I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 871: I am the first person to stand up

Blood mist poured into the boys ’apartment, and the restricted area, which was isolated by the will of the ghost school, was severely damaged.

The forgotten memory was picked up by the owner, and the blood was crawling over the dilapidated walls. It became the same as the rest of the ghost school.

"Going to the other side is the girls 'dormitory, which is also banned by the will of the ghost school, and no one has ever been in." Ying Hong and Chen Ge are more than a meter apart: "I advise you not to go over, girls' dormitory The legend and the headmaster ’s story are not called the two taboos that cannot be touched, and even the will of the ghost school has selectively forgotten them. "

"It's okay, I'm sure." Chen Ge's voice was frightening and calm.

"You, an outsider, can know this school better than us? The male dormitory is your luck, but some things are not at all controlled by luck. Your opening of the male dormitory has caused some changes, and the school's will is slowly being affected. Affect, if you open the forbidden area in the girls ’dormitory, it may infuriate the will of the school and make you targeted by the teachers and students of the school." Ying Hong whispered to dissuade her. Chen Ge didn't dare to relax in front of him. This man didn't need to "instigate" himself to run directly towards the most dangerous and terrifying "bottomless abyss". If he didn't stop, he might be implicated.

"You think you know the will of the ghost school, but after so many years, there are still no new pushers, which shows that you all understand the idea of ​​the wrong will of the ghost school." Chen Ge said very positively.

"We don't understand the will of the ghost school?" Ying Hong pouted: "The will of the ghost school is composed of the will of the students in this school. We are part of the will of the ghost school. The will of the ghost school is us. We will not understand ourselves. ?"

"Sometimes I know you best, not necessarily yourself." Chen Ge's eyes moved between Yinghong and Yingbai.

"Chen Ge, if we act so much, it will definitely attract the attention of the ghost school. If you continue to do this, it will be difficult for us to get out." The old principal was also worried. He thought that the lower profile, the better, but Chen Ge is obviously different from his thinking.

"The spirit of the ghost school will soon be overwhelmed. Besides, everything we do is to help it. It won't take long for it to understand." Chen Ge said to surprise everyone, without a head Go back to the other side.

Compared to the male apartment, he wanted to go to the female apartment. The reason is very simple, because there may be some things that Zhang Ya lost.

At the corner of the corridor, Chen Ge had not yet entered the girls' apartment. Footsteps were heard on the other side of the promenade and upstairs at the same time, and many people were rushing here.

The impact of the opening of the male apartment block was much larger than Chen Ge expected.

Blood mist spread, and a figure appeared in the mist.

"Xu Yin."

Chen Ge took a step back and stood with Xu Yin and the headless ghost.

"So many people want to stop me? Is the girl's dormitory important?" The greater the will of the ghost school, the more the girl's dormitory is problematic. There may be a secret in Zhang Ya's body.

This top-notch red dress that is beyond common sense seems to have a special connection with the four-star scene-psychic ghost school.

Stopped at the intersection of the two corridors, Chen Ge looked up. On the left was the ghost school teacher who hurriedly came, on the right were the senior students wearing dark school uniforms, and directly in front were the ordinary students who had just run down from the upstairs classroom.

"You removed the wooden board of the boys' apartment?" A teacher asked aloud.

"Yes." Chen Ge did not deny it.

"Did you know that it is a restricted area of ​​the school? Students are forbidden to enter, even the teacher can't just pass by."

"Know." Chen Ge's careless attitude completely angered the teacher.

"Knowingly committed a crime! You ..."

"I'm just going to get back what my friend lost. You said that I committed a crime, but whoever stipulates that the restricted area can't be entered by anyone? And who said there is a restricted area?" Chen Ge didn't think there was a problem with what he did from the beginning. , He is going to fundamentally subvert this ghost school. In comparison, the painter and Chang Wenyu are considered to be minor, but no one has yet seen Chen Ge ’s plan. Even if someone sees it, it is estimated that unbelievable.

"Are you questioning the will of the school?" Chen Ge, the second person who spoke, had seen it, and it was Director Lei who had had a relationship with him.

"If it's wrong, why can't I question it? The will of the school is the will of all the students in this ghost school, but sometimes most people insist that it is not necessarily correct. You dare not resist and blindly submit, then Let me stand up. "Chen Ge is like a traveler holding up a torch in the dark night. The place where he walks is the path of the latecomer.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Director Lei and other teachers slowly approached Chen Ge, and the atmosphere in the corridor instantly became dignified.

"I know what I'm talking about, and I know what I'm doing. I just want to leave you with a way to change before crushing the bones." Chen Ge looked at the students who came: "You Are you really happy? In this ghost school made up of desperate children, you do n’t feel a trace of warmth because of the increase in the number of similars, but you are sliding down towards the abyss! I see some of you change from victims to victims Becoming a bully, you also begin to take the pain of others as your own happiness ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are slowly becoming the person you hate the most and disgusting. The more terrible thing is, if you dare to stand up and say No, it is against the will of the whole ghost school, the person who dares to say no will be crushed by the soul of being crushed. "

"You said it was too serious." Director Lei frowned. He felt that Chen Ge was different from other ghost school students, and it was very tricky.

"As a teacher here, you haven't noticed it, you can already explain how serious the matter is." Protected by the two red clothes, Chen Ge spoke with confidence, he directly ignored Director Lei, and looked at the students: "No matter what you remember I do n’t remember, in fact, all of you have had a gloomy past, because only desperate talents will enter the world behind the door. I do n’t know the meaning of the door, but the door pusher will open the door, the most The possible reason is that there is a method behind him that can save him. "

Chen Ge's voice is not loud, but it can be clearly heard into everyone's ears: "This school should not be what it is now, it is to take your home, it is a place to help you out of despair, but you can see for yourself , Is it like a safe harbor now? "

The students didn't expect Chen Ge to say this. Many of them even had memories incomplete, but just stayed in the ghost school.

"You can think slowly about what I said. I know it is difficult to change everyone's will, but I won't give up." Chen Ge seems to have no fear of anything at all. He didn't think about getting school simply from the beginning. Recognition of will, but to change the will of the school.

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