I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 876: Zhang Ya's secret

"I didn't lie to you! Everything I wrote is true!"

The finger of the puppet is about to write off, but the people around him have no response at all, which makes it both crazy and embarrassing.

Chen Ge certainly knows that the sentences of the puppets are true, but the problem is that he is not used by Zhang Ya.

If it is necessary to analyze, Zhang Ya rescued Chen Ge many times. Without this fierce ghost like a nightmare, Chen Ge was killed by an axe in the first trial mission.

The puppet was lying on the ground, his legs were still being dragged by Chen Ge. His appearance was totally unreminiscent of the most mysterious principal of the ghost school.

"Since she left, no one has ever entered the restricted area again. I know she will come back. Once she finds that I still have the will, then I will definitely die, so you are my only chance!" The puppet could not speak. His fingers were writing wildly, his eyes were fixed on Chen Ge, and his eyes contained extremely complex emotions.

No one spoke in the corridor, Chen Ge didn't know what to say, this was the first time he encountered this situation.

"You will die. Those ghosts imprisoned in the house are your last ending. Don't be deceived by her!"

"What did she do to you?" After a long time, the puppet heard a word from Chen Ge's mouth.

"Can't you see it? I've become like this, do I need to tell you the process in detail?" The puppet was ashamed and crimson.

"She in your mouth is completely different from her in my impression, Zhang Ya ..."

"Don't! Don't say that name! Don't mention it! Don't read it!" Chen Ge only half-talked, and the puppet began to write wildly.

"Well, in my opinion, that girl ..."

"Girl? You are a little sober! You look at the poor people in the door crying and wailing, do you think she can be called by the girl ?!" The puppet seems to have a mental problem, if he becomes a ghost after death It is because of a certain obsession. For him now, Zhang Ya has become his new obsession.

"This is not allowed, that is not allowed, you are really interesting." Chen Ge looked at the red eyes of the puppet, and his tone slowly changed: "You will become what you are now, did you do anything to make her unhappy?" Thing. "

The puppet's crazy waving finger suddenly stopped, and he seemed to be thinking about how to answer Chen Ge's question.

"Only you can tell the truth, I can help you." Chen Ge has a friendly smile on his face: "After all, it takes a lot of risk to save you."

"Okay." The puppet was finally persuaded by Chen Ge. He made noises in his stomach and throat. A series of thin bloodshots circumvented the patch, forming a line of blood on his worn coat: "The reason for this school It appears because a child pushed open a door. The child was a student of my school. Because of a little misunderstanding, he pushed me into the door after opening the door. "

"Only when you are in the deepest part of despair, you have the opportunity to open the door. You are pushed into the door by the doormen. I am afraid it is not simply because of misunderstanding?" Chen Ge saw at a glance that the puppet was lying: "You are , We ca n’t continue talking anymore. "

"I did n’t lie to you! The school where the doormen are studying is called Xicheng Private College. I am the principal of Xicheng Private College. The child was bullied by the school until it was finally buried in the fire for various reasons. I admit that I have problems managing the school, but His death really has nothing to do with me! "

"Are you the principal of Xicheng Private College?" Few people know the name of Xicheng Private College. The puppet can say so clearly, indicating that he really knows something.

"Yes, I was taken in by the doormen. I know that the child is very poor, so no matter what he does to me, I will never remember to hate him, but I will feel very guilty in my heart. He and I, perhaps my companion moved him, and eventually I got his understanding. "

"Don't make yourself so noble." Chen Ge felt that the other party must be lying, but there were a few truths in the lie.

"As the door has existed longer and longer, people and Li Gui started to enter the door through that door. She came in at that time." The puppet finally said where Chen Ge was interested: "I and the door pushed People have never harmed her, she acted harmless at first, and then we learned that this was just her disguise. Soon after she entered, the ghosts and some outsiders in the school began to disappear inexplicably, and the doormen and I I suspect they have been swallowed by something. "

"The school behind this door has changed since then. After investigation, the doormen found out that the murderer was the woman."

Chen Ge did not fully believe in these things that the puppet said. He was not originally a character who would easily believe in others: "The doorman found that Zhang Ya was the murderer, but the doorman was killed by Zhang Ya. Do n’t you think this is contradictory? "

"The woman devoured a lot of ghosts, and even ate red clothes, and the door man was not her opponent ..."

"You are still lying." Chen Ge grabbed the two legs of the puppet and stared at his eyes: "The door man can at least double his strength after the door he opened, as long as he does not walk out of this scene, Zhang Ya was not his opponent at all. "

Chen Ge is also a person who has seen the world, and he is very clear about the power of the red clothing. When he first saw Zhang Ya, Zhang Ya had swallowed the doormen, but even if he wanted to kill the pusher behind the door The gatekeeper is also a very difficult thing.

"It was indeed she who killed the door man, but the time has passed too long, I may not remember well in some places ..."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't remember. Lie comes at a price." Chen Ge grabbed the puppet's leg ~ www.readwn.com ~ pulled it hard, but he couldn't hurt the opponent at all: "Xu Yin, interrupt me One of his legs. "

Standing next to him, Xu Yin stretched out his pale arm and waited for the puppet to write more. He grabbed his body directly and tore off his leg.

Is obviously just a doll, but there is blood flowing out from the wound, and the eyes of the ragdoll become red instantly, almost bulging out of their eyes.

Xu Yin threw the broken leg of the puppet at once, and returned quietly to the original place.

In fact, Chen Ge did not expect Xu Yin to be so decisive. What he said was that breaking a leg is just like breaking a bone, not directly separating the leg from the body.

Of course, these Chen Ge would not tell others. He kept smiling and approached the puppet: "Are you awake? If I don't, I can help you."

The puppet is struggling on the ground, but he has no other place to move except his eyes and fingers, and he can only serve softly: "I tell you the truth! The other devils and outsiders in the ghost school are the doormen themselves, he is hunting. The woman had an accident. The two of them entered a blood-red city. Finally, the doormen died in that city, but the woman came back. "

"That is to say, Zhang Ya was able to kill the doormen because of the blood-red city. Her secret is in that city?" Chen Ge looked at the honest puppets.

"Yes, she found something in that blood-red city. The most important thing is that she knows a road to the center of the blood-colored city."

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