I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 870: follow

Standing in front of the closet, stench looked at the closet blankly.

Chen Ge was a little curious. He slowly approached the cabinet. When he saw the things inside, the expression on his face was very surprised.

A short, fat, ugly little boy curled up in the corner of the closet. The child was covered with plastic wrap, there was an obvious wound in the heart, and there was a shallow mark on the neck.

"Was this child a stench?"

The boy clenched his fists with his hands, and he did n’t want to let go until he died. He could see a picture of his left hand, and a piece of shirt twisted in his right hand.

The shirt was obviously worn by the big talents. This child appeared here, indicating that the nasty description of Chen Ge ’s haunted house scene had a problem.

"The truth doesn't seem to be what I guessed before. Why did the boy become this way?"

Standing in front of the closet, the stench of silence, he looked at the boy in the cupboard, and a bitter smile appeared on the round, fat face.

He tore the plastic wrap on the child's arm and took the picture of the child's palm in front of his eyes.

It was a photo of a father and son. The people in the photo were all smiling happily. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen later.

There was a low scream in the throat, and the stenched hands slowly worked hard to tear the photo that was unwilling to be released until death.

He clearly tore the photo, but the child in the cupboard had wounds from family violence after another.

Blood was flowing under the plastic wrap. The adult man in the picture was crying, but the child was clapping his hands, laughing and jumping.

When the photos were torn up, the child's body in the cabinet had completely turned red, and the layers of plastic wrap on his body also began to crack.

"Woo ..."

The stench seems to be calling someone's name, like saying goodbye and calling.

He sprinkled the broken photo in his hand on the ground, his eyes flashed scarlet, he turned and looked at Chen Ge, then bowed his head and said a word.

Chen Ge didn't hear clearly, he was just about to ask, the stench had entered the closet.

The odor in the air gradually faded, blood mist drifted into this room, and one blood after another spread around the wardrobe.

This room was originally almost the same as in reality, but after only a few minutes, the walls of the room had been covered with blood, which is what the world behind the door should look like.

"All the odors are gathered in the closet?" The odorous huge body squeezed into the narrow cabinet, followed by him, and the smell of the house.

When the last trace of odor disappeared, a strange noise came from the closet, Chen Ge looked into the cabinet, and a small fat man wearing a blood-red coat was also watching him.

"Smelly smell?" Chen Ge's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up and down at each other: "What's your name?"

Chen Ge did n’t know what happened to the stench. The other party should put down the past and regain his heart.

Everything started again, Chen Ge also felt that he could no longer use the stench to call this child, he should have his own name.

The little fat man in the closet didn't speak. He looked ugly, but he was not annoying.

"Don't you remember me? I am the boss of our haunted house-Chen Ge!"

The boy still didn't speak, just stared at Chen Ge, it seemed that he wanted to print Chen Ge's face in his mind.

The communication was fruitless. Chen Ge reached out to the boy and wanted to pull him out of the closet, but the fat boy did not respond at all.

"Okay, the road was chosen by yourself, and I won't try to force it. I am very happy to meet you during this time. If you encounter any difficulties that you cannot solve in the future, you can come to the Western Suburb Horror House to find me. Chen Ge now has the ability to promise a red dress.

After finishing this sentence, he turned and walked out of the room, but when he went outside, there was a noise in the closet again.

Chen Ge looked back. The fat boy in red had jumped out of the closet. He was still wrapped in plastic wrap and followed closely behind Chen Ge. He seemed to be afraid to stay in this room alone.

"No matter what choice you make, I understand that you are willing to come back, the door of the horror house is always open, but I must check the staff rules again at that time, and you cannot contact the tourists without passing the assessment." Just now in a certain In an instant Chen Ge has actually given up, but what he did not expect is that he has recovered the stench of his heart and is still willing to follow him.

Walking out of the room deepest in the corridor, the people outside the room were still surprised that the smell disappeared until they saw the little fat man in red behind Chen Ge.

"Another red dress?" Everyone including the old principal was dumbfounded.

"Do you know that boy?" Ying Hong gently touched Bai Qiulin, posing a cute and simple look.

"A little bit familiar ..." Bai Qiulin also couldn't figure out the situation, but this happened to his boss, he felt nothing surprising.

The stench turned into a little fat man in red, and his strength was many times higher than before, but he refused to communicate with anyone, not knowing whether he lost his ability to speak or dare not speak.

"Let's go, the boys 'dormitory has been explored. Next, let's go to the girls' dormitory ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Ge's eyes turned away from the stench. In fact, he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

There was a door pusher in Xicheng Private College, which means that there will be a scene of Xicheng Private College behind the door. The dormitory for boys you see now should be the scene of Xicheng Private College behind the door.

The ghost school will expand wildly, but chose to keep it for several more important scenes. This should be the last point of the gatekeeper's death.

"The management of this Xicheng private college has a big problem. No wonder it will eventually become an abandoned school. In addition to the stench, the hanger and Zhang Ya, there is also a pusher who has been forced to the depths of despair. Many students are It was bullied here, and for them the school itself was a **** of existence. "

Chen Ge looked at the corridor that was gradually stained with blood red, and he came up with an idea: "If you really want to be recognized by the will of the ghost school, you must completely change the ghost school, because this ghost school is all the desperate children. Nightmare in my heart. "

Shook his head, Chen Ge decided to come step by step.

"The scenes related to the stench are preserved, and the scenes related to Zhang Ya may also be kept intact behind the door. When the stench enters the corresponding scene behind the door, the strength is greatly increased. If I enter the place where Zhang Ya has stayed Will the place help Zhang Ya? "

Chen Ge knew very clearly that Zhang Ya might be in a very critical period now, and he wanted to do what he could to help each other.

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