I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 869: I hope you are happy

With the deepening of the air, there was a slight smell in the air, like garbage piled up for a long time, and no one dealt with it.

The more you walk in, the heavier the smell.

Xu Yin and Ying Hong walked ahead, Chen Ge and stench walked side by side in the middle of the line.

The stench of obesity is trying his best to calm down the smell of his body. He seems to be worried about being rejected by Chen Ge around him.

This child has always been like this in Chen Ge's eyes. He has a body that smells all the time, but his heart is clean and unbelievable.

"If you feel uncomfortable, we will not go forward." Chen Ge whispered that he kept communicating with the stench, and he would rarely force his employees to do things that he did not like.

The head full of fat flicked left and right, the flesh on the cheek quivered gently, the stench did not refuse, the closer he was to the depths of the corridor, the more disturbed the expression on his face.

"Don't force yourself. I hope you can be a happy child than get the truth. You never felt happy before you died. If you were tortured by obsession after death, it would be too painful."

After walking for a few minutes, the crowd came to the end of the promenade. Many ghost school students covered their mouths and noses. This place is really stinking.

The smell is hard to describe. It is no longer the smell that garbage rots. It seems that it is not floating in the air, but it is directly into the body of a person, making a person feel disgusted and resisted from the heart.

All "people" can't stand it, only the stench not only does not feel uncomfortable, its original illusory body is still a little solidified, and the smell here seems to be a part of his body.

He once abandoned those odors, and now those odors are constantly gathering towards him.

The stench around him is the heaviest. Many students avoid him far away, just like when he was in school a long time ago, no one wants to be friends with him, everyone is far away from him, he is just for making fun The object is a joke in the active atmosphere of others.

"Are you okay?" Chen Ge's hand was gently resting on the stench shoulder. With a little solidification of the body, Chen Ge's arm could no longer penetrate the stench body. He also felt the stench body temperature for the first time-cold Piercing, completely different from the stench and boring appearance.

No matter how far others hide, Chen Ge chooses to stand by the stench. There is no other reason. This is his employee.

Singer Chen actually has a lot of ghost employees, but he did not ignore their feelings because the number of ghosts increased.

Every of these ghost employees is very important to Chen Ge, because he knows clearly that no matter what the reason is, those ghosts now regard the horror house as their own home. This is their only home now.

"Do n’t be afraid, no matter what you encounter, I will face you together. Now that you already have a lot of friends, everyone will stand with you forever. You do n’t have to take on anything alone anymore. Resistance. "Chen Ge wanted to touch the stench's head, but he found that the stench was too tall for him to touch.

As he was about to withdraw his hand, the tall, fat stench bent down very hard, and the small eyes hidden in the fat flicked a few times.

"You guy." Chen Ge just wanted to comfort the stench. He patted the stench on the shoulder and stood beside the stench without taking a step.

"This place can be regarded as a forbidden place, there is no reason, if we release the contents, we are expected to suffer." A student who joined later whispered, many people were talking about it, and the old principal came to hope that Chen Ge would be careful .

Everyone thinks that the core of the team is Chen Ge, as long as he listens to Chen Ge's opinion.

However, all of them did not expect that Chen Ge finally stopped at the entrance of the dormitory with a stench. He gave the stench to the stench: "Open the door, or leave, you choose."

Many ghost school students are speculating about the relationship between stench and Chen Ge. Only Bai Qiulin and Xu Yin are different. They are just touched.

Standing in the deepest part of the corridor, the ugly appearance, the stench of fat body stopped in place, as if petrified.

He raised his palm and grabbed the door handle, but he didn't have the courage to turn.

Looking back, the dark corridor stood in the most corner. This scene appeared many years ago. I wanted to walk out of this room many times, but I just looked up and saw the long corridor outside, remembering that face , He will hesitate.

This cabin was once the only place that belonged to him. It was the safest place for him until his most respected father died in this small dormitory.

The odor in the air became thicker. The odor was hesitated for a long time, and the fingers pushed hard and pushed open the dormitory door.

A pungent odor came out of the room. Many people subconsciously dodge far away. At this time, only the stench, Chen Ge and Xu Yin were standing behind the door.

In the end, the dormitory was full of various garbage, many of them were rotten, and some of them could not recognize the shape.

As soon as the door opened, the garbage was spilled directly onto the corridor, and there was no place to settle in the house.

"Wow ..."

The stench entered the house. He stepped on the garbage in the house and stared at a closet in the corner of the house.

Chen Ge knew what was in the cupboard. He stopped the person behind him without disturbing the stench.

All the stench in this room was very familiar. He stopped beside his bed, waved his arms to sweep away the trash on the sheets, and looked at the sheets hidden under the trash.

The worn sheets are covered with black and red stains.

The body shivered, and the things he had been avoiding appeared again in front of him ~ www.readwn.com ~ The red on the bed sheet reflected in his eyes, making his eyes a little scarlet.

There was a weird voice in the throat. The stench seemed to be because I had n’t talked to people for too long. I had forgotten how to say a complete sentence. He became more and more excited. Finally he grabbed the sheets with both hands and tore them like crazy .

Sheet fragments with black and red stains, like black snow falling in the room, stench standing beside his bed, memories flashed in front of him.

The voice in his throat grew louder, as if questioning, and as if crying weakly.

Looking at the helpless stench in the room, Chen Ge closed the door gently. The stench should not want too many people to see themselves like this.

In the narrow and dirty dormitory, only the stench and Chen Ge are left.

Standing quietly by the door, Chen Ge let the stench to vent his emotions, he felt that he should be with the child at this time.

The smell in the room can drive the living people crazy, and the smell is out of control for a long time before finally waking up, but his small eyes have changed, and his eyes are full of black and red blood.

Fat hands grasped the closet, and the stench slowly opened the cabinet door.

But what surprised Chen Ge was that the smell in the house did not become more intense, and there was no adult body covered with plastic wrap in the cabinet.

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