in this school?"

"Why do you ask me?" Ying Hong wrinkled her lovely eyebrows.

"Because you are a terrible child, at least those in your class seem to be like this, they seem to be afraid of you."

"I ..." Yinghong gave Chen Ge a fierce look. She had no way to take Chen Ge: "There are indeed many lunatics and ghosts in this school. Since you are looking for death, then I will take you there."

"We have limited time. Let's start with those bad children. The teachers of the ghost school don't care, then let's control."

Chen Ge is very imposing, but Yinghong disdains: "Even if you punish those children, there will be new assholes, unless you stay in this school and repeat the punishment of students, but Have you ever wondered, if you really do this, what is the difference between you and those **** who use violence to bully the weak? "

Ying Hong seems to know some hidden feelings in this ghost school: "Except for a few guys whose memories have been sealed, most of the bullies in this school are former victims. In the chaotic world behind the gate, they were The ghost school's will has changed, they are not bullying, but venting. It is for this reason that the ghost school's teachers will open their eyes and close their eyes. This is allowed by the ghost school's will, nor do they Dare to manage? "

"Ghost school will allow it? Isn't the ghost school will be a collection of will? Will it speak?" Chen Ge understood a little bit, why those teachers turned a blind eye to bullying and they didn't want to be troubled.

"Although the will of the ghost school is not clearly stated, it is recognized by everyone."

"I'm afraid this is not the case? The ghost school has existed for several years, and no new doormen have been selected. It may be because you guessed the true idea of ​​the ghost school's will." Chen Ge himself has experienced many very dark things. But he never sinks, even hiding in the deepest part of the night, he is looking forward to the dawn of dawn: "It is not the will of the school that changes those children, but their own. The resentment and hatred are inspired by negative emotions. They have already Became the most annoying look I used to have. "

Chen Ge sighed softly: "I was a little hesitant before, but I heard you say that I want to help them more strongly. The cruelty of weaker people will never be saved, it will only get deeper and deeper. . "

"I agree with this." The old headmaster suddenly said, with a hint of appreciation in Chen Ge's eyes.

"Time is limited, let's go as soon as possible."

Chang Wenyu's task for Chen Ge was to find out all the ghosts who could become "doormen." Chen Ge was ready to complete this task in excess. He wanted to draw all the abnormal "people" to his side.

Chang Wenyu competed with the painter for control of the ghost school, while Chen Ge put his idea on all the students.

"Ghost school will is made up of the will of countless desperate children. That is to say, every child in this school may affect the final result. The painter has done a good job, but his kind of approach to start from scratch, It is equivalent to giving up most of the students who have deep grievances. "

After walking for a few minutes towards the center of the school, Yinghong stopped outside a study room. She pointed to the door next to her: "Teachers in this place are usually reluctant to come in. If you can't enter, you can do it yourself. "

The wall outside the self-study room looks very ordinary, but the glass window on the door is affixed with a piece of white paper, and there are a few words written skewed on it. Please do not disturb.

"I don't feel anything." Chen Ge just finished, a loud noise suddenly came from the study room, as if someone was pushed down and knocked over the table.

"Fighting?" The window on the door was mostly covered with white paper. Chen Ge looked at the gap for a long time, then turned back to the old principal and said, "Principal, you will come in again later."

"How long to wait?" The old headmaster was a bit worried because he didn't know what Chen Ge was going to do.

"You do it yourself, don't let them be beaten up."

The old headmaster had n’t understood Chen Ge yet, and Chen Ge had already summoned Xu Yin and the headless female ghost.

"Sakura Red, do me a favor again." Chen Ge didn't wait for Sakura Red to refuse, kicking the door of the study room with one foot.


The glass on the door was shattered, and the white paper fell to the ground along with the glass slag.

"Anyone?" Chen Ge stepped on the blank sheet and entered the study room. There were seven boys in the room, three playing cards, and the other three beating a student wearing a Taekwondo suit around the corner.

He kicked in, and everyone stopped what he was doing and looked at him.

"Sakura Red, are they bullying you?" Chen Ge took Sakura Red's little hand and dragged in the sakura that was waiting to see the lively Sakura Red. The kid's small face that had been gloating and stunned instantly froze.

"Don't be afraid ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is an older brother, I will protect you in the future." Chen Ge pinched Yinghong's small face, because angry and angry, Yinghong is not only a face, even eyes are changed due to congestion Go red.

"Are you sick in particular?" The students who were playing cards stood up. One of them was nearly nine meters tall and looked very strong.

Has always been to bully others, who would have thought that someone will come to the door one day.

The tallest man, after getting angry, a large foul smell of blood appeared on his coat.

"Half-length red dress? No wonder the teacher is unwilling to come over." Chen Ge seemed to see Yinghong's angry face, protecting him naturally behind him, and said very affectionately: "Yinghong, no one will ever be there again." bully you."

After he finished speaking, the headless female ghost and Xu Yin entered the study room, and the next scene became extremely bloody.

Chen Ge closed the door of the study room and lifted the boy who was just beaten up: "Are you all right?"

The boy was wearing gloves for sparring in both hands, but his face was covered with scars. Those people did not attack the arm, but hit him directly on the body.

The child was afraid of being bullied, and he dared not speak for a long time. Finally, he looked at Yinghong enviously and said softly, "I'm fine."

Yinghong was sorely goose bumps seen by the student. She wanted to shake Chen Ge's hand away, but what Chen Ge said just now appeared in her mind. Although the actual situation was not like that, the feeling was subtle.

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