I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 875: It ’s not good to say bad things behind

Chen Ge has seen a lot of gift boxes, but for the first time he sees a gift box that has been bloodied like this.

"This is Zhang Ya's plan to give it to others? Or is it an unassuming **** for Zhang Ya?"

Clean and tidy sheets lay such a dirty gift box, anyone can see that the owner of the gift box cares very much about this gift.

Standing in the most terrible forbidden area of ​​the ghost school, surrounded by wailing and desperate monsters, Chen Ge did not feel afraid at this time, but also produced a special emotion.

"When Zhang Ya sent me a **** love letter, a candy made of soul, and a puppet with hair tied up, I still felt unacceptable in my heart, but when I saw this blood-red gift box on Zhang Ya's bed today, I actually felt sour."

Surrounded maliciously, Chen Ge stood alone in the deepest part of the penalty area. The people outside were highly nervous, staring at Chen Ge at all times, and preparing for rescue with a slight change. How could they guess that Chen Ge was thinking of these things at this time.

From their point of view, Chen Ge's always calm face suddenly became dignified, his brows slightly wrinkled, and it seemed that something unexpected had happened.

"Do you want to open it? It's not good to open other people's gifts privately, but Zhang Ya can't be regarded as someone else either. She hasn't awakened yet, and I should help her take a look."

Chen Ge had some contradictions. As soon as his hands touched the gift box, the knot at the top of the box slipped by himself.

"I haven't done it yet ..." Chen Ge looked back at the shadow and slowly opened the lid.

There were no abnormalities in the dormitory, and the sound of the heart beating was heard from the lid. Chen Ge looked around, and there was a blood-red tutu in the gift box.

"Is this a gift?"

There is also a greeting card directly above the skirt. Chen Ge picked up the greeting card and wrote a simple sentence on it.

"Merry Christmas, baby girl, your mother and I miss you so much, we have prepared a new dress for you."

The gift should be given to her by Zhang Ya ’s parents. In this malicious and desperate room, this little box is Zhang Ya ’s most precious thing.

Looking at the skirt in the box, Chen Ge seemed to see Zhang Ya's beating heart, under the indifferent shell, wrapped in a trace of warmth.

"This is Zhang Ya's most precious thing, but I looked at it, why is it a little bit uncomfortable?" Chen Ge put down the greeting card gently, his fingers crossed the ballet skirt, the skirt was covered with blood stains, those blood stains were not Regularly distributed, some are deep, some are shallow, and there are marks on the corners of the gift box that have been crushed by the impact, so it looks crumpled.

"The gift box was specially placed on the clean bed by Zhang Ya. These indentations could not have been made by her. It is estimated that in reality, when Zhang Ya saw the gift box for the first time, the box became what it is now, and it was red with blood , Full of traces of collision and crushing. "Chen Ge did not know what happened to Zhang Ya's parents who brought the gift box, but this gift box can become the deepest secret in Zhang Ya's heart, and it has already explained a lot of things.

In addition to the ballet skirt and the greeting card, there seemed to be other things under the skirt, but Chen Ge didn't go casually.

He re-covered the gift box and looked back at his shadow: "I'm sorry, I have a stupid mouth, and I know what to say, I can't promise you anything, I can only tell you, as long as I'm here, you I wo n’t be alone, I ’ll be with you in the future. "

Carefully held the gift box in his arms. Chen Ge thought of handing it to Zhang Ya, but he found that the bottom of the gift box and the bed sheet were sticking together.

Look carefully, the bottom of the gift box is full of women's long hair. Those hairlines seem to have life, and the gift box is fixed on the bed. Except for Chen Ge, anything close to it will be penetrated by black hair.

"I'm done, I didn't even see it at the beginning, but fortunately she didn't mean anything to me." Chen Ge no longer begged, he put the gift box back in place, ready to wait for Zhang Ya to wake up and let him decide.

Is also strange to say, when he put the gift box back on the bed, a sound suddenly sounded in the closet next to it, as if someone was intentionally attracting his attention.

"Is there something in the cupboard?"

This place is a restricted area among the restricted areas. Chen Ge didn't dare to care. He slowly approached the cabinet door and pulled the door open a little.

With the door panel opened, a puppet fell out of the cabinet.

This puppet is very ugly. It can't be said that it is completely made of cloth. It looks more like a patch of hair stitched on a living body.


The puppet's eyes showed light, he seemed unable to control his body, only one finger could move.

"What do you want to tell me?" Chen Ge vaguely felt that the puppet wanted to express something to himself. Instead of approaching the puppet, he dragged the puppet's legs and came to the door to join Xu Yin Before crouching beside the puppet.

After leaving Zhang Ya's dormitory, the puppet seemed to come alive, his eyes more agile, and he pointed at Chen Ge with his only finger.

"Boss, did you bring it out of the dormitory?" Bai Qiulin and Xu Yinhu were beside Chen Ge. Both looked at the puppets on the ground with curiosity. They were the first to see such a processed one soul.

"It seems to have bullied Zhang Ya." After Chen Ge just said this, the puppet on the ground shook his fingers desperately, as if he had been wronged.

Seeing his unusual performance, Chen Ge was a little curious. He pointed to the ground beside the puppet: "You write directly on the ground with blood, I can see it."

The puppet hesitated, and what he wanted to say seemed not to be known to too many people. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ With the repeated perseverance of the puppet, Chen Ge and Xu Yin blocked the sight of others with their backs: "Now , You can move. "

The finger of the puppet slides quickly, Chen Ge tries to interpret the puppet's words-take me away, I know her secret.

"Talk to me about the conditions?" Chen Ge was smirked. The puppet wanted to use Zhang Ya's secret to make the condition. When he was about to remove one of the puppet's arms to make the other person sober, the puppet's fingers started again. Write on the ground.

"I can smell her breath remaining on you, but I began to observe from the moment you entered. She seemed to be in a deep sleep, otherwise she would have killed me if she knew that I still kept my consciousness!"

"Everyone close to her will die tragically, and you are no exception! I know you are scared! Take me away! I know her well and know how to get rid of her!"

"You may not feel it now. She is using you to wait for her value to be squeezed out, and she will kill you without hesitation! Those puppets are your final destination!"

"Don't be deceived by her appearance, she is the most terrifying ghost, a nightmare that can't escape, a downright lunatic!"

"Trust me! I am the first principal of this school, and the woman killed the real pusher! She is the real enemy of the ghost school will!

'S eyes pulsed slightly, looking very excited. After he finished writing, he looked at Chen Ge with stern eyes. He expected that Chen Ge's surprised expression did not appear, but the atmosphere was a little weird.

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